Surf's up!


Moderator Emeritus
Feb 27, 2004
Went for a walk along lake superior yesterday. The air temperature was in the mid 40s, The surface water temperature was 37.5 according to SEA grant data. Very windy.

Spotted these surfers:



After yesterday's big wind, from looking out the window, it looks like bigger surf today. I'll go down this afternoon and check for more surfers.

I don't know how they can stand the pain. :confused:
Martha said:
I don't know how they can stand the pain.  :confused:
No kidding. I'm a sniveling wimp when water temps are in the low 70s, which would probably give those poor guys heat stroke. I know a lot of ex-divers who learned in Hawaii and couldn't handle the colder Mainland waters, and I don't think I'd ever have taken up surfing if I didn't live here.

It ain't just the wimp factor. "Exostosis" and "canaloplasty" are two words you never want to hear.

Rabbit Kekai has a charitable organization to help kids learn to surf. I've wondered if I should fund one to send deserving Great Lakes surfers on Hawaii sabbaticals, but that'd probably permanently ruin whatever enjoyment they currently get from the sport...
Those guys are so desparate.  

Around here it's 60 degree air and 54 degree water.  I've become a real cold sissy, and I have this problem that causes my hands to get really cold.  I always have full wetsuit with hood, booties and gloves.  

Once I'm out on the lineup at Crescent City, everyone in full wet suits, and out paddles this cute 20-year-old in a bikini!  I'll tell you, given the contrast between a bunch of guys in big black wet suits, and this supermodel-sized barely clad girl, the effect was rad.  

She was on a long board, didn't even touch the water, got a few good rides and never got wet.

The high today is suppose to be 92.:eek:  We have had about 2 weeks of Spring weather and thats it! I had the a/c on in my house last night. Looks like a long warm summer.  :-\
Sunny and 70's for the past week and for the next two weeks....nah nah nah nah! ;)

Maybe I'll go to the beach on Friday... :D
REWahoo! said:
Same here.  A nice cool down from the 100 we had Monday and yesterday's 99. :p

Oh yes.....San Antonio I believe. It was hot last time I was there, 10 years ago. Pretty city tho.
mostly our surfers seem to have the most fun just before hurricanes hit. took 5 mile walk in 90 degree heat along beach yesterday. not a ripple in the entire atlantic. even the gulf stream didn't raise the horizon an inch. stopped off and walked the docks at bahia mar. fell in love with a boat tonight's 82 million dollar florida lottery wouldn't buy ya. then passed a smaller, maybe 100-footer. the name on the transom was "never enough".
Lots of surfers off of Ocean Beach this morning when I went for my walk. The tide was out and the water was calm, but they were getting 6-8' waves. The problem is they'd stack up and break right at the beach, so I don't think I saw a ride longer than about 3-4 seconds.

TromboneAl said:
Once I'm out on the lineup at Crescent City, everyone in full wet suits, and out paddles this cute 20-year-old in a bikini!  I'll tell you, given the contrast between a bunch of guys in big black wet suits, and this supermodel-sized barely clad girl, the effect was rad.  

She was on a long board, didn't even touch the water, got a few good rides and never got wet.


Well she obviously has an ankle monitor, so I hope you didn't get too close.
4 hour drive each way to my favorite spot. Many one day trips. Dry suit for water temps below 55F. Hands and feet suffer in cold water no matter what you wear. Must always feed the addiction. 8)


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