Toilet paper but no Root Beer


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 12, 2011
Fair Lawn
We are well stocked with TP, paper towels, Lysol spray etc. But I'm now down to my last bottle of IBC Diet Root Beer. One local chain by me is the only chain that carried it, but all of their stores have been out of it for weeks. Too late, I figured I'd buy Stewart's, but now that cannot be had. Too late again, I'm now trying to find A&W, and no luck.
Other sodas are available. I thought I was a rarity with my loyalty to root beer, but I guess not. I called the parent company of IBC, and after a hold of some 45 minutes all I got was a customer service rep who would only parrot the same line "Thank you for your loyalty, we are working on restocking."
Yeah, I know soda, and diet soda, are not healthy to drink. I won't drink regular soda as it tastes way too sweet, but I have to confess I enjoy my IBC Diet. I can't find anything, in my preliminary Google search, for the reason for this run on diet root beer.
I like an A&W diet root beer a few times a week. Since the start of the pandemic the supply around here has been very sporadic, so I think it must be a manufacturer issue. I'll pick up a 12-pack when I notice it in stock, and since I'm generally in the supermarket at least twice a week I haven't had to suffer much. Just keep looking and grab it when you can.
Vanilla Coke is missing in Boise :). Talked to the Coke employee who said part of it is cutting back due to aluminum shortage from Brazil. Supply chain problems, not discontinued. Said that they can only stock 22 out of 45 products.
There are reports of an aluminum can shortage. Not sure why root beer might be impacted more than other soft drinks, or beer for that matter. Perhaps the companies are prioritizing their bigger sellers? I dunno.

A quick Google search on root beer shortage comes up with reports of other brands in short supply such as Barq's.
Now that you mention it, that jogged my memory. I go up to Carlisle, PA a few times a year for car shows/swap meets. There's a place just outside one of the gates that my friends and I usually eat at because it's cheaper. I'd always get a can of birch beer, because it's just something I don't see that often where I live. But, this time around, they said that the place they normally get it from didn't produce it, this year. I guess that was a result of shutdowns because of COVID, so there was probably a shortage of some of the less common beverages.
DH loves diet, caffeine free A&W root beer. Until recently, there was none to be had in our area (SF Bay Area). Finally in stock and did I stock up, but apparently not enough as it's now not to be seen in any store. I've found a few non-caffeine free here and there and grab those. There doesn't seem to be a shortage of other diet sodas.
Well, I’ve definitely seen a shortage of Diet Coke products. Our mixer of choice is the ginger lime diet cokes. They are not to be had. I’ve heard it’s an aluminum shortage. All the major bottlers are focusing on just producing their major brands and not the other flavor alternatives.
Well, I’ve definitely seen a shortage of Diet Coke products. Our mixer of choice is the ginger lime diet cokes. They are not to be had. I’ve heard it’s an aluminum shortage. All the major bottlers are focusing on just producing their major brands and not the other flavor alternatives.

That makes sense. I'll definitely stock up again whenever I see it.
I've been buying A&W diet root beer w/o fail from March None to be found in my local Walmart and I am out. I managed to grab a Walmart generic (yuck) 2L bottle just to have something.
Maybe lots of sheltered in place folks are drowning their sorrow in root beer floats.
Maybe lots of sheltered in place folks are drowning their sorrow in root beer floats.

Oh man. Love root beer floats! Also love Dr. Pepper floats.

And my grandmother (mamaw), she used to make me and my brothers Diet Coke floats whenever we visited. She called them black cows. So good. And nice memories.
Vanilla Coke is missing in Boise :). Talked to the Coke employee who said part of it is cutting back due to aluminum shortage from Brazil. Supply chain problems, not discontinued. Said that they can only stock 22 out of 45 products.

Here in the DMV I have not been able to locate zero sugar versions of Vanilla, Cherry, and Cherry-Vanilla coke. Several stores have signs stating that due to the aluminum can shortage many flavors are not available.

I have been making do somewhat by adding sugar free vanilla syrup to coke zero. I am testing a cherry powder but that does not seem to flavor the coke, at least for my taste.
OP here. I located 2 bottles of Diet A&W. That'll hold me over for a while, anyway. If any of the local stores restock with my beloved IBC, boy am I going to stock up!


As beer and soda consumption shifts from restaurants to homes during the COVID-19 pandemic, beverage companies and canmakers are having a hard time keeping up.

A shortage of aluminum cans is crimping supplies of certain drinks, industry officials said.

"Aluminum cans are in very tight supply with so many people buying more multi-pack products to consume at home," Coca-Cola spokesperson Ann Moore said Wednesday in an email.
We are well stocked with TP, paper towels, Lysol spray etc. But I'm now down to my last bottle of IBC Diet Root Beer. One local chain by me is the only chain that carried it, but all of their stores have been out of it for weeks. Too late, I figured I'd buy Stewart's, but now that cannot be had. Too late again, I'm now trying to find A&W, and no luck.
Other sodas are available. I thought I was a rarity with my loyalty to root beer, but I guess not. I called the parent company of IBC, and after a hold of some 45 minutes all I got was a customer service rep who would only parrot the same line "Thank you for your loyalty, we are working on restocking."
Yeah, I know soda, and diet soda, are not healthy to drink. I won't drink regular soda as it tastes way too sweet, but I have to confess I enjoy my IBC Diet. I can't find anything, in my preliminary Google search, for the reason for this run on diet root beer.

Hmmm TP or Root Beer, TP or Root Beer... But seriously, I can't get Vernors Ginger Ale here. YMMV
My biggest sorrow this summer has been that I could not get Diet Moxie when we went to Maine for two weeks. I can put up with not being able to eat in a restaurant, or shop at LL Bean or go antiquing, but it is very hard to survive without my yearly dose of Moxie. I drink it every day in Maine, and usually bring home several 12 packs and try to make them last as long as possible after.
Drank Barq's RB as a kid. My favorite. But I've lost interest in old age.
Glad we have a Soda stream. Love Diet Dr. Pete, but not available. Only Diet root beer and cola. I’m drinking much less soda, unflavored seltzer and sun tea mostly. I finally got DH off of regular Vanilla Coke. He likes Cherry Coke Zero and Vanilla Coke Zero. Occasionally they’re available in 2L bottles. You can find 20 oz bottles in convenience stores though, most flavors. Blow that dough?
Now that you mention it, that jogged my memory. I go up to Carlisle, PA a few times a year for car shows/swap meets. There's a place just outside one of the gates that my friends and I usually eat at because it's cheaper. I'd always get a can of birch beer, because it's just something I don't see that often where I live. But, this time around, they said that the place they normally get it from didn't produce it, this year. I guess that was a result of shutdowns because of COVID, so there was probably a shortage of some of the less common beverages.

I live near there and Birch Beer could be found in all the local stores here. Never looked for it or tried it. I stopped all sugary drinks in 1983, to make sure I fit in my wedding dress...
The Wegman's store brand of Heavenly Hash ice cream was out of stock in March, April, and May. Back in stock now. No reason given.
I found this forum when I did a Google search, "Why can't I find IBC diet root beer". I'm an early retiree myself, so joining the forum was the only logical next step. I was pleased to find Sprecher lo-cal root beer today at a Menard's home improvement store. I bought two four-packs after months of diet root beer drought. It's light enough to substitute for diet and 25 calories per 8 oz. I miss IBC, but this is a good alternative. Yep, retired and shopping Menard's for root beer in the early afternoon. Life is good.
Welcome aboard. I hope we hear more from you about your FIRE journey.
I found this forum when I did a Google search, "Why can't I find IBC diet root beer". I'm an early retiree myself, so joining the forum was the only logical next step. I was pleased to find Sprecher lo-cal root beer today at a Menard's home improvement store. I bought two four-packs after months of diet root beer drought. It's light enough to substitute for diet and 25 calories per 8 oz. I miss IBC, but this is a good alternative. Yep, retired and shopping Menard's for root beer in the early afternoon. Life is good.

OP here. Welcome to this great family, and to ER! Back on topic, since I first posted I have been able to get Stewart's Diet Root Beer (but not always). No Menard's in my neck of the woods. I keep checking my local store shelves, but still no luck with IBC :(
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