Top Three Rules

Some of my favorites

-Never spend money before you have made it (from Thomas Jefferson s 10 rules)

-Start and the task will be completed (never knew but this paraphrases Johann Wolfgang von Goeth)

-Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly (TJ Again)
So many good ones. I’ll add…

Be grateful for all that you have.
If you love someone, tell them frequently.
1. Trust but Verify

2. The only person that cares about my money is me

3. Live and let live....MYOB and accept others for who they are, not who they are not, not who you believe they should be and not how you believe they should lead their life based on your values. beliefs, etc.
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The older I get, the less I know.

Anyone who claims to know the absolute truth doesn't know sh*t.

Avoiding people who claim to know the absolute truth makes life better.

"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

"What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others." - Confucius

"If you could kick the person in the pants that gives you the most trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month." - Teddy Roosevelt

Everyone has the right to their feelings.

Tried to limit it to just these three. Can't say I always live by them, but I try.
Don't talk about your salary with anyone. One of you will end up at least a little jealous.
If something goes poorly, first think about what you could have done to make it turn out better before pointing the blame finger.
Treat everyone you meet with equal, high respect (even online).
Never play cards with a man called Doc.
Never eat at a place called Mom's.
Never sleep with a woman whose troubles are worse than your own.

  • *There is an old pilot axiom: "In an emergency wind the clock." The argument that the pilot should take a little time to think. If there isn't that much time, then the pilot probably can't do much about the emergency anyway.

  • Another pilot axiom:

    Never run out of altitude, wing speed and ideas at the same time.
First two are from my native language so translated. I hope they don't loose the true meaning.
1. Don't be shy/afraid to try anything and everything. i.e. it is ok to try and fail than not try at all. People tend to regret the things they haven't done in life rather than the things they have done when they are on their deathbed. Variation of this rule: If you don't ask then the answer is always "No".
2. Keep your eyes, ears and nose open. i.e. be observant, learn from your surrounding, people around you, etc. I learned some of the best things in my life by just watching people around me.
3. A bird in hand is worth two in the bushes.
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Great thread. Here are a few of mine:

1. You get back what you put out there.
2. I can't control external things, only my reactions.
3. You don't know other people's circumstances, so try to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume good intentions.
Another one I live by:

Trust your gut. If you feel something/someone is "off", walk away.
I don't like rules, but I do have a little mantra:

If I can throw a little money at a problem to avoid sweat I will.
Great posts - love them!
Since pjigar listed "A bird in hand", I will continue the theme:
1) A one-eyed man is king in the land of the blind.
2) The second mouse gets the cheese.
3) If you are the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room.

ETA: My "theme" here is that you don't have to be the first or best, but always try to learn.
1. Loose lips sink ships.

2. Get it in writing.

3. If someone betrays your trust once, they will do it again. Move on.
I don't like rules, but I do have a little mantra:

If I can throw a little money at a problem to avoid sweat I will.

Back in the day, the missus and I really hesitated/disliked throwing money at a problem/situation, big or small. But we've transitioned to a more balanced approach nowadays as we realize some money saved doesn't necessarily outweigh the angst sometimes. Situation dependent of course.
I have 2 short ones that my kids have to stick it on the wall:

1. Work first, play later.

2. Take time to do it right.
Lots of rule sets.
the construction set.
Work smart not hard.
Deep stuff goes in first.
Wet stuff flows downhill.
#1) Look before you leap.
#2) He who hesitates is lost.
#3) Don't put too much faith in 'rules'.


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