probably delaying retirement plan

So I am a couple years older than that guy, also living very frugally with no debts. Other than that I am getting a 6 figure salary and full benefit and he is getting only $2K a month from YouTube. What is any advantage he has over me? He probably works more hours a week than me. I could quit anytime and do nothing but he has to work for YouTube every week.

I don't know if he has any advantage. He seems happy with what he does now, compared to what he had to do before retirement to make a living.

If you are happy with what you do now, then there's no reason to stop work.

I think a person should look at the options available to himself, and not what his neighbor has. One optimizes his life by tweaking the variables that are accessible to himself.
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Perspective to the OP. Assuming you are in the US. You currently make more than 90% of everyone else. Your net worth puts you in the top 1%. That doesn't even factor in your SS and Pension.

If you are "ready" to retire you will know. Its a realization that time > money, and you are ready for that part of your life to start and you know what you are retiring to.

If you are "able" to retire, then its a math equation that shows a success rate that you can live with. But keep in mind that working OMY will always improve your position. That will be true every year until you die.
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