PSA Thanks Weather Channel!

Just thought I'd pass this along:
A few years ago the Weather Channel started naming storms.

Seems that every rainy day and minor snowstorm is given a name which, IMO was simply a marketing ploy. It put every storm on par with Hurricane Ike, Irma and such. "Tune in and see the latest on rainstorm Charlie!!! Your area is going to get a half inch of rain!!" Be afraid! Keep watching!

Now, my local marina has just advised that "We not responsible for damage caused by any named storms". If you're boat was damaged by "Winter Storm Riley", they are off the hook despite any negligence on their part.
Years ago, during our famous 'No Name Storm' they covered any damage due to negligence.

I wonder what other services will be able to claim not liable after an inch of snow from a 'named' storm. To me, there's a difference between these newly named storms and a major event like a hurricane etc.

Folks might want to check their insurance policies. FYI
The insurance side of thinks hit my radar recently. My marina, has been hyper vigilant about insurance coverage. This past storm they sent out a news letter after the northeaster, to contact your insurance carrier quickly if you sustained any damage, or something to that fact.

It confirms what I suspected they have been super vigilant about insurance so they could under insure themselves and push their liability "faulty winter storage" etc onto the boat owner.
I only have only had small boats (18-20 feet), and whenever I've stored them for winter I had to sign a liability waiver, basically saying that the storage facility was not liable for any damage. Always made sense to me, as it seemed more manageable for each to insure their own boat, rather than one entity to try to ensure them all.
Coincidentally, I just talked with the guy who stores my 17'Hobie, and the recent storm dropped a tree that missed it by the slightest of margins.

As far as having the storm "named" as an out for liability, I can just hear the owner of the facility explaining that his wife named the storm that did all of this damage "Jimmy-Bob", so "sorry, out of luck, pal".

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