Remember weekends before R


Recycles dryer sheets
Nov 13, 2005
Since retirement six years ago, when I have gone camping, I have stayed as long as what suits me and my wife's schedule for me, usually most of a week, two or three times a month.

Recently I went on a two day, one night trip. It felt so short, then I realized that was my first weekend length trip since retiring. Remember when two days off from work was special, something to look forward to?
Remember when two days off from work was special, something to look forward to?
Vaguely. I'm happy to report that it is one of those unpleasant memories that is fading away...

Retirement is so good. Glad to see you're enjoying yours.
Yep, I remember Sunday afternoons, when thoughts about what the next day would bring made my stomach ache.
Now I just ask my stomach what it fancies for dinner!
Vaguely. I'm happy to report that it is one of those unpleasant memories that is fading away...

Retirement is so good. Glad to see you're enjoying yours.

I hate to do this to one of our noble moderators but I am still working and can remind people what the weekends were like.....

First, get all the things done that you could not get done mid-week: grocery shopping, clean the house, car maintenance, minor house repairs, pay bills, see to parents needs, finish work taken home, make a few good meals, do laundery, .....

Second, collapse.
I remember the Friday euphoria, followed by the Saturday let down and then the Sunday afternoon dreads.

No I look forward to Monday when my two teenage boys go back to school and all is quiet and peaceful during the day again. They are so loud!
I have been retired just 2 months, however, this past week I was called for jury duty which put me back into "work mode". Setting the alarm clock, going to bed by 11pm, getting in to business dress clothing, driving in rush hour traffic, having to sit in a court room for 8 hours. I found it stressful and was exhausted in the evenings.

It all came back to me pretty quickly. While I have only been retired for 2 months, I was semi retired for about 4 years only working 4 mornings a week. I have to say that we had a super nice judge and we ultimately delivered a verdict in a civil suit against a mega corp. in favor of a retired person.
Interesting that this thread was posted at about the same time Andy Rooney's death was reported. For many years, watching 60 Minutes was part of my weekend ritual, Andy was often the closing act on the weekend. Next, off to bed and an early morning wakeup on Monday.

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