Returning to the Forum After a 5 year Hiatus


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 6, 2012
Nice to see a few familiar names still around. Retired in 2013 and life since then has been full. Upgraded from a truck camper to a smallish travel trailer with a garage for all the toys and seeing the country. Currently out traveling among state parks waiting for the fall colors to arrive.

If JanetH is still amongst the membership, sorry about not responding to your PM in 2014. DOn’t believe I ever saw it lol.

Look forward to interacting with everyone again.

Would be interesting to hear how the finances have worked out versus your plans and what surprises you have had for those of us that are trying to follow in the footsteps. welcome back
Would be interesting to hear how the finances have worked out versus your plans and what surprises you have had for those of us that are trying to follow in the footsteps. welcome back

I had planned a withdrawal rate of 2%, but it has averaged out to 3% - mostly because we’ve been helping our son get established after college. But also because I did a frame off rebuild of an old car lol. Also bought a new car 3 years ago, and a travel trailer, so I added some debt to the budget. Other than those unplanned expenses we are pretty much on track. The majority of our expenses involve travel, which we could stop should things get.

I lost my subsidized health insurance this year, but managed to absorb the costs, though I took a lesser plan to do so. Was rather expecting that to happen sooner or later. I’ll be eligible for Medicare in a couple of years, so that will lower costs and ease the burden a bit.

So overall I can’t complain. Could have gotten by with a smaller WD than I had planned, had I been thriftier, but want to enjoy the time now; tomorrow offers no guarantees ...

Thanks for the welcome.

Thanks Retch. Decided I was having too much fun in retirement and it was time to pay back the community by imparting some of my hard earned superior wisdom to others - in measured doses of course so it doesn’t run out TOO quickly...

... like 5 minutes ago.

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