Retired 5 years today!

EastWest Gal

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Feb 23, 2014
South central PA
My retirement thread! Five years ago today was my last day w***king. I'm loving it and can't imagine every working a j*b again, unless it's watering plants at a garden store. But I'm plenty busy and have more friends than ever. I'm playing in three concert bands, started my own flute choir, going to flute conventions. I'm designing programs for one of the groups, and incorporated two nonprofits. We just finished up a grant application. My musician friends bring a variety of skills to the process-one is a retired CPA, and another is a retired event planner. I spent the day setting up the room for a concert on Saturday, and learned that one of our new band members is an audio-visual expert and has access to state of the art equipment. Wow.

I feel more connected with more friends than ever before. DH never had a full time job, but has worked in multiple musicals and on other projects which has kept him busy after DS was grown. I've lost 45 lb since retirement, 35 in the last year, with about 20 to go. BP is normalized and I feel-well-wonderful. We've done many upgrades in the house, changing out rugs and flooring, painting most of the interior of the house, replaced damaged sidewalk and driveway, and bought a car. A few trips along the way as well.

Despite that, our portfolio has increased by about 10%. Retirement is fun. But it is not all relaxing. One chooses one's activities, instead of them being chosen by your employer or your business.
Congratulations, EastWestGal! I'm happy to see you are living your best life.
Congratulations! I feel the same way. I am 10 years in, and the 11th year is better than the 1st.
Congratulations! I love reading retirement success stories like this one. :D
Congrats. Nothing better than being retired.
Congrats enjoy your life. This is one of the best times to ever be alive so enjoy it fully!!!
What a great report. IIRC you tried retiring or slowing down but kept get sucked back into medical practice. Being able to focus on your music and hobbies is a great way to spend your time.
5 years is a great milestone. By then you have a very good sense of whether FIRE was the right move for you. Apparently, it WAS! Congratulations.

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