Planning: Back on track


Full time employment: Posting here.
Feb 8, 2012
Back on track may be the wrong phrase. Much more aware of the suck that life has (had) on retirement progress. A few years ago I assumed I was on a good track to save for retirement, but the spending was getting out of hand... so it's a bit like shooting yourself in the foot (Example: if you save 2 million but need to live on 200K a year). Really got to the bottom of why that was... see I've been saving 20% toward retirement consistently since I started working 12 years ago. I assumed that just continuing a 20% savings rate means I could spend everything else... and so I did. My income has almost tripled since then and I had a epiphany of sorts last year (as I saw my dream to FIRE by 50 keep slipping a year at a time as my income went up)... it's the spending that is a real threat!

2014 Numbers:
Income: $161,000
- Retirement Savings: $32,500/yr
- Cash Savings: $0/yr
- Mortgage: $50,600/yr
- Car(s): $18,000/yr (5 year loans being paid down)
- Living Expenses: $30,000/yr
(Taxes seem to soak up the rest)

(sold house... planning to get back into the housing market, but waiting to find the right kind of place, not a McMansion)

2016 Numbers:
Income: $212,000
- Retirement Savings: $52,000/yr (maxed on company contribution and my own)
- Cash Savings: $50,000/yr
- Rent: $24,000/yr
- Car: $7,200/yr (only one loan now; keeping car till it dies)
- Living Expenses: $30,000/yr
- Travel: $18,000/yr
(Taxes seems so soak up the rest...)

Heading in a better direction...
My income has gone up quite a bit, by my overall spending has gone down. While adding in more travel money (something I love; makes me feel much richer in life) I was still able to reduce spending for the year by 20%... upped my savings by a factor of three. To be honest I do spend some of the "cash savings" but not on anything I would consider yearly or monthly expenses. I'm banking closer to 40% of my income now (not just 20%).

My FIRE date which had been getting pushed back further and further toward upper 50's (raised income seemed to be a negative in that regard) is now in my late 40's. Need to maintain this new philosophy (of sorts) through my 30's and I think I'll be set :)
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I had a epiphany of sorts last year (as I saw my dream to FIRE by 50 keep slipping a year at a time as my income went up)... it's the spending that is a real threat!

You're doing better than me... I had that epiphany in my 40's.... And with less income, concentrating on spending was the ONLY way I reached FIRE.

You've gone through a lot in the past few years - and come out of it with a good attitude and good plan. Keep it up.
Invest some of your cash savings. There is significant inflation risk in keeping too much in cash. An index based portfolio should average about 7-8% return on investment.

You seem to spend a lot on travel. Can you spend less and still enjoy the experience?

I just spent two weeks in Italy--total cost was <$4000.

If you save 40% you should be saving about $80,000 per year. That is phenomenal. Especially if you keep your living expenses at $48,000 (living + travel). Are you investing your savings in an after tax portfolio? Don't keep it all in cash, inflation will eat up the value of cash.

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