Passed the 1M mark


I know the feeling you are describing... Such a significant milestone, but not a topic you feel comfortable sharing with others. Still, you should be very proud of yourself.
That's awesome. I like the details you added about your first post being 5 years ago and how it shows consistent effort bearing fruit.

Hope to join you in a year or two.'s wonderful hearing good news!
Its a great milestone! Fortunately you usually get to repeat it a few times as the market gyrates...

LOL that happened to me several times in the last few years. At least now I am safely over $1.1M so unless there is some huge drop in the market I will not have to "celebrate" this milestone again.

Congrats, tmm99.
Congrats and hoping there are many more to come for you:dance:
I consider myself very fortunate to get to this point. It did take some LBYM to get here, but I feel blessed that my genes gave me good enough intelligence, my family education, and my life numerous opportunities to lead me to a lucrative career. (I had no specific goals or ambition to speak of until about 15 years ago.)

Congratulations on your milestone ! Its a BIG one and you did all the right things to get there. Please be proud of yourself :clap:
A million here, a million there ...
Pretty soon, you'll be talking about real money!

Nice job, and I like your attitude about it -- very realistic.
Congratulation. Although I am leery of my own history of a 40% drop in my portfolio in 2008 along with the house price, those still have not gotten back to the 2007 levels. Landmarks can be temporary and existed only on paper or in one's mind for a fleeting moment.
LOL that happened to me several times.............

Yea, me, too. First time wife #1 decided she'd rather have half a million and not have to put up with me. :LOL:

Second time was 2007. Third time was 2011.

But anyway, congratulations! :dance:
Yes, Making it to the one mil mark is a defining moment. Not many people make it. The folks on these forums are some of the exceptions. Remember when a couple of thousand upward was a nice surprise in a month or quarter?'s several thousands! Just remember to keep it low key and not say anything to the co-workers, etc. It's our secret!
Congratulations! I remember the day we crossed $1M very well. It is a big milestone - and you should feel great about it!!
I sang that song for days after I hit my $1M milestone. The song always makes me smile.
Congrats -- What really feels good next is if you can get a cushion of say of few hundred K above 1M. Then it starts to feel like it would take a significant market correction to take you below again.

Similar to watching a sports event and your team is up with enough cushion to likely win the game.

WOW. Thank you so very much for all your comments! :flowers:
I didn't think I would get so many replies. I am so grateful that everyone is so very supportive here. I guess we have a common goal and it's refreshing to be in this kind of environment. (I cannot imagine sharing this kind of information with people I know :cool:, so I am glad that I am here with like minded LBYM fire dreamers!!)

I hope this will compound fast... ( "We can never know about the days to come, but we think about them anyway....." - One can always hope! ) I am adding, including the company matching, etc, about 55K a year into the market, so that is a plus. I am not ready to retire any time soon, but I feel more financially secure than before, for sure. Even if I got laid off soon, I would have some extra cushios. I am starting to think that maybe I won't retire entirely when I leave this field.. I wonder if anybody would hire a senior waitress? (get some socialization while getting some workout...) Possibilities are endless....;)
Just a passing thought...If you don't have a personal liability umbrella policy added onto your homeowners, etc., I would think about adding one. The rates are pretty low for 1 or 2 mil. It's good protection for you and your net worth.

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