Time to start exercising...I disgust myself!

yes, i am the one with the dog....a walk a day only gets me a little bit of exercise....and i admit i am not too fond of 14 degree walks. we horse around inside more on those coooold days....then spend more time fetching the bone and walking when its at least 30 degrees

i started on the treadmill...just taking it easy for the first week or 2....did 1/2 mile in about 5 minutes....pretty brisk pace imho....dont know how i ever ran 6 minute miles!!!!

I was a bit alarmed at my heart rate though....270 pulse after a 1 minute walking cool-down...definitely not cool....probably a recipe for a heart attack? I'd really have to pussy foot it to keep in my target range according to the american heart assoc. my resting pulse is 60-65, fyi

also pulled out the total gym and some freeweights to gradually work my way back into that....

wish me luck
yes, i am the one with the dog....a walk a day only gets me a little bit of exercise....and i admit i am not too fond of 14 degree walks. we horse around inside more on those coooold days....then spend more time fetching the bone and walking when its at least 30 degrees

i started on the treadmill...just taking it easy for the first week or 2....did 1/2 mile in about 5 minutes....pretty brisk pace imho....dont know how i ever ran 6 minute miles!!!!

I was a bit alarmed at my heart rate though....270 pulse after a 1 minute walking cool-down...definitely not cool....probably a recipe for a heart attack? I'd really have to pussy foot it to keep in my target range according to the american heart assoc. my resting pulse is 60-65, fyi

also pulled out the total gym and some freeweights to gradually work my way back into that....

wish me luck

I'm not a medical professional but i'm pretty sure a pulse of 270 is not good. I'd recommend getting one of those pulse monitoring watches and keep your pulse between 120 and 160. At least make sure it stays under 200. Don't kill yourself!
It's going to be a lot harder to lose the weight once you gain it. I'd say be aggressive about it. Get OK from the doc, then 6 days per week of 40 minutes of exercise with two days per week of serious weightlifting.
A couple recommendations (that've worked for me) in re: exercise/diet regime:

Dr Ellington Darden's work ( drdarden.com ) on High Intensity Training (weights), saves me mucho workout time and his diet plan is supremely easy to follow -- many articles on his site and his books are often available on half.com -- one article in particular:

Dr. Darden's H.I.T.

And cardio: interval training saves me even more time -- and has bigger impact for me than slow/long cardio. I skip rope 3-5x a week in high intensity intervals. Takes some getting used to, but much easier on the knees (surprisingly) than my old running program. Google: "hiit" or "hiit jump rope" for some good articles.

- Stoop
I have been the same size since high school (13 years), maybe a bit more muscle.

I have followed some of Darden's routines. Pretty tough actually despite taking less time. Very uncoventional approach in many cases.

Today, I walk the dog about 3 miles a day. I work out with weights about 3x a week. I don't follow any routines aside from trying to change things up in terms of weight lifting. I eat pretty healthy but don't consider it to be a diet nor do I track calories.

Jump rope is a GREAT way to drop weight. Fed, if you wanna a cheap way to do it - run or jump rope or some variation of both. Once you pick up speed on the rope, get a weighted jump rope. That takes it to another level.

BTW - by BMI standards, I am obese at 6'2" 210-215 :bat:

Question I would ask myself if I were you - why am I binge eating?
I will be happy if I can just maintain my weight loss over the next two weeks. I lost 22 lbs this past year and went from sedentary to moderately active. At least I am headed in a forward direction with a fresh burst of buckledown that I'm saving up for the new year. Good luck to all!
supra ventricular tachycardia


I want to echo Aaron's statement and also
encourage you to see your doctor. I am not
a physician, but I have been a paramedic for
a long time. Sorry for the alarming tone of this,
but if your pulse actually hit 270 or even
close to it, then you need to see your doctor
ASAP, and then go to see a cardiologist and
get a stress test. Do not delay. Go now.

Your 270 pulse is a huge warning. I hope its a misread. Anyone with that pulse should visit the doctor - certainly before starting a cardio exercise program.

Interval training of treadmill power walking / weights is great for me. 5 minutes on treadmill, 1 set of weights, 5 minutes on treadmill, 1 set of weights...I do this for an hour 5-6 days a week. Very little stress on the joints.
I am assuming/hoping it was a misread! the highest I have gotten it since is 180-190-ish. I thinking I took a 10-second read and multiplied by 10 (manually, carotid arrterty) instead of 6!
I thinking I took a 10-second read and multiplied by 10 (manually, carotid arrterty) instead of 6!

This indicates a problem and you should go see a doctor immediately.
I always take a six-second read and multiply by 10. Easier and good enough for government work.
BTW - by BMI standards, I am obese at 6'2" 210-215

I don't think so, unless you have something funky going on. I'm 6'1", and just recently celebrated my move from obese to merely overweght when I passed (going down) 227 lbs. That's just a height/weight BMI reading, so if you're using something else YMMV. But just based on height/weight you'd need to be over 233 lbs to be obese, and under 195 to be "normal".
Another point of doing something every day is that you are more likely to consider your diet and not sit there pounding the cookies:D
I don't think so, unless you have something funky going on. I'm 6'1", and just recently celebrated my move from obese to merely overweght when I passed (going down) 227 lbs. That's just a height/weight BMI reading, so if you're using something else YMMV. But just based on height/weight you'd need to be over 233 lbs to be obese, and under 195 to be "normal".

Cool. So I am not obese after all, just a fatty.
Another point of doing something every day is that you are more likely to consider your diet and not sit there pounding the cookies:D

Funny you mention "pounding cookies". That's what i'm doing right now. I went to my parents for dinner and my mom baked me some cookies. She gave me a bag full and I just ate all of them in one sitting. The thing is that at 6'6" and 155lbs i'm actually hoping to gain a few but I won't. I never do. I think i'll start on my miniature reese's peanutbutter cups now.
For a high pulse like that, the first thing I would do is to go see to a Dr. to make sure it's OK for to exercise.

If the Dr. gives an OK, I would do the treadmill, but I would set it up so the speed is my normal walking speed. Maybe after a week of doing that, I would start increasing the speed a little bit.

I would also start some weight training.

At the same time, I would increase the amount of protein intake. I would probably do protein shakes and such. I read some studies where people who ate more protein lost weight even though they didn't decrease their carb intake and their caloric intake was higher than the group who ate the same amount of carbs. (The best tasting one I've found is Designer Whey - Strawberry flavor. You can find some good prices on the internet.)

yeah, the pulse was a mistake on my end. sorry for the confusion

im starting slow as to not burn myself out....trying to hit 3 days of cardio for 10-15 mins. weights 3 days as well...more of a high rep routine than i'm used to

in the past i tried to bulk up from 155 lbs using protein shakes and eating a lot of clean calories. i got up to 195 at about 19% Body Fat (nothing to write home about)...but I was 155 and 15% BF...so I figure I gained 15 lbs of fat and 25 of muscle...man did i look like a porker! but my max weight for reps in bench increased 60% over that time while my sqauts jumped almost 100%.

I'm not going for that look any more....prefer a leaner look these days....
I'm reading Body for Life, recommended my Moemg. That book would help you get the most out of your exercise sessions. Worth reading.
Other than the fact thatI have a sinus infection,i feel better overall already. Not so bloated on fats and soda....less sugar ups and downs from candy

Over the last 3 months I have gotten into the habit of at LEAST 1 12oz soda at lunch and one at dinner....usually one before bed. If I was working, you could bet on a 32 or 44 oz fountain pop mid-day....and if we got breakfast (always mcd's) i had to get a small coke to drink...love their fountain pop. So just cutting the sugars and cals from those 2-4 pops/day should make the difference in itself!

I ran 1 mile today vs. the usual .6 or .7...didnt feel too bad. i'll post some results in a month or so
Other than the fact thatI have a sinus infection,i feel better overall already. Not so bloated on fats and soda....less sugar ups and downs from candy

Over the last 3 months I have gotten into the habit of at LEAST 1 12oz soda at lunch and one at dinner....usually one before bed. If I was working, you could bet on a 32 or 44 oz fountain pop mid-day....and if we got breakfast (always mcd's) i had to get a small coke to drink...love their fountain pop. So just cutting the sugars and cals from those 2-4 pops/day should make the difference in itself!

I ran 1 mile today vs. the usual .6 or .7...didnt feel too bad. i'll post some results in a month or so

As a former runner and marathon finisher (5) I have this to add:

Increase your mileage slowly.

Get a heart rate monitor. I just bought an Omron HR 100-C for $32.00. When I bought my first Polar monitor in 1991, it was $175.00........:eek:

Be prepared for inevitable setbacks. Consider cross-training to lessen the pounding of running.

Eliptical machines are nice. Little impact and cardio galore.

best of luck..........:)
Over the last 3 months I have gotten into the habit of at LEAST 1 12oz soda at lunch and one at dinner....usually one before bed. If I was working, you could bet on a 32 or 44 oz fountain pop mid-day....and if we got breakfast (always mcd's) i had to get a small coke to drink...love their fountain pop. So just cutting the sugars and cals from those 2-4 pops/day should make the difference in itself!

You know, if you quit all the soda and anything with a lot of sugar in it (you mentioned cookies and cotton candies in an earlier post>), even if you don't exercise, you will lose weight. If you could cut down on white carbs (rice, pasta, potatoes, bread) in addition you will lose more.

When I eat pasta, I make sure and eat salad (with low fat dressing) and fill half of the plate with some green/yellow/red veggies like cooked broccoli, carrots, red peppers and such. If I am still hungry, I eat more veggies.


I'm reading Body for Life, recommended my Moemg. That book would help you get the most out of your exercise sessions. Worth reading.

I'll second Al's recommendation of Body for Life. I've never
had so much energy as the twelve weeks I did that plan.

You can do it to gain or lose weight, too.
It's a very good plan.

tmm...good points. thats why i cut out the soda and sweets! i also agree on white foods like potatoes rice and such. i try to sub those things for brown rice, whole wheat products etc.....if the first ingredient is enriched flour, i pass! i prefer to see whole wheats for my carbs

Here's what I bought for my snacking over the next 3 weeks or so (going on vacation to vegas...might be hard to limit my intake of crap food...all the buffets and rum n cokes!)

Lots of frozen broccoli and cauliflower-good filler for dinner

broccoli and carrots raw for munchin with a small amt of lowfat ranch

a few things of lowfat yogurt...limit myself to 2 a week

celery and lowfat cream cheese, also all natural peanut butter

whole wheat bagels for breakfast with lowfat cream cheese

Honey bunches of oats for breakfast- love em!

cashews, peanuts, almonds

beef jerky

lowfat triscuits

bananas and apples

crystal light to drink

pure protein bars...good nutritional profile for a quick snack high in protein, not too many sugars or fat

Hopefully these items sub for some of the worse things i was eating like fruitloops,tootsie rolls, pretzels, white bagels and reg cream cheese, cookies, premix iced tea, etc
Man Fed, you sound a bit like a rabbit. Beef Jerky? How does that fit in. (heh)

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