What ALWAYS makes you smile?

My kitten and dog (and other puppies and kittens)

Memories of my grandparents

Memories of my brother and myself as youngsters

Enjoying a drink or two.... with DH

I thought the big fun of this would be thinking of things that make me smile. Reading the responses of others has been really, really fun....and made me smile, bigtime.
Our cats, our sons, my DH doing his underwear dance or talking with the cats, the first cup of coffee in the morning, the birds lined up on the fence for the bird feeder, finishing projects, Home Depot, and when I find knots....that ALWAYS makes me smile :)
Okay, I have to ask - "underwear dance"? Or maybe we don't want to know....
My cat tearing down the hallway at full gallop after she has done #2 in the litterbox. (WHY does she do that every time??)

One of my investment stocks raising their dividend (Woo Hoo! Best pay raise ever!)

Hiking, camping, campfire, marshmallows

Visiting our daughter and son inlaw
DW, DDs and DC*

Tomorrow's Friday and I'll be going for a run after I put my daughters on the school bus - I'm deliberately picking a route that let's me look down on the rush hour traffic taking all the non-retirees to work.>:D

* Dear Cat
Sitting in the whirlpool after a 13 mile run...
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