Safe, nonBloatware site for software downloads? (drivers)

NJHowie, I got to step6, but my interface wasn't the same as yours. No 'local area connection' icon. But I saw the ipv4 and the ipv6 radio buttons already checked off. Clicked on properties and yes, they both already had automatically obtain address selected for ipv4, ipv6, and DNS server. I used ipconfig /all and got Primary dns suffix blank. Node type Hybrid. IP routing enabled NO. Wins Proxy enabled NO. Tunnel adapter teredo tunneling Pseudo-interface. Media state : media disconnected, COnnection-specific dns suffix blank, description teredo tunneling Pseudo-interface, Physical address '00-00-00-00-00-00-00-E0' DCHP enabled NO. Autoconfig enabled YES. That was it. No mention of Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection, Default Gateway, IPv4 Address and Subnet Mask. I tried to ping and it said 'could not find host'
OP - Using the internet without a router is like driving at night without headlights... you won't even see the danger coming.

Here is one on Amazon, brand name, for $31.49

Gives you lots besides a firewall, like wireless connections, cable connections, two different networks if desired, etc..
Did the OP ever say he was using a modem w/o a built in router?
Yes, he stated exactly which one he had - no router included, and no separate router.

$49 Arris 3.0 SB6183 from Walmart
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NJHowie, I got to step6, but my interface wasn't the same as yours. No 'local area connection' icon. But I saw the ipv4 and the ipv6 radio buttons already checked off. Clicked on properties and yes, they both already had automatically obtain address selected for ipv4, ipv6, and DNS server. I used ipconfig /all and got Primary dns suffix blank. Node type Hybrid. IP routing enabled NO. Wins Proxy enabled NO. Tunnel adapter teredo tunneling Pseudo-interface. Media state : media disconnected, COnnection-specific dns suffix blank, description teredo tunneling Pseudo-interface, Physical address '00-00-00-00-00-00-00-E0' DCHP enabled NO. Autoconfig enabled YES. That was it. No mention of Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection, Default Gateway, IPv4 Address and Subnet Mask. I tried to ping and it said 'could not find host'

Thanks for all that.

If you go into Device Manager (can type it in the start box), you should have an entry for Network adapters in the list. If you click on the arrow to the left to show the details, does it then show your network card/chip make/model? If so, when you right click on it and go to Properties, for Device status is it showing "This device is working normally" or something else?
Thanks for all that.

If you go into Device Manager (can type it in the start box), you should have an entry for Network adapters in the list. If you click on the arrow to the left to show the details, does it then show your network card/chip make/model? If so, when you right click on it and go to Properties, for Device status is it showing "This device is working normally" or something else?
He had responded to me about that in the other thread that device manager didn't list his network adapter at all. And as I stated the post just before yours, his network interface was disabled in the the computer setup / BIOS. I think he's going to enable that and try again.
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He had responded to me about that in the other thread that device manager didn't list his network adapter at all. And as I stated the post just before yours, his network interface was disabled in the the computer setup / BIOS. I think he's going to enable that and try again.


Or the card/chip is dead and he needs to add or purchase a new one. I'd recommend a USB ethernet dongle which us $10 to $15, or if the modem has wifi, get a mini USB wifi adapter, also $10 to $15. The TP-Link ones, both dongle and wifi are plug and play.
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Updating this thread to say I had to enable the 'onboard LAN' in bios, which for some reason was disabled. After that, everything was sort of automatic. I now can get into google, search, and get results. But I shut it down because I had downloaded 45 Meg in just a minute or two, And uploaded 1 meg. Is that normal ?
Updating this thread to say I had to enable the 'onboard LAN' in bios, which for some reason was disabled. After that, everything was sort of automatic. I now can get into google, search, and get results. But I shut it down because I had downloaded 45 Meg in just a minute or two, And uploaded 1 meg. Is that normal ?
Yeah, 45 MB isn't much of a download, you're always going to be getting download traffic from visiting websites, and then you have background things like checking updates and antivirus signature updates, and more.
Updating this thread to say I had to enable the 'onboard LAN' in bios, which for some reason was disabled. After that, everything was sort of automatic. I now can get into google, search, and get results. But I shut it down because I had downloaded 45 Meg in just a minute or two, And uploaded 1 meg. Is that normal ?

Good job!

I think the speeds are potentially a result your machine configuration holding you back - only 2GB memory, maybe a HDD that is doing a lot of swapping because of the small memory. Again, if it is HDD, consider spending a small amount to replace with SSD as it will be like the difference of having a new machine.
I'm going to cautiosly probe around in Windows 7 now. I have AVG there, not sure if it is installed yet. Also have a Firefox installer on there, which I don't think I have run yet, and the actual Firefox program, the latest that supposedly runs on Windows 7, which is Firefox 115.something. Firefox starts up when I click on it, and loads up google, and display results, but I have to see what's slow, firefox, or the constant downloading of whatever, or the websites. I haven't actually opened a website yet, though I did click on one. I cant tell what version of firefox I have. No 'about' to click on.
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OK, this post is coming from the newly functional (but slow) Windows 7 machine.

I did a speed test using the cable co website, and it was 1 Mbps down, and zero Mbps up ! Something constraining it, obviously.

I bet the speed is actually faster on my WIndows ME machine, but I probably can't access a website there to test it.
Probably want to get an ad blocker too, since I often see references to ads transferring in the lower left of the screen. I don't actually see them in this website, since I am logged in, I guess it's just annoying that they are using up cpu in the background or something.
Did you try for a second "opinion?" lol 1 Mbps is a terribly slow test. tried to upload to a place with a firewall, and got a socket error. And the test took about 90 seconds, which seems long. Any other speed test sites? Actually, just navigating the websites is brutally slow, so I believe the 1 meg download rating. It's brutally slow.
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32-bit, that must be a Pentium 4. Time for an upgrade.
I loaded the newest Firefox (115.x) that runs on Win7 and now I have half decent download speed of 7.9 Meg. Upload is still zero.

Much faster surfing now.

Thanks to all who generously helped me out. Could not have done it without you, obviously!
Congrats. Don't forget to add a router for security. And I still recommend a supported OS along with newer hardware. In Sept, that Firefox will no longer get updates for Windows 7. I wouldn't put anything important on there.

I actually have an old ultraportable laptop with a Celeron SU2300 1.2 ghz dual core processor that I upgraded to SSD and to the max 4 GB RAM the laptop supports. It helped but was still very slow. It had Windows 7 64-bit as sold with it, and upgrading to Windows 10 performed better, but it's still significantly slower than my newer systems, and I don't really use it except to charge it and let it get updates from time to time. I have 3 other laptops that are much faster with bigger screens along with my desktops.
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I'm going to cautiosly probe around in Windows 7 now. I have AVG there, not sure if it is installed yet. Also have a Firefox installer on there, which I don't think I have run yet, and the actual Firefox program, the latest that supposedly runs on Windows 7, which is Firefox 115.something. Firefox starts up when I click on it, and loads up google, and display results, but I have to see what's slow, firefox, or the constant downloading of whatever, or the websites. I haven't actually opened a website yet, though I did click on one. I cant tell what version of firefox I have. No 'about' to click on.

I'm as fugal as the next guy, but it's time to quit wasting time.
Probably 5x as fast as yours and only $73.,aps,137&sr=8-1
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