Server Move (Sunday July 22)

Andy R

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Site Team
Jan 31, 2007
Dallas, Tx
I just wanted to let you know that I am going to move tomorrow night around 11:00 pm EST. I estimate downtime to be less then an hour. Just to be safe, please plan on it taking all night in case I run into some unexpected issues.

I will post more to this thread after the move and solicit feedback to make sure everything is working just right.


Andy R
Just curious...can you do that from Buenos Aires?
Yes, the way it works is that only the digital files will be moved. So it's all done via sending files from one server to another and backing up the database and sending it to the new server (all done remotely). Once that is done the old server will be turned off, packed up by the old data center and shipped to the new location. Once it arrives it will be added to the system to help process PHP (the language that the software is written in).
We are now running on a new server. Please post any strange errors here.

Note: This server is going to be running at maximum capacity until the other servers arrive from the old data center tomorrow via UPS. Please be patient while I get the old servers setup so I can then offload some of the load to them and speed things up further. This process will take 1-2 weeks for me to get the other server in place and I will post more details as I move forward with this.

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