Pay to be younger!

I'm 57. I doubt I have 20 years left regardless of what I do. And no disrespect to the 85+ year olds here who are still actively enjoying life. If I am still alive at 85 I doubt I will be able to do the things I enjoy. I'm not in bad health nor am I being pessimistic, just realistic.

I've adopted a like Raphael not Michelangelo. For those unfamiliar, Michelangelo(M) and Raphael(R) were contemporaries and to some extent competitors.

M worked so hard that he died with no friends and boxes of money under his matress at age 88. He never had any fun and did not even enjoy good food and drink. I don't think there is any evidence to suggest he ate a diet to deprive himself.

R enjoyed life and died at the age of 37, supposedly from too much sex with his mistress. His funeral was a grand affair because he had so many friends.

I spent almost 30 years eating a pretty healthy diet because my ex-wife insisted on it. That's not a criticism. She didn't really try to tell me what I could eat but she was very low fat, no red meat, etc. so most of our hope meals were pretty healthy. And we worked out a lot. So I figure those 30 years bought me some time.

I'm not saying I am lifestyle-suicidal at this point. I just mean that If my genes are programmed for me to live to around 75, which seems to be the case, I think I will achieve that and living without fun and bacon until then is not necessary!
Just a sad fluff story. There is a long history of people ruining their lives because they fear their mortality.

As for the question itself in an actually reasonable hypothetical scenario, I would pay a moderate amount to live longer, as long as it was a significant period. But if it only made you look younger, or it came with ridiculous trade offs, I would need to be paid to do it, if I'd do it at all.
I'm not spending $2M but we have been doing a lot of functional medicine tests, changing our diets, exercising, yoga, supplements, acupressure, working on the microbiomes and so far so good. I even bought the blue light blocking glasses and tried them out tonight. Some of my family members are also doing the tests with positive results. I had really a lot off in my nutrition and gut tests initially but as I have been correcting everything I've been feeling much better - gut health improved, allergies diminishing, tinnitus clearing up, a lot more energy, and less aches and pains. Some people thrive on vegan diets and other don't. DH and I each need to eat fairly differently to improve our health. I think these kinds of tests and personalized diets are the next big thing.
I have friends, a couple, both 83. They are sought after musicians locally. He is a bassoonist and she a flutist. They are retired professors.

My father’s aunt was widowed fairly young. She traveled extensively until she was 90.

You never know.
Nope, I look younger than him. He’s 45 and Im 59. My cousin asked me if I dyed my hair, and I said nope it’s my natural hair. ? And I can still run 4 miles with the same time speed as I was 18.
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It sounded to me like he has formed a partnership to study what’s effective for life extension. Watch this space for his new venture that will offer all the benefits for a fraction of the effort and a modest cost with easy monthly payments.
One word: Photoshop

An easier way to look younger :cool:.
The guy can still get hit by a bus/accident/lightning/tree/meteor/etc, just like anyone is susceptible. He can remove some of the physical attributes of aging. He can't prevent random things that can kill you.
The guy can still get hit by a bus/accident/lightning/tree/meteor/etc, just like anyone is susceptible. He can remove some of the physical attributes of aging. He can't prevent random things that can kill you.

Heck, or he could have gotten a deadly version of COVID from all of the exposure to doctors during those colonoscopies.

Imagine doing all that for most of your life then dying to a variant of a cold virus.
He may be younger, but it seems he doesn't have much enjoyment of life. Strict diet and sleep regimen without flexibility, strict workout routine, Sorry, but he is a pretty sad person IMHO.

"People who exercise live longer, but those years are spent in the gym."
45-year-old Bryan Johnson has achieved what others have only been dreaming of accomplishing so far. A reversal of age by as many as five years, Bloomberg reported. He has a heart of a 37-year-old and the lung capacity and fitness of an 18-year-old.

Regarding the above quote from the article, I would think that anyone who eats and exercises correctly can have a heart as healthy and be as fit as someone who is several years younger.
I suspect the hour of exercise daily & his very strict diet (too extreme for me, though) are responsible for 99% of any actual benefits.

With his $$$ I'd hire a chef & follow the "Mediterranean diet" instead.
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There is a book called Lifespan which suggests you can do something similar with much less discomfort or cost. I did not read it yet but an interview with Sinclair summed it up as suffer, like being too cold or too hot or fasting, and intake less protein.
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