New Feature: Embedded Videos

Andy R

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Site Team
Jan 31, 2007
Dallas, Tx
Just a quick heads up to let you know I have installed a feature that will convert links to videos into embedded videos in the post.

Here is an example:
YouTube - Bogle: Keep Investing (Morningstar)

This works by posting the URL to the video from YouTube, Google Video, Yahoo Video or PhotoBucket.

So if you want to share a video you found interesting, just post the link and it will be converted.
Very nice feature - thanks.
Cool feature. Now can we agree that any Bill O'Reilly video posts will be in the soapbox forum? ^-^
Can a user disable this 'feature'?

Is there anyway I can disable this, and just have the link appear, like it used to? That way, I could choose to click it or not.

Three problems with this 'feature':

1) It takes up a lot more real estate than a one line link. More scrolling required to view the thread.

2) At least in my browser, a page with a lot of these youtube links seems to really bog down things, my CPU usage sky-rockets until I close that window. I typically have dozens of windows/tabs open, a few of these with a bunch of youtube links brings me to a crawl (on my 4 YO lower-end computer, but still).

3) Generally, I don't see any added value. A frozen frame rarely even conveys what the content is. In fact, the simple link often tells me more.

In your example, the 'old way' with just the link gives me this look (I broke the link for demo purposes):

YouTube - Bogle: Keep Investing (Morningstar)

That tells me what I need to know. Adding a large frame to that with a still of old man Bogle doesn't do much for me, and in many cases the still seems to be some random frame that tells me nothing.

Any user-configurable thingee for this? Or now that the novelty has worn off ( and I admit, it seemed 'cool' to me at first), maybe a poll to see if people really like this? I really prefer the old way myself. Nice try, but after living with it a while I just feel there are far more cons than pros.

Thanks - ERD50
ERD50, there is a way for an individual user to opt out of showing images. Go to your User CP and in the column on the left, select Edit Options. Scroll down and uncheck Show Images in Thread Display Options and click Save Changes.

This will apply to all images, not just the video links. There doesn't appear to be a way to isolate the display option to video only.

EDIT: Oops. Turning off Show Images doesn't turn off video. Guess I'll have to ask the experts...
OK, thanks for looking into it.

I guess I'm amazed at the people who don't have dozens of windows open ;)

A few open to stocks, stock news, google news, probably a few tabs for news that I may read later (since the links may go away from google news on a refresh) , weather, two or three other forums. Usually, in the forums I go through the equiv of the 'portal' page, and open a new tab for every one that might be of interest - then I can read them when I get to them, delete as I go.

So it gets to dozens very quickly. Yep, I'm kinda ADD ;)

woops - gotta go and open a new window - just got an email update from the beer-brewing forum (I have a different sound set up for different categories of emails I receive, gotta use all the senses to stay on top of this busy retired life!) - see ya ;)


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