Office politics and what I wont miss


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
May 3, 2014
The email said Betty, the managing directors business manager, who apparently has unlimited travel budget, very into the latest buzzwords and no experience in the work we do was taking over ‘strategy’. The MD is a guy that I’ll call extremely political; fortunately I am a simple doer and several layers below him. Still the person who had strategy, before this move, is truly a gem and now I assume on the way out. So I was both shocked and disenchanted. A colleague said in code “we are being asked to go deep into the wilderness camping with a person who’s unliked and camping experience is limited to selling clothes in urban outfitters.” I should disclose that Betty is clearly bright has always been nice to me. Yet I look around our group and I think there is more deserving talent out there...

I have found it is best in these situations to ‘make like a weather Vain’ so I emailed my congrats. She immediately asked me if i would demonstrate some technology I had developed. I thought to myself Sweet Moses....
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Something like this happened at my spouse's work. But it turned out later that the "more deserving talent out there" had privately submitted notices that they were moving to other firms.

I loved office politics. I don't miss it because I take former colleagues to lunch all the time so I am still in the loop The best thing is I hear about the situations from at least two different sides every time which is quite amusing. Most recently, I heard from someone who was let go and the next week I heard from the person who let them go.

But That's Business:
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