The Average'er has $2.9M Net Worth, $84K/yr Spending, 3.4% Withdrawal Rate...

I do not get out much, so only learned of the ALS ice bucket challenge just now. And I looked up the youtube video of Bill with his contraption. I don't think he bothered to build that stand himself, although he would be certainly capable of it.

About his deck, heck, he would spend a few millions on it to have it done top notch. What I was talking about is true DIY labor, which I would not do if I had his money. Would not risk cutting off a finger or getting hurt doing labor work.

In the earlier post, I talked about seeing people spending $300K to $550K to have their deck built by special contractors, ironically on a channel called DIY. The home owners on that show looked like ordinary people, but they had so much money. They are not in the billionaire class like Bill, but their net worth has to be an order of magnitude more than that of the "average" here. And there are seemingly so many of them. There may be a lot more rich people than commonly thought.
Well, if there are, they don't live in New Orleans. Honestly around here most people would expect a lot more than just a deck for that kind of money. Maybe they are filming in a very high COL area.
New Zealand decks are the very best!

Well, if there are, they don't live in New Orleans. Honestly around here most people would expect a lot more than just a deck for that kind of money. Maybe they are filming in a very high COL area.

We have those kinds of folks around here. More money than they know how to spend.
It is kind of interesting that it is socially acceptable to tout how much net worth one has

I don't think it really is socially acceptable to do that anywhere but here or
I don't think it really is socially acceptable to do that anywhere but here or

Plenty of people are proud of living paycheck to paycheck and blowing it all every week, thus having a NW of maybe a few k, zero, or negative. I'm not joking. They seem to almost revel in living on the edge. It is all the rage and the subject of many news and blog articles. Seems pretty socially acceptable to me.

Plenty of people are proud of living paycheck to paycheck and blowing it all every week, thus having a NW of maybe a few k, zero, or negative. I'm not joking. They seem to almost revel in living on the edge. It is all the rage and the subject of many news and blog articles. Seems pretty socially acceptable to me.
I've never seen anyone proud or gloating about living paycheck to paycheck. I'm sure there are articles about people like that in financial advice columns or blogs, usually with the message to save more, or at least save something. Perhaps since they're all the rage you can link one or two of them for us.
Some years ago, I had a subscription to the "Money" magazine. I recall reading all sorts of stories about people spending all that they make. In particular, I was aghast at a doctor who made $300K/year back something like 20 years ago, and along with his wife spent it all. I think they had to be proud of it to allow an interview for a feature article.

I got this magazine when I had some credit card points that were expiring and not good for much other than to get magazines. It was surely interesting to read about spendthrifts, but after a while it lost the novelty and I have not read this magazine for decades.
You've got it wrong--an extroverted Finn looks at your shoes when you talk to him.

I get confused with all of the various acronyms. Is an INTP the one who looks at his shoes when he talks to you or your shoes?
Some years ago, I had a subscription to the "Money" magazine. I recall reading all sorts of stories about people spending all that they make. In particular, I was aghast at a doctor who made $300K/year back something like 20 years ago, and along with his wife spent it all. I think they had to be proud of it to allow an interview for a feature article.

I recall an article from many years ago (might or might not have been in Money) about a young couple that sold off all they had to but lottery tickets. They had won some modest amounts and were still in the process of plowing it back in. I can't think it ended well.
Maybe they know they will be less likely to attract predatory guardians when they get old.


Plenty of people are proud of living paycheck to paycheck and blowing it all every week, thus having a NW of maybe a few k, zero, or negative. I'm not joking. They seem to almost revel in living on the edge. It is all the rage and the subject of many news and blog articles. Seems pretty socially acceptable to me.
I'm sure I saw all the poles originally..

All of them? Chicago and Buffalo included, or just the Europeans?

Way below average, except where above is below (WR). Sigh... Just like back in high school.
Can we get a who is enjoying being a layabout most poll? Bet I'd do well there.
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