Timing reentry


Full time employment: Posting here.
Feb 8, 2012
edit... just realized I posted this to the wrong forum, I'll repost where it's supposed to be. Sorry for the mistake. Please delete this if possible.
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Obviously the markets are going to get a lot worse as the FED keeps hitting the gas on a recession in order to kill asset prices and cause a buyer's strike to end inflation, so why not just dollar cost average into an all market ETF each month? Maybe spread the buys out over a 12 - 18 month period.

I'm a lot older than you (79) and I am 10% equities and 90% fixed income. We have different goals.
Judging by your ability to observe and assess these things, I would say, you will "know" when to get back in just as you "knew " when to get out. I use "know" in quotes because no one really has a crystal ball. Whatever moved you to get rightfully out will move you to get back in. General purpose tried and true time honored stock market tip: When closing price gets 1 or 2% above the 40 week moving average it's a good time to call "turn around."
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