Sorry, I don't get it


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Dec 3, 2002
This does not really relate to ER, but cut me some slack.

I've been watching the coverage from Rome. I am not
Catholic, nor even very religious, but I am amazed
at what I see. If you paid my way there, and added $10,000
in spending money, I would not go. Not only do I not
care, I would rather watch paint dry, literally!

Oh JG, you're just bitter because you bought GMAC bonds instead of the Church's subordinated debentures.
Well, you are not Catholic, so your opinion makes perfect sense. As a Catholic, this definitely feels like a tremendous change, a time of uncertainty, and very sad b/c he was a darn good pope. But hey, I don't get people spending that kind of time/money to stand in line for 30 hours to see his remains. But if people are willing to shell out 20k to get a flytrap hotel room and nosebleed seats to the superbowl every year, I guess this looks like reasonable behavior! :)
All I can think is people want to be a part of history. I'd pick a day on a sailboat over that any day!
Just to put this in perspective, I would not attend
any other celebrity funerals nor The Superbowl. Not
under any circumstances. I would rather have root canal
work without novacaine.

I find all forms of "pop' culture, repugnant. This includes
any and all celebrity related events. Not only do I not care. I make an active effort to avoid them.

I would rather have root canal work without novacaine.
I agree with you for the most part but root canal w/o novacaine, I don't know about that. :D

MJ ;)
Just to put this in perspective, I would not attend
any other celebrity funerals nor The Superbowl.  Not
under any circumstances.  I would rather have root canal
work without novacaine.  


I doubt it.
We've seen the masses pouring out recently for Lady Diana, Ronald Reagan, and now the Pope.

I was an Catholic alter boy and 16 years of Catholic schools and I don't get it either. When you hear what this pope was praised for it is things like traveling, being one of the youngest popes and meeting with rock stars. I'm not sure what lasting good work he has given the world. On PBS it was mentioined he was insturmental in the colaspe of the USSR. Now when he was a bishop he did stand up to the communists. When you get overcoverage like this you know there isn't much other news. Also, the compitition amoung news networks is fearce. No one wants to miss anything.

Lady Diana - The praise of her is even worst than the pope. What did she do? She was born into a rich family, married well and had the misfortune of getting killed in a car crash.

Reagan, I would say did some good. He presided over some tough economic times and the economic things he did set the stage for the economic growth of the late 80s and 90s, He strong stance against the USSR helped to end it. He saw the country as failing in everything except the military. So he spent them into submission. President Eisenower (sp?) said that the US would overcome the USSR through ecomoic superiority.
I think the majority of the attendees in Rome, as were the ones at Reagan's funeral, and especially at Diana's, are people who are motivated by a bloated tv event. I mean, they would have been at Schiavo's tube removal, if you'd let them, cause they heard about it for 3-4 weeks. We are a culture driven by television, and that's really too bad. And remember, those media people are on 24 hours daily and they gotta fill the hours with something.
Reagan, I would say did some good.
I think it was his longest run and his most compelling Oscar-winning ad-libbed impromptu stand-up comedy. (He can't have been serious about some of the things he said, could he?!?) Especially during the Iran-Contra hearings, although his great supporting performance was overshadowed by those other fine liars actors Poindexter & North.

And I'm not just saying that because he raised my paycheck 25% after taking office. I loved being a tool of the Cold War spending frenzy...
Hey GTM! That novacaine remark was hyperbole
(you could look it up). Anyway, I did have some dental work today. Pretty small project but the Dr. still hit
me with 4 shots (do they charge by the shot?). I was
going to ask him to skip it as I didn't wish to appear
a girlie man.

Reagan.....................I don't know. I have so little respect for politicians (or authority in general)..........
he did make me some money though as I was working
in the defense industry.

Not only do I not
care, I would rather watch paint dry, literally!

Now, JG don't you know when God is telling you to get the fishing pole out and don't think about it.
Jesus! What a cynical bunch...thats why I love you alll. :-*

But if you've ever been to Italy and the Vatican there would be a different perspective. Catholocism is HUGE in Italy at all levels.

So JG, when the pope dies all heaven breaks loose.


Your remark: "In god we trust, all others pay cash." reminded me of my Dad.

He had a used tool and equipment business. Right behind the checkout counter, a sign containing those words was prominently displayed.

The Irish Times posted an article beginning :-
. . . ordinary man walks on the ground and kisses women . . . the Pope did the reverse . . .

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