The Average'er has $2.9M Net Worth, $84K/yr Spending, 3.4% Withdrawal Rate...


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jan 21, 2008
...holds 11 or fewer mutual funds in portfolio,

with a house that's 15% or less of net worth and,

46% have a pension that provides 25% or more of income, 24% have a pension but less than 25% of income and 30% have no pension.

Based on 6 fairly current polls from earlier threads and stemming from another thread. It seems there are always assumptions about how individuals here think they compare to others on - with some misconceptions both ways. The distributions are pretty wide, so you're probably in good company here no matter how you compare...

[Caveat: Drawing means from histograms is not exact for those anxious to pounce.]
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If I recall those polls, in most cases the value represent those of the household. I don't think we know the average number of people in the household.
...holds 11 or fewer mutual funds in portfolio,

with a house that's 15% or less of net worth and,

46% have a pension that provides 25% or more of income, 24% have a pension but less than 25% of income and 30% have no pension.

Nice recap. Thanks for the info. Now I know why the "bots" ask questions. They probably are doing the same stuff 1 question at a time, and then they write a paid article.

But I'm not too far off on many of these.
My income is below average but I am not going back to work as I only spend 60% of my net income as I struggle to move from a saver to a spender
Thanks for the nice summary. Wish I was one of the 46% getting a pension :(....
What is the average age?

Reminds me of a joke:

Guy walks into a bar and asks for 20 year old scotch. Bartender looks at him and thinks the guy is full of it and he gives him some cheap bar scotch. Guy takes a drink and spit's it out declaring "this is cheap bar scotch."

Bartender thinks, okay this guy might know something. Pours a glass of 5 year old scotch. Guy takes a drink and spits it out declaring "this is 5 year old scotch." This repeats for 10 year old, 15 year old and then 20 year old scotch where the guy takes a drink and is satisfied.

Old drunk at the end of the bar is watching all this. Get's up and pees in a glass. Sends it down the bar to the guy and says "hey buddy, drink this." Guy drinks it and spits it out, "that tastes like pee!". Old drunk says:

Sure, but how old am I? :)
What is the average age?

This is a good question. I have tried to estimate this by looking at the data on the life after fire threads where everyone posts their retirement month and age. My best guess is 56-57 after doing a few average calculations. Maybe we need a new poll.
Looks like I won't be accepted by the cool kids in Lake Wobegone.....

Good work, thanks for the analysis!
I ask the age question because at the saving rate we had when we retired (in our mid 40s), we would have had well over $2.9M if we had waited until our mid 50s. Probably closer to $4M.

People however will spend upwards of $1M treating a cancer to give them just 12 to 18 months longer life. So what is the value of 10 years? Perhaps quite a bit.
The average height of ER males is 176 cm and for females 163 cm.
Our average weight is 14 stone (men) and 12 stone for women.
Our average IQ is so high it's off the charts.
Our average MBTI type is INTJ except for the sports lovers who are ESPN.
Reminds me of a joke:

Guy walks into a bar and asks for 20 year old scotch. Bartender looks at him and thinks the guy is full of it and he gives him some cheap bar scotch. Guy takes a drink and spit's it out declaring "this is cheap bar scotch."

Bartender thinks, okay this guy might know something. Pours a glass of 5 year old scotch. Guy takes a drink and spits it out declaring "this is 5 year old scotch." This repeats for 10 year old, 15 year old and then 20 year old scotch where the guy takes a drink and is satisfied.

Old drunk at the end of the bar is watching all this. Get's up and pees in a glass. Sends it down the bar to the guy and says "hey buddy, drink this." Guy drinks it and spits it out, "that tastes like pee!". Old drunk says:

Sure, but how old am I? :)

I'm below average. Should I go back to work?

Hmmm - 1993 age 50 cheaper than 'The Four Yorkshiremen'. Having survived a Farm auction last Saturday. We are 'moving on up' like the old Jefferson's TV series. No idea as to net worth total but our spending is close to ten times beginning ER Jan 1993.

heh heh heh - all praise to Mr Bogle's index fund, born in the USA at this point in history, and getting married at age 70. Do not not go back to work! Even doing nothing on a farm is hard. :D :LOL::LOL:;)
Let's see....

$2.9M net worth
$84K/yr spending
3.4% WR
11 or fewer mutual funds
house < 15% of net worth
a pension that provides 25% or more of income

Personally, I do not suppose that I am within 10% of any of these values.

Typical INTJ, always the outlier.... ;)
I wonder how accurate the sampling was for this group. I find the "averages" to be higher than I would expect - though I'm sure I saw all the poles originally. Just sayin'... YMMV.
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