News/politics fast

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ER Eddie

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 16, 2013
Time for another news/politics fast!

I do them periodically, to cleanse my brain.

After a while of watching news and politics on a daily basis, I notice that I become more irritated, distracted, pessimistic, and cynical. Doesn't take much -- sometimes just a couple weeks.

I'm more sensitive than most, but after just a small dose (half an hour a day for two weeks, let's say), I'm waking up with thoughts of it on my mind. It's like a little gnat that won't stop buzzing around my head. Some little bit of news/politics gets lodged in my head like a little irritant.

I wonder, "Why am I thinking about this stupid crap?" The topic hardly ever affects me directly. Even when it does, it's hardly ever something I can do anything about. It just leaves me with this diffuse sense of annoyance and mental clutter.

I swear, someone invented a secret ingredient and put it in the news, so that it sticks to your brain. Maybe it's the drama and conflict, I don't know.

Anyhow, time for a month off.

p.s. Just realized I mentioned politics, and that's off limits on this forum. I don't mean to start a political discussion at all. I'm talking about the effect of news, which of course is preoccupied with and embedded in politics. Feel free to kill the thread if you like, though.
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p.s. Just realized I mentioned politics, and that's off limits on this forum. I don't mean to start a political discussion at all. I'm talking about the effect of news, which of course is preoccupied with and embedded in politics. Feel free to kill the thread if you like, though.
If anything, this is not politics. We should all take an extended leave / time off politics, it would be marvelous for our collective mental health. :)
We need live baseball with fans more than ever.
We need live baseball with fans more than ever.

South Korea has an interesting take on opening day: Real baseball, fake fans:


Images of team supporters were printed on banners displayed in the otherwise empty stadium in Incheon, South Korea
Yes, it's time for a break. Most of what I see is slanted towards particular viewpoints that probably aren't aligned with my beliefs.

I think my BP is improved by not paying attention to the latest news. My unmedicated BP was just 114/74 I think I like this. I've only been off my medication for about a month now and do take it once or twice daily.

Benefit of not watching too much news. Improved BP.
I hid the Covid threads and now this site is much better. No TV for me except a movie in the evening.
Oops! I though you were trying to get news and politics faster or tell us how to get it faster!
I really try to only read or watch the news once a day, and sometimes just have to walk away after about 10 minutes.
I would love to hear the news without the politics.
I do read stories on GoodNewsNetwork daily to take a break.
....more irritated, distracted, pessimistic, and cynical.

If I reach that point people say "Boy, he's in a great mood today, did he win the lottery?"
After a while of watching news and politics on a daily basis, I notice that I become more irritated, distracted, pessimistic, and cynical. Doesn't take much -- sometimes just a couple weeks.
We need live baseball with fans more than ever.
I have to tune out periodically, but there IS news we need to know, especially now, so I couldn't go a week much less a month. The trouble is there's so much other other garbage you have to wade through for the worthwhile items. I am down to one TV news source, and they haven't been at their best covering SARS-CoV-2 IMO. I also spend too much time here because...

...and the lack of most other distractions, like baseball, is definitely exacerbating our collective anxiety. Fortunately our state is allowing retailers open starting Saturday. Hopefully some other diversions will open up as well.

Now if I could just get a haircut before I resort to shaving my head...
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I never ever watch TV news.
I barely watch any TV in real time (except things like the season ender of WestWorld the other night).

We might put on the local news when a hurricane is nearing, but really, the noaa site updates give us exactly what we need to know.

But I do like to know what's going on. I get 50% of my news from twitter. I have few journalists in my feed that I've picked across the spectrum (within reason). I weed out those who make a habit of showing their bias either way. The other 50% is from a couple of morning newsletters of a similar selection, that I can quickly scan and dive into if and when I feel like it.
On occasion, I will give it a try to see what is on the news. My rules- I will watch until they start throwing political jabs. I can generally cover ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and CNN in about 5 minutes. It has probably been 6 weeks since I have tried that, maybe more.
I'm hoping someday soon we'll have a candidate who will run for office on a "less politics, more cat videos" platform.

You can join my supporters if you like. I am running for office on the slogan "You can do worse. And you have."

I will buy a beer for all my supporters as soon as this virus thing clears up. It will be at this fine establishment. I'll let you all figure out how to split the beer.


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I got out Monday to play golf and playing again tomorrow after a six week hiatus. I need this outlet escape for my mental health. The golf courses are all set up for social distancing, no cash transfer, one per cart, mask friendly etc. Probably about the safest outside sport one can play during this virus event. I quit paying much attention to the news and am taking personal responsibility for my own safety.
I really try to only read or watch the news once a day, and sometimes just have to walk away after about 10 minutes.
I would love to hear the news without the politics.

A few days ago I stopped watching the news. After only three days, my aching back was nearly pain free, and I forgot that I was supposed to hate all those people who think differently from me.

P.S. I am not kidding about the backache.
Containing the Covid threads in one forum was a fantastic idea. One twitch of the nose (a la Bewitched) and poof! the place is improved.

Yes, yes it has. Between that and limiting my news exposure (and sitting on the sidelines of the stock market), my mental health has improved drastically. My daily quarantine activity (pictured here) adds to the positivity. :D


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I saw a survey/study a few months ago that showed that people who talk about politics on a daily basis are considerably angrier than people who talk about it on a weekly basis, who in turn are angrier than people who talk about it on a monthly basis.

Not surprising, but interesting to see confirmed. Most of the people I know who follow news/politics closely seem disgruntled.
I saw a survey/study a few months ago that showed that people who talk about politics on a daily basis are considerably angrier than people who talk about it on a weekly basis, who in turn are angrier than people who talk about it on a monthly basis.

Not surprising, but interesting to see confirmed. Most of the people I know who follow news/politics closely seem disgruntled.

Wouldn’t surprise me. I also know some often complaining people who seem to mainline broadcast news.
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