Remember 2012


Moderator Emeritus
May 16, 2007
As 2012 draws to a close, tell us what you will remember most about it - your accomplishments, memorable trips, family events, etc...

*I downsized from a 2,500 sqft house to a 1,100 sqft apartment and moved from the south to the west coast. This was a stressful but exciting move.
*I drove across the US. One of my dreams. Too bad I had to do it under time constraint.
*Financially, this was an excellent year for us. Record income (but also record spending due to the move), record net worth, good market returns, and one generous gift from my parents.
*Health-wise, it's a mixed bag. I started walking a lot more this year- averaging about 40 miles a week. But I had some health issues during the second half and I felt pretty horrible for about 2 months.
*I toured Napa Valley on a bicycle with some close friends. Probably my favorite weekend outing of the year.
*I survived the end of the world on 12/21/2012.:D
It has been a good 2012 for us. Family, extended family and close friends - we've all made it through one more year - no additions, no losses. DW and I spent more time together and went out more often than any time since my ER. I got to cross one more item off my "must do" list - a Carlos Santana performance. The portfolio paid for expenses, inflation, taxes, and then some. Health could have been better, but all things considered, we are fortunate, and already looking forward to next year and new adventures.
- Sold our 2,700 square foot house in a subdivision and moved into our 1,350 former rental house on 2 acres. This took up most of our time for the first 9 months of 2012 since we did a lot of work on both places.

- Completed work on a two story, detached garage (man cave) and purchased a Kubota tractor (man toy).

- Completed the application and obtained approval for the charity group I volunteer with to participate in the Combined Federal Campaign. This is a big deal for raising funds, particularly in the DC area.

- Re-connected with my best friend from my 20s on Facebook. We had lost touch with each other and have enjoyed catching up.

- Saw Jimmy Buffet perform live. This was an all day event including tailgating before the show then heading back to our friend’s place to party and swim in their pool.

- Had friends from out of town come visit three times. Had lots of fun seeing sights in the area and hanging out and partying together.

- Went out to a fancy hotel buffet for Thanksgiving with the family.

- Hosted Christmas dinner for the family in our home.
- Realized new-found freedom and the ability for DW and I to take extended RV trips for the first time since retiring seven years ago. This allowed us to spend more than two months traveling.
- Made it 'over the hump': SS and Medicare kicked in for both DW and I, taking substantial pressure off nest egg.
- Continued to be blessed with good health for myself and my family.
- On the negative side, for the 65th consecutive year was not named Time Magazine's Person of the Year. Sigh...
- My daughter move from Tampa, to 45 minutes away. The entire family is within a gumbo get together.

- I rode my bicycle across North Carolina (500 miles).
This year I've learned 'giving in' and 'letting go' are more difficult than I thought they might be. But I'm close...
This year we completed a 4 month long driving vacation taking in 10 States and 10 national monuments, plus a couple of days in Victoria on Vancouver Island.

We hiked over 250 miles and experienced some spectacular scenery.

Our health has been good and our finances have held up very well for our 3rd year in retirement.

The only downers have been the news of our daughter's separation after 11 years of marriage and the death of another aunt.
- Hurricane Isaac, which resulted in a four day evacuation and then wet carpet that had to be replaced

- bone graft for dental implant, but otherwise good health

- recorded every single cent I spent all year

- another year fulfilling a longtime wish for roots and home

- 366 days that were better than any day before I retired :)
2012 was memorable for being the first time in nearly eight years that I wasn't writing a book or trying to publish it!

For the first time in a decade, we're no longer parents of a teenager. Chronologically "teen" is only seven years [-]of hell[/-] but behaviorally & hormonally it lasts for a decade. It's probably tough for the teen, too.

For the first time in well over a decade, my earned income (book royalties, blog revenue) exceeded that of my spouse. Luckily the only reason I "won" this year is because she earned zero.

On a serious note, I've worried less about my father in the last three months than I have in the last three years. Today is as good as it's going to get, but it's a lot better than it's been.
We had a busy year . Two new grandchildren who are thriving . We got to cross a New England , Canada cruise off my bucket list . Spent time with my elderly Mom after she had a nasty fall . Remodeled the pool & the pool landscape . Spent time with my daughter & grandchildren .Health wise only a few nasty flu that took awhile to recover from . Spent more time with friends at the spur of the moment . All in all a decent year !
Many Blessings this year. Our first two grandchildren were born, no more mortgages on any of our three properties, good health and I am now semi retired. Best wishes to all for a healthy and happy new year!
As a 58-year-old Baby Boomer, the deaths this year of three celebrities hit my heart. (Thankfully, no family members passed away this year.)

Andy Griffith: for some personal reason I just loved his TV series since it originally aired, when I was but a wee lad, and to this day. It is my favorite sitcom of the 1960s. (BTW: I am the same age as Opie, so I often measure the 50-plus years since those old days.)

Andy Williams: ever since 1962's Moon River and 1963's Can't Get Used to Losing You, when I was living in the San Pedro area with my beloved grandparents, and his many hits beyond (like Music to Watch Girls By, among others); and his TV series (particularly his Christmas shows), I love his voice. (Even bought a box-set of his CDs many years ago.)

Dick Clark: need I say more?
2012 had its highs and lows. I lost my mother this fall. Her illness and passing cast a shadow over the year. On a positive note DH and I took a wonderful trip to France.

Retirement has been great for both the good times and bad. I am grateful that I had the time to spend with my mother during her illness this year.
All in all a good year:
- Added a fish/lily pond to the backyard, which DH and I enjoy sitting beside nearly every day.
- Finally got proper and functional furniture for the living room after 2 years
- Helped DD move into her first apartment (vs. sharing a house with others - she never "boomeranged")
- Helped DS find his first apartment (to move into after graduation next spring - he already has a job lined up!)
- Realized my retirement dream of having a motorhome. After realizing that DH could no longer get into an RV and even once there would need his scooter, I had pretty much given up on the idea. Then I found that a few companies do make accessible units that are small enough for me to be comfortable driving. At the end of November, we took delivery and although we've only been out for a couple of one-night short trips, we love it!

On the not-so-great front, my mother and DH's father (both in their 80s) are having more issues, and neither is making the hard but difficult choices that would make their (and their children's) lives better. I fear that 2013 will be the year that the children will need to make some difficult choices for both of them.
What I will remember most about 2012

My little sister beat breast cancer in the spring.

I retired October 1 2012.
Retired Aug 24th.

Landscaped the backyard for retirement with a large pergola and hot tub.

Bought a new truck for my wife and a small SUV (Escape) for myself. First time for everything after a lifetime of buying 8-10 year old cars and driving them 10 more.

Took a 12 day cruise in the Med. Check that off the bucket list.

Took a Figure sculpture class which is way out of my comfort zone and expertise yet did quite well and didn't get the body parts mixed up.

Had my megacorp acquired by a bigger megacorp.

Survived the pre-close layoffs and the much larger post close layoffs (20% RIF).

Learned that new corporate overlords are selling my part off to a small company (acquiring company is 1/2 the size of the piece they are acquiring.) (This might result in me joining the class of 2013... if I'm lucky.)

Got my kids in a school program that is exceptional for them. Saw the results.

Volunteered on board of non-profit that raises extra money for this exceptional school program. First time being on a BOD, even if it's for a small group.

Took a fabulous vacation to Glacier, Yellowstone, and Grand Teton. Beautiful part of the world.

Started learning the ins/outs of guardianship, nursing homes, spend down rules for medicaid. Helped hubby navigate the process and get the paperwork filed in another state. 2013 brings an emergency guardianship hearing for one in-law, and non-emergent hearings for that parent and the spouse. Dementia comes on suddenly, it turns out. Hubby will be guardian (assuming court approves) but I'll be doing the daily maintenance of finances, etc.
Upsized to a larger home with a pool and yard.

Alaska and Hawaii vacations

Started weekly volunteering at our church

Upped our charitable giving

Mourned loss of Dear FIL
As 2012 draws to a close, tell us what you will remember most about it - your accomplishments, memorable trips, family events, etc...

Tranquility, Freedom and complete joy for being able to go and do what we want, when we want, and where we want without worry... and, Acceptance for those very minor inconveniences of health and a physical slowing down of activity.

Accomplishments:confused: Just being here.

Life is good!
- Counted all the coins in my 5 gallon jug that I had been piling up for years. Total haul was $1,719.68. Used it to buy a projector and a drop screen for my basement which has been used throughout year for family movie nights.

- Took my wife and kids to Disney World for the first time, caught it just before any magic would wear off for my 6 year old daughter, and while my 3 year old son could do some things.

- "Ran" in Tough Mudder. Mostly walked/survived it.

- Took my wife and kids to Korea to visit a brother-in-law stationed there, visiting my 5th continent.

- started churning credit cards for future travel rewards. Went a little crazy with that, but have booked next year's family trip on points & miles.

- Had the best year yet for the net worth.

Heck of a year, really.
Great year!

Sold the (now non-)retirement house, changing it from negative cash flow to positive.

DD had our first grandchild, who is the most handsome baby I've ever seen (okay, a bit prejudiced, but that's okay).

Planted over 150 azaleas around the property, had a great citrus crop from the home orchard and basically had a blast walking amuck around the property (used to run amuck when I was younger; now I'm older and wiser and just walk there)

No health issues for self or DW.

Reached a nice financial milestone on Dec 30th.

Life is good.
A lot of this is cat-related, so it's going to make me seem like a crazy cat lady but seeing as I live a simple low-budget life and stay close to home, my cats have been very important to me this last year so here goes -

- Lost my kitty companion of just 18 months (at an estimated age of about 4 1/2 yrs). It was very, very upsetting.

- Fostered, and later adopted, a beautiful and very shy 10 year-old muted calico rag-doll kitty. She had been living on the streets with the local feral population but wasn't feral herself. She was having a very rough time out there. In the 4 months since I've had her, she has really started to come out of her shell. It is very satisfying to watch her progress.

- Found a 5 month-old kitten in a parking lot and adopted her. She has turned out to be the perfect companion for my 10 year-old shy cat and has done a lot to help her come out of her shell.

- In a small way, put myself "on the map" in the ham radio community (my hobby) by getting a 2-page article in the new edition of a book published by the ARRL (American Radio Relay League), as well as being mentioned/featured in several ham radio magazine articles. It's not really a big deal but it's new to me, so I'm quite proud of it. One of my homemade radios was picked up and featured by the Make Magazine blog. It's not a huge achievement, but it's nice to have a bit of recognition!

- In my first full year of ESR, saw my portfolio increase by 9.67%, despite withdrawals for living expenses. This is very encouraging, and helps me feel good about my future :dance:

- Found cause of regular flats on my bicycle's back wheel, thereby reducing bicycle maintenance budget for 2013. The bicycle is my only mode of transport. It felt really good when I sold my car and my annual cost of transport dropped from several thousand a year to around a hundred :)
Continued to help many patients here and abroad.

Also managed to see my brother whom I have not talked to in many years !

As 2012 draws to a close, tell us what you will remember most about it - your accomplishments, memorable trips, family events, etc...

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