Retirement Community Desirability


Confused about dryer sheets
Mar 24, 2009
My name is Tanner, and I am a student at the University of Florida. Along with my group, I am conducting research on what retirees and future retirees desire in a retirement community. Please take our survey at the following link if you are a retiree or are beginning to think about retirement. Regardless of whether you match the criteria of this survey, please send this to people in your address book who you think can take this survey or who will be able to forward it to those who can. The more responses we get the more accurate our data will be.

Retirement Community Desirability Survey
(You may have to copy and paste this into your browser depending upon your which you're using)

Thanks for your time,

This post does appear to originate from the University of Florida. Feel free to answer the survey at your own risk as we know little else about it.
It's actually a reasonable survey. I suspect marketers more than college students, at least based on the crappy work I've seen from other college students on this and other sites.
It's actually a reasonable survey. I suspect marketers more than college students, at least based on the crappy work I've seen from other college students on this and other sites.

Looked kinda crappy to me. That being said, you won't have your identity stolen by answering, if you wish.
Thanks for taking our survey, we really are college students at UF doing research for a proposal paper on retirement communities. Sorry if it looks crappy to you, we are all undergrad sophomores who are business majors so we haven't learned all the tricks yet lol.
Why are you studying retirement communities? What is your hypothesis?
Thanks for taking our survey, we really are college students at UF doing research for a proposal paper on retirement communities. Sorry if it looks crappy to you, we are all undergrad sophomores who are business majors so we haven't learned all the tricks yet lol.

Sorry if I insulted you. When I said 'looks kinda crappy to me' I was referring to the questions and what possible conclusions you could draw from the answers (also your own suggestion, see bold).

I'll admit, I was a chemistry major long before you were born but in our research projects, we had to try to prove or disprove a premise. What's yours?
Sorry if I insulted you. When I said 'looks kinda crappy to me' I was referring to the questions and what possible conclusions you could draw from the answers (also your own suggestion, see bold).

I'll admit, I was a chemistry major long before you were born but in our research projects, we had to try to prove or disprove a premise. What's yours?
This is called an opinion survey. To be useful, it does not have to prove or disprove something.

What do Gallup polls try to prove or disprove?

Per se, we're not trying to prove anything. We are just trying to figure out what amenities they desire most. It is for a professional business paper where we are tasked with picking between two locations for a retirement community. Important in selecting it we need research to show what is valued most thereby adding value to specific locations. If people need to have malls, etc. then that determines what site location we pick etc.

Thanks for all your help though, hopefully more people will see it as the more participants the better our analysis of the importance will be.
Seems to be a reasonable survey (better if you are older and have given some thought to where you plan to live out your "later" years).
Per se, we're not trying to prove anything. We are just trying to figure out what amenities they desire most. It is for a professional business paper where we are tasked with picking between two locations for a retirement community. Important in selecting it we need research to show what is valued most thereby adding value to specific locations. If people need to have malls, etc. then that determines what site location we pick etc.

Thanks for all your help though, hopefully more people will see it as the more participants the better our analysis of the importance will be.

Since your sentences are fairly coherent, you can't possibly be a U.S. college student. But I'll take your survey anyway.
Important in selecting it we need research to show what is valued most thereby adding value to specific locations. If people need to have malls, etc. then that determines what site location we pick etc.

My only concern is "Will the guards be kind?"

Since your sentences are fairly coherent, you can't possibly be a U.S. college student.

gosh, what a grumpy-drawers remark :rolleyes:

I am working on my second master's degree at this moment, so I've never really stopped being an American college student. :)

It's not unusual for students to post surveys on hobby and special interest forums. The only problem I have with it is, they never seem to return to the boards and forums to let us know the results! Can you promise to do that, Tanner?
Since your sentences are fairly coherent, you can't possibly be a U.S. college student.

gosh, what a grumpy-drawers remark :rolleyes:

I am working on my second master's degree at this moment, so I've never really stopped being an American college student. :)

It's not unusual for students to post surveys on hobby and special interest forums. The only problem I have with it is, they never seem to return to the boards and forums to let us know the results! Can you promise to do that, Tanner?

Yeah. Rather than not comment. Someone would prefer to throw out a grumpy-drawers ramark ;) Such is life I guess :)
"Grumpy Drawers" would be an awesome user name (along with the more feminine "Frumpy Drawers").

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