Texas Justice.....

... was gonna ask "how'd they know they got the right guy" ... but this one seems cut'n dry.

A convicted child molester murdered served 22 years then moved into a neighboring town and registered as sex offender. The whole town is in an uproar ... he lives 1 mile from 3 schools. Cops say there's nothing they can do ... hmmmmm.
In a way this thread and the one below are similar

Disenfranchised people.
Citizens in this country do not feel that the government is working for them and beginning to act locally. Take a look at the enforcement of laws in a local attempt to deal with the illegal immigrant issue - Ar, Pa, Ga, and others.
Citizens in this country do not feel that the government is working for them

When a convicted child molester murdered serves only 22 years .... they're RIGHT.
Disenfranchised people.
Citizens in this country do not feel that the government is working for them and beginning to act locally.

We have a neighbor who checks the IL State Police 'Sex Offenders' website on a regular basis, to see if there any in our 'hood. He found out there was a guy about a half block from his house, and printed out the webpage. He walked over to the house, knocked on the door, showed the guy the webpage, and asked if he was the guy pictured. He said the guy said "Well, yes...but...." My neighbor pointed back toward his own house, and told the guy he'd best steer clear of it or there would be a problem. He then went back home, printed out more copies of the page, and passed them out door-to-door around our 'hood. The 'offender' moved about 2 weeks later.

He's done that same thing a few times! There aren't any laws to keep them out of neighborhoods with small children, but there are Moms and Dads with small children that will make sure they don't feel very welcome in their 'hood.
I register sex offenders, and for some reason or other the females really creep me out. They are a minority, but it just seems so strange.
One of the best things to me about Texas: They still believe in some vigilant justice in that State knowing that "the Law" will take forever...and probably let the creep off easily, too. Wish more States were more like Texas sometimes.
... was gonna ask "how'd they know they got the right guy" ... but this one seems cut'n dry.

...from a newspaper article, and we all know how accurate they are.

I do have a problem with vigilantes - "due process" is there for a reason. Think "The Oxbow Incident", and I've seen that happen. Now, I'm about as hard-core law 'n order as one can get (29 years police work) but the false report rate on rapes is about 50%. That's one reason they're so hard to prove - often it comes down to "he said, she said" and not many juries will send some guy who may be guilty of nothing more than poor judgment up the river for 20 years.

Still think vigilantes are a good idea?
I register sex offenders, and for some reason or other the females really creep me out. They are a minority, but it just seems so strange.

bbami: I don't read or post much anymore on this board, (or any board) for that matter. But your post above caught my eye. Anybody, male or female, that is molesting children "creeps most of out".

But how about this: We recently had a case, very similar to the highly publicized cases that have been in the national news in the last few years.

The l6 year old was an outstanding athlete, and well known in the college town that I live near. The high school teacher was well thought of as a teacher. The school board was perfectly justified in firing her from her job.

Long story short, the state decided to take the case on. She was convicted of "Statutory rape", and will forever be on the rolls as a "registered sex offender".

I have had discussions with my wife re: double standards applied to this situation. (We both knew the parents of this teacher).

For me personally, if I were on the jury, the best the prosecution could hope for would be a hung jury.

What's the crime to the l6 year old? (Inflated ego?)^-^

In my opinion, there is a great deal of differnce between the male and female "offender". My wife disagrees with me. What say you?

First of all, I'm not a law enforcement employee, but have been a volunteer for the past seven years.

That being said, molestation of anyone especially a minor is against the law. I have people that will be labeled an offender for the rest of their life, and yeah sometimes there is a "however" moment. I've had several of those moments.

The ranges of offense can vary widely...from exposure to body contact. I think in some cases a 16 year old boy or girl, for that matter, is not totally innocent, but being that age and them thinking they can handle it could prove to be wrong later on in life.

The cases that I have seen concerning women have resulted in them abusing children under the age of 10. I guess when I think of women, I think of a "mom", and not a person that could commit a violent act on a child.

And yes I know, most men would never consider harming anyone.

IMO, it's easy to say, well he was this or she was that. But if it were your child, sister, brother or any other family member, you may feel totally different.

When it gets down to the nitty gritty, an offender is an offender.
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For me personally, if I were on the jury, the best the prosecution could hope for would be a hung jury.

What's the crime to the l6 year old? (Inflated ego?)^-^

In my opinion, there is a great deal of differnce between the male and female "offender". My wife disagrees with me. What say you?

This is truly an amazing post!

How does someone living in the 1750's post a comment on an internet forum in 2008? Is this something new from Google?
Another problem you have is some false reporting...

There was this (I believe) teacher that was reported by a couple of girls for indecent exposure...

Seems that he drove over to a quick mart and was changing clothes in his truck to get ready for softball or something... the girls were walking by and looked in ..... reported him to the police... not good for his career... and not other reported incidents...
Another problem you have is some false reporting...

There was this (I believe) teacher that was reported by a couple of girls for indecent exposure...

Seems that he drove over to a quick mart and was changing clothes in his truck to get ready for softball or something... the girls were walking by and looked in ..... reported him to the police... not good for his career... and not other reported incidents...
I agree. Some offenses are real, others are just nuts, like the unlucky people who got convicted 20 years ago for making children have sex with dragons.

This guy got caught in the hysteria du jour. There is no end to the "sensitivity" and perceived offenses that can be conjured up by unbalanced people who are being enabled and encouraged by public attitudes that have no sense of proportion.

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bbami: I don't read or post much anymore on this board, (or any board) for that matter. But your post above caught my eye. Anybody, male or female, that is molesting children "creeps most of out".

But how about this: We recently had a case, very similar to the highly publicized cases that have been in the national news in the last few years.

The l6 year old was an outstanding athlete, and well known in the college town that I live near. The high school teacher was well thought of as a teacher. The school board was perfectly justified in firing her from her job.

Long story short, the state decided to take the case on. She was convicted of "Statutory rape", and will forever be on the rolls as a "registered sex offender".

I have had discussions with my wife re: double standards applied to this situation. (We both knew the parents of this teacher).

For me personally, if I were on the jury, the best the prosecution could hope for would be a hung jury.

What's the crime to the l6 year old? (Inflated ego?)^-^

In my opinion, there is a great deal of differnce between the male and female "offender". My wife disagrees with me. What say you?

I think it needs to apply to both genders. It's not right to have a double standard...........

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