questions about starting salary at megacorp

Thanks to everyone for the input. I will be updating as the situation dictates. Megacorp offers me a great opportunity with good management, and work I [-]enjoy.[/-] dont hate. Long term, I know its the right choice, regardless of starting salary. I just have to keep reminding myself of that. :)
Today I talked with the hiring manager some about the job description and further expectations. Very good vibes, but no formal offer as of yet. Ive been thinking all day...I hope they dont offer me lower than the minimum X because I still dont want to have to make that decision. Then I read this...

Thats exactly the type of info I am looking for! Thanks Brat! If its true with this megacorp, then an offer below the minimum will be a non-issue.

Then again, why the HELL would the hiring manager say to me that the minimum X would be a hard sell to HR? :mad:

Maybe they want me to be surprised and grateful to be started out making X? That would make sense if their goal is to discourage me from further negotiations, and just accept it thinking..."oh, phew, not less than minimum. thank God". Just thinking out loud here.


Remember the rest of the paragraph... HR may have decided that the comp market is now lower than at the time of their last survey so they have told managers that the range is now x% lower. They may be pushing hiring managers to low-ball.
I wanted to follow up on this. A month later. :blush: Today I was offerred the higher paying of the 2 jobs. Salary X. The minimum salary for that job. Sorry for the false alarms. Office politics and rumors had me concerned over nothing. :angel:

Tomorrow I will be accepting. Hiring manager, who I know on a personal level, was kindof disappointed (hopefully not offended) that I didnt accept the verbal offer right away.

Anyway Im happy, and things worked out well. Thanks everyone who responded. :greetings10:

Oh yeah, and get used to the office politics and rumor mill. It doesn't go away, you just learn to recognize it better (if you are smart).

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