Technology to train your (ER) brain

Hmm, she slipped in the how to make money from home tips.

Now I'll have to check out some of those games she listed and find more time filling activities. :dance:
I have sudoku on my iPhone, plus online at the USAToday website, and in paper form by my bedside. Love to play sudoku at bedtime, and I do that every night. Sometimes I have wonderful dreams about numbers.
I dutifully play my video games to stay sharp. At least that's what I tell DW. I'm not sure that really helps with anything else though.
90M. Level 152 on Bejeweled 2 and still going, good for my brain? Thought I had the worlds highest score until I Googled it and found I was no where close.
Lumosity is a web site that seems to have taken it to another level, they give you 'brain' exercises to do based on areas that you want to improve and track your progress and compare your scores to others. I've only tried their free demo, it is a pay site and haven't made the jump yet.
I like the low tech method.

Sound mind in sound body. Currently the biggest issue is how to execute a smooth and good looking forward inside three turn. On a very narrow steel platform. AKA ice skates.

No batteries required.
I recently rejuvenated my PS3 and am having a ball playing SuperStardust, Space Invaders, and Galaga when I have an hour to kill. I limit my time to an hour or less so I don't strain my hands.
I like the arcade shooting style games for the eye-hand coordination sharpening and the quick response time re-training.
Spider Solitaire six decks...I lose a lot of the time but it keeps my brain active. I have a problem with video games because the fake 3D seems to make my brain get seasick on action games.
Instead of just filling time, learn a new skill. Take up a musical instrument. I got a guitar and go to youtube. Any song I want to learn, there are a dozen vids on how to do it. My latest the theme song from the TV show, 'Deadlist Catch' / Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi. My grand kids think I'm a rock star and my kids just shake their heads and check the yellow pages for a good home to put me in. Ha!!
OT post - hey, isn't that what everyone does here?

I went to college with Kim - she was one of the four Kims I knew (?!? Same with Jennifer - seems like those names won the baby name lottery of my generation).

I then met back up with her later in life as she was newly into her radio broadcasting business....amazing the change. Very nice lady and very successful....

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