Two months in


Recycles dryer sheets
Dec 22, 2010
...and happy as a clam, or happier, since their life doesn't seem like a great deal. We are almost moved in (the finishers are finishing the bookcases we had built and installed right this moment). There are still a few things not totally in order. I will need to change insurance to get the doctor I want, which will begin in January. Dentist, eye doctor not yet located. But we have been enjoying a grand time in NYC and trying to figure out why I ever thought a job was a good enough reason to leave in the first place. We've gotten a few tickets for things through and gone to a few events at full price if we really wanted to hear them. We've had a few people over for dinner--we have had a more satisfying social life in two months than in the past 20+ years. I used to check the stock market every hour when w*rking (between appointments, of course!)--now some days go by and I don't even wonder about it. I acquired a one day a week teaching position in a place that is easily accessible by public transit. You may not hear from me often at all, because I'm too busy LIVING!:dance:
Congratulations! DD just moved to NYC so I sent her the clubfreetime link - thanks for sharing!
Oh my, Heavy! Getting settled in the new apartment, exercising daily, having friends over for dinner, practicing the piano, reading the paper, watching my beloved Mets, going to concerts and (cheap) plays. I haven't even had time to look for tennis opponents!

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