Time to put some cash back into the market?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Sep 24, 2011
With the feds looking to lower rates this week, I am sitting on some cash, waiting for a time to put it back into play. I would imagine the market will look favorable on the fed action and it might be a good time to move on this. Any thoughts? It's not exactly timing the market, just looking for a merge on to the freeway so to speak.
1. There is always something on sale. So, it's always a good time to buy something.

2. The market completely expects the rate cut this week. If they cut 0.25% I think the market will likely sell off a bit...sell the news. If they don't cut and keep rates the same, there will be a bigger selloff - possibly 5% worth. If they cut by 0.5% then the market will likely go up some, but not for any logical reasons.

If you're timing it, I would be buying after the announcement of a 0.25% cut and the short-term pullback that we would likely see following.
There is always something on sale...


So, it's always a good time to buy something.

Well, I bought stocks on sale quite a few times. They turned out to be "defective" or "rejects". Lost quite a bit of money. :)
The rate decrease is built in. Might something else move the markets? It is always something.

The best day is today. Next best day is tomorrow.
I'm within 0.5% portfolio gain of selling for next year's expenses. That means it's all down from here. I hope the rate cut helps, but it's been pretty well advertised.
I have been withdrawing money to finance a 350k upgrade to our snowbird condo, sell $315k and buy $665k including all furnishings and other contents. After 11 years, it was time for renewal. So I am expecting a decline in equities in the second half. Made 17% in the first half and not greedy.
I went all in today on 60/40 3 fund portfolio for 1mill roll over IRA. I can't touch this $$ for at least 10 years so be it.
NO MARKET TIMING. It is a fool's errand.

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