Tetanus Vaccine


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Oct 11, 2017
Chapel Hill, NC
It has been over 10 years since my last Tetanus vaccine and at my recent physical my doctor recommended a Tetanus vaccine. I remember the last one I had--arm was sore for days. I did a little research and it appears that Tetanus boosters are still recommend every 10 years and there is not a really good treatment if you contract Tetanus. Anybody had a Tetanus shot lately?
Wow, I haven't thought of Tetanus vaccine in a long time. Reading your OP I was trying to recall the last time I had one.

I think I had the DTaP vaccine 20 or so years ago. I do remember my arm being very sore for a few days, but no other side effects.

In recent years, I haven't had any of my PCP's recommend I get a booster.
Maybe I should ask this summer when I finally see my new PCP. (Sorry to go off topic OP, just thinking out loud. :LOL:)
Whenever I get into any sort of accident or injury, I always get asked when was my last Tetanus vaccine. Since I never remember, I get another shot. I had a major golf cart accident where I broke 5 ribs in multiple segment on the left, large larcerated liver, perforated lung and hematoma (head hit the ground) on my head in March 2022. I was given a Tetanus shot. I didn't feel any pain as all that I could feel was pain from the broken ribs. :)
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It has been over 10 years since my last Tetanus vaccine and at my recent physical my doctor recommended a Tetanus vaccine. I remember the last one I had--arm was sore for days. I did a little research and it appears that Tetanus boosters are still recommend every 10 years and there is not a really good treatment if you contract Tetanus. Anybody had a Tetanus shot lately?

Yes, I got a booster maybe about 5 years ago. No problems at all. However, I still recall a tetanus shot I got when I was a first grader (after suffering a pretty serious dog bite) - that sucker hurt so much, I was traumatized for a while.... remember it well to this day!
Often (although not always), whether you get really sore depends on the luck of the draw on exactly where and how the shot is administered and what types of tissues and cells are traumatized by the needle. So, the same shot can be fine one time and a terror the next time. That said, of course, different adjuvants in the vaccine can make huge differences in how an individual reacts to it. Case by case.
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I had a TDAP shot in 2011 and again in 2017, different medical provider systems. I don’t recall the 2011 one being bad. However in 2017, TDAP was 1 of 4 vaccinations administered at the same time: TDAP, Flu, Hep-A and Pneumovax. 2 shots in the left arm, 2 in the right. I expected soreness, but not mental fog afterwards. No fever. It took a couple days and lots of sleep to cut through the fog. Also I couldn’t get comfortable sleeping on either side. So much for wanting to get it all done with at one visit!
A pediatrician's opinion: For me, this is a no-brainer. Get the vaccine!

Tdap also protects from pertussis as well as tetanus. Tetanus bacteria is found in soil. Tetanus is caused by the toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium tetani, which is found in soil. It is the toxin that is harmful, so the vaccine contains a modified toxin called tetanus toxoid.

Tetanus mortality rate varies greatly in reports, but is significant, from 10-80%. Treatment is supportive. The acellular pertussis (ap) part of the vaccine is not only important to you, but also for others around you, especially infants. A sore arm is a small price to pay compared to the diseases prevented. And with the pertussis part of the vaccine, you are protecting your whole family. Vaccination has led to a 99% decrease in the incidence of tetanus worldwide. But because it is a soil bacteria, the disease cannot be eliminated.
I now keep a text file with all my vaccines listed with dates, as I could never remember when/what I previously had.

So I look at it prior to visiting the doctor, so I know to request something if needed.
I've had one within 10 years per doctors rec. No issues with the shot itself.
I've had one within 10 years per doctors rec. No issues with the shot itself.

Ditto. Also checked on our Hep shots.

I have been a pin cushion this year. covid boosters, pnumonia vaccine, high test flu shot, Shingrex shot, and finally today the second Shingrex shot.
I've never had a hep shot or been offered one. I guess I should look it up. IDK why - is it one you get if you travel?

It looks like they have a combo A and B but requires 3 doses!
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I had my last tetanus booster a couple of years ago and no problem with injection site or feeling ill. I garden a lot and do lots of odd jobs so if I get a wound then I don’t worry about tetanus too much.
I have made an appointment for the tetanus booster at CVS. It is also time for me to get a Covid booster but I will do that on a different date.
My last tetanus shot was 3 years ago. Like many people I had forgot about it. When I read what horrible things tetanus can do I got the shot. I now keep a SS on my computer with all the shots I get from the yearly flu shot to Shingles.
I'm due in July and i'll get it on schedule. No reason not to.
We recently had our 10 year TD booster, get it every 10 years The one before was our TDAP.
No reaction to my shot this time, other than a slightly sore arm for a couple of days.
Normally, I react like crazy with the tetanus--sore arm, red, swollen. Nice I did not this time.
If you have not had a TDAP, get that one.
I'm due for my booster this month. I did not have any issues with the one I received in 2014 so I do not expect any now.
I read a book a while back where a child contracts tetanus. The description of his horrific muscle contractions left a lasting impression on me.

A friend's neighbor was an avid gardener and scratched her hand on something as you tend to do when you garden and died of tetanus. That also left a lasting impression on me.

I definitely don't enjoy the sore arm but that's a small price to pay.
I get one every 10 years. I've even keep the date of my last one on the wall in my woodworking shop to remind me.
It's really easy to keep a note about this. I've gotten one every ten years all my life. Next one due in 26. Definitely worth keeping current.
Daughter insisted we all get Whooping Cough vaccine before we would be allowed to see our soon-to-be grandchild. That includes the tetanus vaccine, so now I can tie it to his 10th birthday. And 20th? .... 30th:confused:?!!!!! Oh my...

I had a severe reaction to my last tetanus (tdap) shot last year. I had a fever and chills, and felt much worse than from my first covid shot. The doc said it was very rare, but not un-heard of. Still, I'm glad I got it and will get my next booster when it's due in a decade. Better than getting lockjaw.

One or two decades ago I got my tetanus booster probably too soon. I had forgotten how long it had been but it turned out to be about five years or so. That time, my only complaint was major soreness at the injection site. Again, I'm glad I got it.

Recently, I was cleaning out papers inherited from dear old Dad and found my childhood vaccination record spanning from birth to about age 10. I thought it was pretty cool to have that.

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