People my age that I don't know look really old


Full time employment: Posting here.
Nov 17, 2020
I read somewhere recently that if you knew someone when they were younger, your mind still sees some of the youthfulness in them. That definitely explains my perception when I meet someone new vs someone I've known for a long time.
Makes sense. And then there is the situation where I met someone that shared my birthday, including year. First time I had knowingly met anyone exactly my age. I was really surprised at how old they appeared - and that was over 30 years ago!
That explains why it's such a shocker when I meet someone that I haven't seen in a decade or more... Or even worse when I see that aging guy in the mirror everyday.:(

A few months ago we went to a mini family get together... I recognized the immediate family relatives since we see them at least once or twice a year. But one of their kids attended that I haven't seen in well over a decade when she was ~30... If they wouldn't have told me who she was, I would not have recognized her. Not even close!
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That explains why it's such a shocker when I meet someone that I haven't seen in a decade or more... Or even worse when I see that aging guy in the mirror everyday.:(

A few months ago we went to a mini family get together... I recognized the immediate family relatives since we see them at least once or twice a year. But one of their kids attended that I haven't seen in well over a decade when she was ~30... If they wouldn't have told me who she was, I would not have recognized her. Not even close!

That old guy in the bathroom mirror is a shocker so early in the morning when I am first trying to wake up.

But for me, while I look old, other than some stiffness when I get out of bed (no, not that kinda stiffness), I really don't feel old. I just turned 64, and can remember when my grandfather turned 65 and retired. He was old.....
I recently saw a photo from a few years ago of all the female sibs/cousins.
My first thought was how much we all looked like Grandma, and she was an "old lady"!
We are all Grandmas now, too :)
time flies
I believe DH sees me through rose colored glasses - and he remains the most handsome man in my world. :rolleyes:

I will say, I am near sighted. I call it soft focus. :LOL: It is very forgiving and I don't look in the mirror wearing glasses - and - I am NOT brave enough to use a 10x makeup mirror that so many ladies enjoy.
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I'm close to 79 :)eek:) and I am as old as I want to look. :)

And as my vision starts to go (hasn't yet), I believe I will look the same going forward, at least to me. When I ask DW if I am STARTING to look OLDER, she just smiles.

When I ask the dog, he just thinks I am offering him a treat and wags his tail.

Now what was this thread about?
I worked long and hard to get this gray and wrinkled.
I have people tell me I look like my dad. Normally, I would take that as a compliment, but he was 97.
Amazing how time slips by..

I saw a recent photo of a person I knew from long ago, my mental picture of them was SHOCKED out of my mind by how old/fat/wrinkly/sagging/bulging this person looked.
While I realize DW has changed, I still see the 22 year old I met years ago when we first met. Honest.
My first thought was how much we all looked like Grandma, and she was an "old lady"!
We are all Grandmas now, too :)
time flies

I remember when my grandparents were the age I am now, 65. They did look old. They didn't dye their hair and their clothes made them look frumpy.
What gets my attention is the list of the deceased students of my Class of 1968.

There's entirely too many of my close friends that didn't make it until about 70 years. And we're not talking about hard living people here.
What gets my attention is the list of the deceased students of my Class of 1968.

There's entirely too many of my close friends that didn't make it until about 70 years. And we're not talking about hard living people here.


Sobering to look at my 1965 HS yearbook and note how many of my classmates are gone - and most of the deceased are guys.
In 1987 we went to a High School reunion for multiple classes. We did not stay long, and on the way home I said "I don't know anyone that looks that old"

ReWahoo, we have a pilot reunion about every two years. Sixty guys in the class. We are down to about 30 and we get about 15 couples to show up to the reunions. Of note, there is a lot less alcohol consumed.
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We had an August 2022 scheduled military group reunion (Missile guys from Germany - early 1960's) that served as tenant on three bases for most of a decade. Most members are mid 70's on up.

The reunion was cancelled this year due to not enough interest. Never happened before and the last reunion get together was in 2019 (none during the pandemic). On the membership site, the list of guys and gals that have "passed on" is twice as long as the list of current living members. :blush:
ReWahoo, we have a pilot reunion about every two years. Sixty guys in the class. We are down to about 30 and we get about 15 couples to show up to the reunions. Of note, there is a lot less alcohol consumed.

Sadly, I've lost contact with everyone in my UPT class. Stayed in contact with a couple of guys for a few years but there were never any reunions at least not to my knowledge.
I remember when my grandparents were the age I am now, 65. They did look old. They didn't dye their hair and their clothes made them look frumpy.

+1. I remember my grandparents hands - how old they looked when they were in their late 60’s. Now my hands look the same at about the same age.
What's really sobering is when I look at a selfie, or my face in a Zoom screen. I look least 10 years older, than how I look in the mirror to myself.

I'm never sure which Amethyst other people see - the selfie one or the mirror one. Guess I just hope they see somebody worth knowing.

I'm close to 79 :)eek:) and I am as old as I want to look. :)

And as my vision starts to go (hasn't yet), I believe I will look the same going forward, at least to me. When I ask DW if I am STARTING to look OLDER, she just smiles.

When I ask the dog, he just thinks I am offering him a treat and wags his tail.

Now what was this thread about?
I like to say that I have the body of a 30 year old. But then the 30 yr old says to give it back, I'm getting it all wrinkled.

I may have told this story before. You know what they say about age and memory. I can't remember it, so please remind me. Anyway, when I was 48, I really was in great shape and ran all of my fastest times in races since high school. I ran one half marathon, and was impressed by this silver haired older fellow who took me a long time to catch and pass him. After the race they had some small awards ceremony for age group 1-2-3 placers, and this guy took 2nd in the age group (40-44) younger than me! To add to the insult, I took 3rd in the 45-49 group even though I beat him.
When seeing myself in the morning mirror I look 40ish. When I see myself in a photo I look like I'm in my late 70's.:( In a couple of weeks I will be 68.

Sobering to look at my 1965 HS yearbook and note how many of my classmates are gone - and most of the deceased are guys.

Class of '65 and at our 50th, I noticed the same thing. IIRC we were pushing 17% and most were guys.

But closer to OP, I was surprised how young some folks looked and how old others looked. But, especially those that looked older "magically" looked younger when I realized "who that old guy" at the next table really was. It was amazing. It was if their faces morphed before my very eyes. YMMV
I have people tell me I look like my dad. Normally, I would take that as a compliment, but he was 97.

My 84 year old mother thinks I look like her father. Sadly, he died before my current age. At least I beat the house :)

Worse, many people have told me the 18 year old looks like me. Sorry, kid, it's in the genes;)

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