New Covid infections rising: Michigan, 10-19's, variants, etc.

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Jan 18, 2006
Rio Grande Valley
NBC News Video: As the nation adds another 74,000 Covid-19 cases in a single day, infections among 10- to 19-year-olds are climbing.

Hospitalizations of these younger folks are climbing too. In Minnesota infections among 10-19 year olds account for 1 in 6 new cases.

This seems pretty serious and is probably due to the B.1.1.7 variant (aka UK or Kent variant) which seems to cause more virulent disease in younger people as well as be more contagious in general. This variant has now become the most dominant one in the US according to the CDC, and is also probably what is driving the large Michigan outbreak linked to youth sports.

Makes it kind of obvious that it’s not going to be enough to just vaccinate the adults.

Pfizer recently released very positive results from their Phase 3 trials for 12-15 year olds and submitted them for approval. Pfizer is already approved under EUA for ages 16+.
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Covid Surge in Michigan

Michigan has seen a terrible surge in Covid cases. The statistics look completely different than those of other states, my state of AZ included.



They say Michigan unfortunately has more Covid variants in circulation, including the more contagious B.1.1.7.

Yet, the vaccination rate in Michigan is about 20%, the same as in many other states, and a study claims that vaccines are still effective against the variants.

The Duke study came on the heels of another project that found that the Moderna vaccine is also slightly weakened against the United Kingdom variant of COVID-19, known as the B.1.1.7 strain, but still proved to be highly effective in preventing the spread or contraction of the virus.


So, why is it so much worse in Michigan? This is alarming. It may just be a fluke that other states are doing better than Michigan.
Michigan has been on fire on for a while.

IMO the fluke thing about it is perhaps Michigan had the earliest spread of the B117 variant. I imagine there are lots of states doing youth sports which is linked to this outbreak/spread as this variant seems to spread easily among younger folks and cause worse disease.

The B117 variant is now the dominant variant in the US according to the CDC.

This thread could be merged with the thread about rising infections in 10-19 year olds which is probably also due to the B.1.1.7 variant.
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This thread could be merged with the thread about rising infections in 10-19 year olds which is probably also due to the B.1.1.7 variant.

Thanks Audrey - we'll take you up on that and retitle.
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