The High Mountains of New Mexico

Glad you had a good time, Ziggy, hope your DD (dear dog) did also. Are there any cooler locations within a 1/2 day drive from home, I mean from "the scorpions and the chiggers and the fire ants and....."

101 degrees, :banghead:
A few shots around me from the deck of the house we rented:

This deer came to within about 20 feet of the deck.

Something many of us Texans forgot about, a thing called "rain":

Another thing we have forgotten about: Temperatures like these after a doozy of a thunderstorm. This was at about 4 PM when it's usually about 103º at home:

One of the views from the deck:
Looks wonderful, Ziggy! I *love* that photo of the rain. It looks so cool and refreshing. :)
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