These guys are illegal mexicans and were drunk! Time to deport people

If other countries think the way you do (!), there won't be too many Americans living abroad.
If other countries think the way you do (!), there won't be too many Americans living abroad.

So true...was vacationing in the Bahamas this winter when a drunk US tourist killed a Bahamian cop in a traffic accident - witnessed the whole thing. Hope they don't deport all of us Americans from the Bahamas.
Alright Here we go, remember any american living overseas is living LEGALLY!!!

these jerks are illegal and broke the laws!
Alright Here we go, remember any american living overseas is living LEGALLY!!!

these jerks are illegal and broke the laws!

Are you saying that it's ok with you if the drunk driving Mexican is legal?
I'm heading to home depot to see if they've got any 19 foot poles in stock.

Might have to special order a thirty footer.
If other countries think the way you do (!), there won't be too many Americans living abroad.

Nor too many Americans in this country either!!! We are all immigrants except the American Indians. In fact, America is predicted to be the only country in the Western hemisphere whose economic power is expected to grow because of its constant influx of immigrants. All other Western countries are declining.
Years ago, after listening to a citizen rant against Mexicans in their community I responded this way:

Most of them are young men who behave the way young men do: drink to much, drive to fast and chase girls. When our young service men are abroad they have a Sargent to answer to and remind them who they represent. Maybe we should require these people who take great risks to come pick our crops to bring their mothers to remind them that they represent their family and box their ears now and again.

This in no way excuses anyone who endangers others, regardless of their status.
So anyhow, my FIL was an "illegal immigrant", ran across the border and the whole bit. Married my MIL when they were barely legal, had three nice kids, and he worked his butt off (albeit legally) for the next 3 1/2 decades laying floors, until he suffered a debilitating stroke. Even with the physical limitations, he managed to construct a pretty nice house from scratch on the piece of land he'd managed to buy. Takes care of the place now while my MIL still works.

Few people command more respect from me, and I cant think of many people who exemplify what made america a great country than people like him.

And...he probably had a few cocktails here and there. And might have driven once or twice with a couple in him, just like most of the rest of us.
Oh boy, it's those illegal mexicans again! Run!!! Must've been one of my post college graduate family members. :D
"Look I am not a racist and love all but..... "

Ain't it funny how comments that begin with words like this always seem to dive straight into the denied territory. Yeah, sure, I can feel the love.
Alright Here we go, remember any american living overseas is living LEGALLY!!!

these jerks are illegal and broke the laws!

I lived illegally in the Bahamas a few years back...snuck in w/out the proper paperwork. Wouldn't try that again since 9/11 though.
The fact they were in the country illegally has nothing to do with the incident. Young men drinck, party , and chase women. Having said that they have still broken the laws of this country by not crossing the border legally and by driving drunk.
One soultion to this illegal mess is to impose on those in this country illegally the punishment for illegal immigration that would be imposed on U.S. citizen if they were caught living illegally in that persons country of origin. If the punishment in Mexico is 5 years in jail for illegal immigration into Mexico then that is what illiegal immigrants form Mexico should serve here. Of course I'm sure that some places in the world illegal immigration might well be a capitol offense.
As a sweetner to the new aminesty bill concocted by the fools in DC I suggest adding a provision that any illegal 18 - 40 who signs up and completes 4 years of combat arms in the military is given citizenship upon completion of those 4 years or if disabled due to service related injuries when discharged due to those injuries.

I still say Attilla the Hun was too liberal
The fact they were in the country illegally has nothing to do with the incident. Young men drinck, party , and chase women. Having said that they have still broken the laws of this country by not crossing the border legally and by driving drunk.
One soultion to this illegal mess is to impose on those in this country illegally the punishment for illegal immigration that would be imposed on U.S. citizen if they were caught living illegally in that persons country of origin. If the punishment in Mexico is 5 years in jail for illegal immigration into Mexico then that is what illiegal immigrants form Mexico should serve here. Of course I'm sure that some places in the world illegal immigration might well be a capitol offense.
As a sweetner to the new aminesty bill concocted by the fools in DC I suggest adding a provision that any illegal 18 - 40 who signs up and completes 4 years of combat arms in the military is given citizenship upon completion of those 4 years or if disabled due to service related injuries when discharged due to those injuries.

I still say Attilla the Hun was too liberal

Nice idea here.
ummmm...speaking of illegal immigrants serving in our military.....a few pesky facts need to be inserted here. From

What do you think about illegal immigrants serving in the Military?

According the U.S. government, all male immigrants – legal and otherwise – are required by U.S. law to register for selective service.

According to the National Center for Immigration Law, one in ten U.S. soldiers who have DIED in Iraq have been immigrants. Five percent of those serving in our military are illegal immigrants.

The first soldier to die for the United States in the current war in Iraq was Marine Lance Cpl. Jose Gutierrez, an illegal immigrant from Guatemala.

He died for you.

Some (not all) of you are not in Iraq fighting for anyone. You are home, sending hatred to strangers on your computer!
we seem to have many hit & runs here in south florida. i don't know & i hope it is not my prejudice but i suspect many are caused by illegal immigrants because it seems if you are illegal you might flee so that you don't get deported for hitting a pedestrian.

though i don't know that just because someone is a legal resident that they would stop to see if their victim is dead or alive or might require some assistance. i suppose a proper person would do that whether here legally or not.
I am against drunk drivers legal residents or not. Put them all in jail!!
"I drive fast, drink, run around with fast women, and still my opponent tells me I'm no Ted Kennedy!"

Pat Paulson, running for president, 1988

ok, so it's not totally relevant to the thread, but close---

while we're at it.....

"Mike Dukakis has the entire Greek community standing behind him--which is just where you don't want them!"

also Pat Paulson, from the same speech in Haines, Alaska

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