New York City- Street Hot Dogs


Full time employment: Posting here.
May 2, 2019
If there is a prize for "1st world problem of the year", yes, I would expect this post to be entered into it.

I love crap junk food. McD, BK, all that stuff. Mind you for a few years now I've backed off, and improved my diet. Due to a digestive health. issue - I've almost banned "cured" meats be it bacon, hot dogs, etc.

Anyways we were on a quick trip in NYC and I figured I'll enjoy a street-cart hot dog. The carts that have "Sabrett" brand prominently displayed. Upon ordering my dog I looked at it being cooked and looked really plane-jane. Had less color to it than the hot dogs we were served in elementary school lunch (which I liked!).

I bite into it - hardly any texture - and the flavor was weak. I'm talking weak. The Oscar Mayer dog I can make at home had tons more flavor.

Question: Is it possible some 'enterprising' cart-dudes are buying cheap dogs?

I rarely go to NYC hence I don't know if all cart dogs taste this way.

Yes I feel sheepish posting this. Like I said - 1st world problem on steroids.
They are nicknamed “dirty water dogs” for a reason.
My "once a month" fast food indulgence is Wienerschnitzel chili dogs, add onions for 15 cents and a packet of mustard.

Eat in parking lot, dining room still not open. When will the covid times end?

Got me a coupon, 2 for $5 and fries (which I never get unless free) Hog Heaven - :)
Wow, this brings back memories. I do not think I have had a street dog since I turned 40. They were cheap eats as teen hanging out in the city. Even when I attended megacorp-related meetings in Manhattan, street dogs, as well as pretzels, knishes, and roasted nuts, were not an infrequent lunch staple (a surprising number of co-workers and clients who were in New York for the first time wanted to try them). Back when pro teams let you bring food into the stadium, there would be lots of street vendors around. Not the healthiest of meals.. but certainly a New York Experience :).
I will add one more memory - a funny related book I read in grade school, "The Pushcart War".
Reminds me of driving to college through South Carolina in the mid 60s and stopping for a cheap lunch at a gas station for a hot dog. Being a cash strapped college student it was hard to pass up at 5 for $1. I wouldn't do it again.

In NYC, if you eat the street cart dogs, you have to look for the grill only ones. They are around (at least they were 6 years ago).
My "once a month" fast food indulgence is Wienerschnitzel chili dogs, add onions for 15 cents and a packet of mustard.

Eat in parking lot, dining room still not open. When will the covid times end?

Got me a coupon, 2 for $5 and fries (which I never get unless free) Hog Heaven - :)

Always love a good dog/brat. Early on in our 30 marriage we lived in So Cal. There happened to be a Wienerschnitzel just down the block. I always joked with the kids that I was taking mom there for our anniversary. They said "dad, there is no such place as Wienerschnitzel". It just so happed to be around lunch time. Yup, double chili cheese dogs all around. Kids were pissed and have never called dads bluff again. DD still likes dogs. DS, not so much. I haven't been to a Wienerschnitzel since.
The only thing I'll eat from a pushcart in NYC is roasted chestnuts.

They're available right now -- only at this time of year, and they bring back wonderful childhood memories.
I never had one, because I never have been where there has been a hot dog chart vender.
I'm sure I would like them; I love junk food. Lol

I read a story some years back about a hot dog street vender that was worth a lot of money when he passed away. He had put 3 kids through college and lived a great live with all he needed plus a huge legacy. I always thought that would be an interesting career and stress free. Outdoors all-day meeting great people and your own boss.

The downside would be living in a large metro area for me.

Research says a 6-figure income from a year around stand.
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When I first moved to my town 33 years ago, there was a seasonal hot dog push cart set up downtown on the green. It was called Bikini Weenie and was staffed every summer by a different young woman wearing a bikini.
When I first moved to my town 33 years ago, there was a seasonal hot dog push cart set up downtown on the green. It was called Bikini Weenie and was staffed every summer by a different young woman wearing a bikini.

That probably sold more dogs than dogs themselves.
It's been a long time, but the dogs always used to be good at the carts. However, I find more chicken and beef kebab carts now, and that's fine with me, as I love it. If I wanted to be assured of a GREAT hot dog, I'd go to Papaya King or Nathan's.
If you are ever in the NW ATL (Marietta or Cartersville) area, you gotta check out Brandi's Hotdogs. They are only open M-F 11a-3p but man...they are the best dogs I have ever had. They are the red bastards (and the chili...mmm!!!) so there is a little burn after the fact...but so worth it! ;)

Oh, and yes...they are far superior to "The Varsity"
I have never had a hot dog from a "street cart" but I know I would not be expecting a gourmet hot dog if I ordered it from there.

Is there a chance it was some kind of vegan hot dog? If not, I would expect it is just a cheap hot dog. What else would you expect from a "street cart"?
When looking for a good dog in NYC, the first thing to do is to fly to Chicago.
+1@YouBet. Once again, we are in agreement.

Everybody knows that in NYC the primary consumers of corner cart hot dogs are police detectives. They always have a couple of hot dogs while they are pursuing criminals. It’s a “Law and Order” staple.

If someone wants a good hot dog, however, Chicago has much better options. All the carts, plus Portillos, Jimmy's Red Hots, Superdog ( just to name a few). Of course, served Chicago style. Even better, many also serve polish sausage, also Chicago style - Maxwell St Polish.

In NYC one is much better off either getting a slice of cheese pizza or a pastrami on rye at a Jewish deli. That would be considered “eating with the locals”.
I’ll take Philly cheesesteaks over hot dogs any day.
+1@YouBet. Once again, we are in agreement.

Everybody knows that in NYC the primary consumers of corner cart hot dogs are police detectives. They always have a couple of hot dogs while they are pursuing criminals. It’s a “Law and Order” staple.

If someone wants a good hot dog, however, Chicago has much better options. All the carts, plus Portillos, Jimmy's Red Hots, Superdog ( just to name a few). Of course, served Chicago style. Even better, many also serve polish sausage, also Chicago style - Maxwell St Polish.

In NYC one is much better off either getting a slice of cheese pizza or a pastrami on rye at a Jewish deli. That would be considered “eating with the locals”.

I just looked up "Chicago Style" and that is definitely not for me. I hate mustard and relish. Give me ketchup and pickles, that's it. Or a chilli dog if i'm feeling lucky, haha.
I’ll take Philly cheesesteaks over hot dogs any day.

I'll take a lobster roll over a philly cheese steak sandwich anyday.

But, I think we're talkin' about hotdogs here....... :LOL:
Wurst und brötchen mit senf from a stand on a Munich street corner. Now THAT is a street hot dog!


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Wurst und brötchen mit senf from a stand on a Munich street corner. Now THAT is a street hot dog!

Ah, that is bringing back memories of the street foods in Frankfurt. So yummy after a long "over the pond" mission and having a couple of pils at the local watering hole. I think the DW and I will head down to the local German gaststätte this evening for some excellent food.
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