Too sickened by coronavirus to continue

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Do you want to be reminded of your own mortality every day by wearing a mask and practicing social distancing? Is that any way to live? At some point we have to start living again as human beings, enjoying life to the fullest and not being afraid.
It's not about my own mortality, it's about other people I interact with. I have to be careful for my elderly DF and for the care home he lives in, and for DH. I will wear a mask in pubic and practice social distancing. I find that no burden at all. My quality of life is still very good.

For folks who are on their own with no one to infect and no vulnerable person they visit - fine, do whatever.

BTW - I already know that I am mortal, and wearing a mask is not reminding me of that.
Your argument applies to the regular Flu season during pre-pandemic days. It applies to people who drive cars, go on airplanes, trains, all of which can crash and cause injury/death to innocent people.

Do you want to be reminded of your own mortality every day by wearing a mask and practicing social distancing? Is that any way to live? At some point we have to start living again as human beings, enjoying life to the fullest and not being afraid.

Again with the flu if I hear that one more time....

I want to be reminded that most people are considerate, well-meaning, and unselfish. And by looking around and seeing them practicing safe distancing, and wearing a mask, that helps me enjoy life at zero cost to the wearers.
Good grief! The Today show on two stations at once.

Can't the FCC ban that as cruel and unusual punishment?

I'd like to see COZI air the shows on its regular, daily schedule. Those are the shows it promotes at other times of the day to get viewers to watch it (adding further insult when I see one of those trailers). Let NBC air its crummy Today Show and Hoda Kotb afterward, and only on that network, and leave COZI-TV alone for those of us who don't want to watch NBC.
Your argument applies to the regular Flu season during pre-pandemic days. It applies to people who drive cars, go on airplanes, trains, all of which can crash and cause injury/death to innocent people.

Do you want to be reminded of your own mortality every day by wearing a mask and practicing social distancing? Is that any way to live? At some point we have to start living again as human beings, enjoying life to the fullest and not being afraid.

No, it’s a fact that a large percentage of carriers of Covid 19, not regular flu, can have zero symptoms and yet be contagious to other people, many of whom could get sick or die. If some people are impervious to that simple knowledge, or can’t be bothered because they just really don’t care what impact they have on others, then there’s no use communicating further about it.
No, it’s a fact that a large percentage of carriers of Covid 19, not regular flu, can have zero symptoms and yet be contagious to other people, many of whom could get sick or die.

"As many as 50% of infections with normal seasonal flu may be asymptomatic, which may in part be due to pre-existing partial immunity."

"Further, transmission in the first 3-5 days of illness, or potentially pre-symptomatic transmission –transmission of the virus before the appearance of symptoms – is a major driver of transmission for influenza. In contrast, while we are learning that there are people who can shed COVID-19 virus 24-48 hours prior to symptom onset, at present, this does not appear to be a major driver of transmission."
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Mdlerth, Come back soon.

I'm surprised at the lack of empathy on this forum. I shouldn't be. I appreciate that Mdlerth let us know he/she was taking a break. I've been wondering about NWBound, HaHa and T Al too, are they taking a break, are they or a family member sick. They are internet acquaintance and after being on a site for years you wonder when they disappear. Hope all stay well.
Seriously, dude/dudette said bye for a while and it’s 7 pages of blah blah blah...
I see your point. People don't have much data to go on. Do they?

IIRC, masks do not protect the wearer. They protect other people from the wearer. And it is not absolute protection, just a bit more protection from what I understand. Presumably, sneezing your CV virus infected particles into a mask is safer than sneezing them into the air others around you breath. But, it's not as safe as sneezing them into Kleenex at home with no other people around. At least that's what I think masks are about. I only know what I hear on TV and read on the Internet. :eek:

Yes, that's what we are told. But there is scientific research which seems to contradict that common guidance:

"Although mechanistic studies support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks, evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza."

"Neither surgical nor cotton masks effectively filtered SARS–CoV-2 during coughs by infected patients."

(They appear to be talking about influenza, and not specifically SARS–CoV-2 in the first article).
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Seriously, dude/dudette said bye for a while and it’s 7 pages of blah blah blah...

"I have 7 over here, 7, 7, 7,.....can I get 8? I hear 8? Who's going to give me 8? Lady over there says I hear 9?"
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"Neither surgical nor cotton masks effectively filtered SARS–CoV-2 during coughs by infected patients."
This “study” had an effective n=3. More like science project, not study level. And they didn’t even collect petri data on patient #4.
Let’s agree the necessary innoculum dose of virus to -> COVID is not known.

Firstly, what if all 4 patients were robust cough-ers, b/c that would affect viral plume w/ cough.
Secondly, the letter reported #1 coughing w/ a cotton mask lands 2.27log copies/ml virus on petri dish vs. 3.53. In #3 patient, it’s 1.42 vs. 2.52. So 36% and 44% reduction of viral load. So if a viral dose of 2.6 log copies/ml successfully causes an infection, then yes, a cloth mask works and is effective.
Also, the distance from mouth opening to petri dish was 20cm. Who stands that close these days? So if at 20cm, a cloth mask reduces viral cough load of 30-40%, and then extrapolate that to 6ft, then that might be good enough to prevent successful infecting dose.
And finally, virus was sometimes detected on the outer surface of the mask, but not inner. The authors argued about turbulent air jets.
OK, one then could counter: if masks result in a venturi effect, changing the dynamics of a cough, then everyone should wear masks -> b/c when you cough with a mask on, the virus particles’ forward travel is rerouted onto the mask instead of forward into the air.
Anyways, they need a larger sample size than essentially 3, with data for each patient, not this hodge podge measurements. Given that some COVID case series have +5k, this should achievable.
The NYT recently had an article about home made masks protecting the wearer to various extents. I already figured that despite hearing the opposite numerous times.

This reminds me of two things. Not too long ago but before coronavirus I researched something about the effectiveness of masks and I found a study that showed a certain mask that technically doesn't filter out small enough particles to prevent a certain illness (flu maybe) was MORE effective at protecting the wearer from those particles than masks made to filter that size particle. I didn't see an explanation. It could have been an inaccuracy in the study or the same effect as filtered cigarettes where the user tended to suck harder (just my theories).

Also, I'd read that Consumer Reports didn't like certain air cleaners that didn't pull in the air with an exhaust fan. I think the ones they didn't like worked by creating an electrical charge that caused the cleaner to hold onto particles once they got very close. But IMO they work somewhat. Kind of like hanging a wet towel that catches dust. It's better than nothing, and if the surface area is large enough I figure it would work pretty well.

I have a HEPA air cleaner that accumulates dust on the pre-filter in a pretty substantial layer before the "clean filter" light becomes lit. I figure the dust itself adds some filtering capability.
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Remember back in the days smoking was popular and acceptable. Then non-smokers had enough and spoke up. They first tried smoking sections on airplanes and restaurants. It didn’t take long to realize that was stupid. Bans on smoking slowly but steadily spread to airplanes, bars & restaurants, workplaces, and public spaces. There are still places you can smoke and there will always be people who don’t cate who they annoy (citing personal freedoms). Maybe mask wearing will take the same trajectory. Maybe a little more quickly. There will always be people who won’t wear a mask, don’t care about others, and will swear it their personal freedom to do so.
Before you go, you should just know - Dr. Fauci is my new imaginary boyfriend. :D :LOL:

Looks like you weren't alone about Dr. Fauci as the imaginary boyfriend :popcorn:.

In 1991, Sally Quinn—doyenne of the Washington intelligentsia, who was then on a streak of popular novels—published “Happy Endings,” which climbed the bestseller list. Across 500-plus pages, Quinn unspools the juicy romance of a widowed First Lady who falls head over heels for a dashing and cutting NIH scientist (who, by the way, has recently discovered a therapy for AIDS) while a white-hot and secretive love affair takes wind. Bellinis are spilled, love is made, hearts are broken and mended—all for the singular and mysterious scientist, who goes by the name of Michael Lanzer.
Or better known by his real name: Anthony Fauci.

It was around this time that Quinn first encountered the real-life Fauci, at a Washington function where the two were paired as dinner partners. With his tie askew and from behind enormous glasses, Fauci left an impression of earnest brilliance, enough to inspire the main character of Quinn’s upcoming novel.
“I just fell in love with him,” Quinn told me recently, recalling their evening together. “Usually those dinners, you make polite conversation, and that’s it. But we had this intense conversation, personal conversation. I though, ‘Wow, this guy is amazing.'”
I feel the sentiment. It's like any "war". I remember the "march to baghdad" it was wall to wall news coverage 24x7, I swear they had a camer and a reporter embedded on every single tank.

This is our current "war" and the wall to wall coverage is a bit much, like anything...moderation.

I think this is the second COVID forum I've responded to, everyone has a choice...I want to learn about investing so I try to participate in those discussions.
glad I didn't have a sip of coffee yet!
Poor Dr. Fauci, how can he keep up with three? He isn't the youngest no more, and he has a day job too...

He can recover from these escapades being in quarantine now.:D
Poor Dr. Fauci, how can he keep up with three? He isn't the youngest no more, and he has a day job too...

I'm envisioning the scene in Little Big Man with Dustin Hoffman and the three widowed sisters-in-law.
Poor Dr. Fauci, how can he keep up with three? He isn't the youngest no more, and he has a day job too...

Colbert had a funny bit where he shows a particularly attractive
photo of Dr. Fauci in a white coat, and introduces him as "Dr. Anthony Fauci
head of NIAID and nice veterinarian your mom takes the dog to much too often"
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