Still doing your taxes? Take a break and read this...

I can never do my taxes in Feb, as I always seem to get a corrected 1099-DIV in March! I've learned the hard way to wait until early April to file.

And since I always owe money there is little impetus to file early.

I got a notice in the mail saying that one of Hawaii technology investment won't be certified for several weeks, so for the first time in decade, I"ll be filing an extension.

I have a pretty good handle on my Feds and my state taxes will be 0, so it isn't huge deal. But still it is a pain.
clifp said:
I got a notice in the mail saying that one of Hawaii technology investment won't be certified for several weeks, so for the first time in decade, I"ll be filing an extension.
If it hasn't been certified for 2006 then isn't it effectively being certified retroactively? It seems odd that a company would stick its neck out this far, or else they're scrambling like mad to catch up...
Turbo Tax and I finished taxes a couple of weeks ago. It gets easier each year as the corporation withers. Those who want to break away from your CPA can consider this. Buy a copy of 2006 or even 2005 Turbo Tax. Force fit your prior returns into the program then enjoy the automatic data migration forward next year. Its not all that simple, but you get the idea.

On my personal... my tax rate was <1% :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Used Tax act (thanks to this board!) - Owed federal, state owes me, delta $1k - bad things, had to undo some Roth contributions - ugghhh - don't know if a penalty or not - income has been jumping around wildly due to Reserves income - hovering over the mark of can/can't contribute to Roth - scared of AMT.....HATE TAX TIME!!! It's done, though........Deserat

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