Single-serve latte makers?

At our condo we have a very simple De'Longhi Dedica EC 680 espresso/late/cappuccino maker. It's nice an compact and easy to use. We paid about $144 for it (on sale) from a vendor in Florida. At our main home we have a Breville Barista Express Espresso machine. It's well built but much more expensive (over $500). We have had both machines for over 4 years and use the machines regularly. The Breville has a coffee grinder built in. The De'Longhi works with ground espresso or ESE pods. We always use ground espresso. Neither will brew a late or cappuccino automatically but both have a milk frother.
I bought one of those that stayed with the ex. It lasted about 2-3 years before it stopped working. I suspect it might be due to a maintenance issue.

Do you perform any regular maintenance?

I debate about getting one again to replace the Nespresso, but not sure it’s worth the cost.

I just change the filter when it tells me to and run the cleaning cycle also with the little blue and white "pills"

We go through about 5 pounds of beans every other month so this little guy has ground up about 150 pounds of fresh roast and still going strong.

Yeah the machine is expensive but when you consider it grinds, loads, brews and dispenses, ejects the spent "puck", tells you when it needs water filled and grounds removed as well as cleaning (which it does itself) it's kinda amazing.

Not to mention the coffee is really good - :)
I bought one of those that stayed with the ex. It lasted about 2-3 years before it stopped working. I suspect it might be due to a maintenance issue.

Do you perform any regular maintenance?

I debate about getting one again to replace the Nespresso, but not sure it’s worth the cost.

I have a Jura, though not the model being discussed. It's over 10 years old and still works well while making great coffee. It grinds the beans, pushed the water through the puck and gives me a great cup of coffee. All with the push of a button. Every cup is freshly ground and made. I use it several times a week to make coffee for myself and others.

I've considered replacing it with a cup type machine but I simply don't care for the coffee those things make. The Nespresso system is better, but still not as good as the coffee from my cheap drip machine, much less the Jura. There's something about fresh ground coffee that just tastes better. Just my opinion.
There's nothing like espresso made with freshly ground beans. Consider the Breville Bambino Plus and a burr grinder. The Bambino Plus is an excellent espresso maker without all the fuss of pulling shots and it has an auto milk frother that'll deliver perfect lattes every time. Plus you can try a world-full of beans that are freshly roasted at any roast level.

Heaven in a cup.

Oh no, just when I told myself there is no possible room for another small kitchen appliance, there is this thread on latte machines. I’ve always been pleased with the Breville products I have purchased so far (variable temperature electric water kettle, conical burr smart coffee grinder, portable convection oven), and now this thread is starting me fantasizing on yet another kitchen appliance. DH will think I’ve lost my mind.
Hehe, yeah! The never ending revolution (evolution) of counter appliances.

Don't need an electric kettle, got induction top and straight kettle.

Scrapped toaster for toaster oven.

Got to have a microwave.

Scrapped the coffee grinders, the French press, the Keurig and the drips for the Jura. Everyone who visits raves about the coffee. Thanks, but I just put the cup under and press the button - :)

Even though it costs $800 up front, it will be even with "pod" machines in 2 years. After that you're stackin' dough and smiling because you are ahead on both dough and flavor!
Even though it costs $800 up front, it will be even with "pod" machines in 2 years. After that you're stackin' dough and smiling because you are ahead on both dough and flavor!

I’ve priced it out and it’s more like 5 years break even for me. I try to watch my caffeine intake so I drink decaf and only one cup a day. It’s hard to break even at that rate. The other advantage to pods is you can select your beans, for those that don’t want decaf.

Good news though. I got the broken Jura from the ex, so now I can try to make it work again. I imagine that if I’m successful, she’ll want it back. But if that happens, I’ll at least keep it for a bit to see if I want to BTD.
I looked up the Jura machines and I think I’ll stick with our Nespresso. I love the lattes and espressos it makes and there is no mess and the counter space it takes up is minimal. The pods are expensive but it would take a long time to amortize the difference in machine costs for us, not to mention the hassle. I like having a single cup brew with different flavors. YMMV
There's nothing like espresso made with freshly ground beans. Consider the Breville Bambino Plus and a burr grinder. The Bambino Plus is an excellent espresso maker without all the fuss of pulling shots and it has an auto milk frother that'll deliver perfect lattes every time. Plus you can try a world-full of beans that are freshly roasted at any roast level.

Heaven in a cup.

I have a Breville Barista that's about 8-9 years old, and until recently I figured when it croaks I'll get another. But this is great! Nice and compact, and still does 2 out of 3. And then I can get a nice grinder and still have more room.
Re.the espresso maker, Nespresso is very easy, but add up. Regardless.of expresso maker you choose, the Breville frother is the best. We've been through many other brands, and they all wear out after a while. The Breville lasts much longer and is easy to clean.
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