
This is the best I can do...It's late and I'm sleepy...


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In the vernacular of El Magico Valle - Hijole Chi***do!

Mexican lake pirates - what's next?

That little stretch of the world down there is loaded with all kinds of crooks and smugglers - more than a few of them wear badges on their day jobs. Did a little bit of work right along the dam in Falcon Heights - it was like a whole 'nother world.
Why do I have a feeling that REW is quietly rejoicing at the prospect of adding another item to his list of Texan hazards such as fire ants, scorpions, and rattlesnakes?
First there were pirates in the Caribbean, then Somali pirates, now we have Mexican lake pirates:

Pirates plying the waves of Falcon Lake

I wonder if they wear sombreros and eye patches...
Wow - that's scary. We've spent a lot of time at Falcon State Park on the lake, but I never did go out on the lake in a boat. It's an extremely popular bass fishing lake.

Did have a fellow butterfly enthusiast go down along the river south of the lake a couple of years ago who suddenly confronted by US forces in camo telling him - "get out of here dude pronto!" Apparently they were waiting to ambush some drug traffickers.

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