Problem Displaying pdf Files in Chrome on Mac


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 30, 2006
Used to work fine. Now the display is gray and if you move the cursor around the screen portions of the pdf sometimes display momentarily or longer but not long enough to read. This is with Chrome on a Mac. The pdfs can be viewed if Safari is used. Clearing the cache and rebooting didn't help. Chrome seems to be much faster in accessing websites. Any ideas?
removing hardware acceleration worked great!!!!!........once I realized that you had to restart Chrome first. THANK YOU!!!:greetings10:
interesting tidbit.....last night in response to some very sloooow response Yahoo mail, I was inspired by the name "hardware acceleration" that I had turned off previously in response to not being able to view .pdf files. I even remembered to close Chrome this time before retrying again with the hardware acceleration box checked.

Result: no change in the sloooow speed and still able to view .pdf files which surprised me since I previously had a black/white situation of being able to view
pdf files only after I turned hardware acceleration off. I have to conclude that all this happens despite what I do, not because of what I do

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