what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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It makes me swallow hard to contemplate spending that much in one shot but looking forward to lots of new toys to play with.
Sounds like a whole lot of pressure. One missed setting and the "Uncle Walt at the wedding" stories will ricochet for years...
Looking forward to absolutely gorgeous weather this week. Low humidity, highs in the low 80's, perfect for a motorcycle ride.

A nephew is getting married in NY state come October and DW gave her stamp of approval for spending ~$5k on camera gear (Nikon D7000, lenses, filters, flash, tripod, bag, etc.) in preparation for that. It makes me swallow hard to contemplate spending that much in one shot but looking forward to lots of new toys to play with.

You have a great hobby, and (let's face it) you can afford it. So, might as well buy the camera gear without the slightest bit of guilt, and enjoy playing with it! :D

Also remember this the next time she wants $5K worth of stuff for her hobbies.... ;)
Hi again :greetings10: I am still on the planet. :D

I recently found a home for something that has been hanging, unused, in my garage for over a decade. Today I delivered a barely used fishing pole (circa mid 1990s from my
[-]what the h*ll was I thinking?[/-] Adirondack camping days), 12 fishing lures, split shot, swivel something or other clip thingies, and a package of 60 snelled hooks of all sizes, to a retired policeman. He w*rks PT as the day caretaker for a 25 year old autistic man with minimal verbalization skills. My new buddy (the retired cop) is going to take his client fishing on the shore of Oneida Lake for a change of pace.

I can't wait to hear about the one that got away. :ROFLMAO:

Two things amazed me. First surprise was that the 1990s price for the snelled hooks package was $1.86. Second surprise was the Made in USA label.
A very large semi arrived at my new home at 0830h and the next three hours was spent delivering all my stuff and assembling anything that had been taken apart. I spent most of the rest of the day unpacking boxes and have completed approximately 30% of the job. I found a kitchen sink stopper and other kitchen sink accoutrements from my old house, as well as a few things that I had specifically indicated they were NOT to pack. And I finally got my makeup bag! I wonder sometimes what these people are thinking....:facepalm:

Anyway, by 8 pm I was sick of unwrapping individual spice jars, so I found my patio furniture, made a sandwich and enjoyed it with a glass of local red wine on the balcony, watching the sunset. :)

Tomorrow, china and books.
I'l bet she hasn't even started shopping for the dress that she's going to wear to the wedding...

Gee, thanks for the suggestion guy. Traitor to your gender...:LOL:

Actually I have asked her if there's anything special/expensive she wants and she draws a blank. Right now what she wants most (and has) is time to look after her father without the distraction of having to earn a living. So she has that, a reliable car, a full pantry, an intact roof over her head and she's a happy camper.

I sure appreciate a girl that easy to please.
I suggest buying her a home theater system to show her the pictures you have taken. Top it off with some power tools (if there is money left).
Gee, thanks for the suggestion guy. Traitor to your gender...:LOL:
I don't think any spouse needs the hint...

I'm just doing my share as part of the therapy group that's going to help prepare you for the trauma!
Coerced DW to stick her hand (mine got stuck) into the corvette to change a front blinker bulb. Maybe I can talk her into doing the next oil change.
DW informed me last night that her hobby was going to cost $12k over the next 12 months. At first I was a bit shocked, but then when I got to thinking about it, our ER budget for personal hobbies is about a thousand a month each. So, no problem. Actually we don't budget it right now as I'm still bringing home a paycheck. The nice thing about this particular hobby, though, is that if she gets good at it, she can actually sell the stuff she makes, perhaps at cost, perhaps for a modest profit. Either way, it will keep her busy, mentally challenged, and happy, and the sales (if she sells them) will offset the cost. Her hobby, by the way, is covering and decorating tea boxes. I'll try to post a pic when I can, but her work is really nice.

DW informed me last night that her hobby was going to cost $12k over the next 12 months. At first I was a bit shocked, but then when I got to thinking about it, our ER budget for personal hobbies is about a thousand a month each. So, no problem. Actually we don't budget it right now as I'm still bringing home a paycheck. The nice thing about this particular hobby, though, is that if she gets good at it, she can actually sell the stuff she makes, perhaps at cost, perhaps for a modest profit. Either way, it will keep her busy, mentally challenged, and happy, and the sales (if she sells them) will offset the cost. Her hobby, by the way, is covering and decorating tea boxes. I'll try to post a pic when I can, but her work is really nice.


That's a good hobby. I wish I have one that mentally challenges me, keeps me happy and eventually brings in some $$$. My sister has a hobby that does that - jewellery making. She sells the pieces she makes. I learnt from her a bit and made 3 pieces for myself. However, it's just too difficult on the eyes.
I talked to my daddy tonight...momma is about the same. She's comfortable.

Anyway, he told me a funny story about my Papa (his dad). When Papa was 85 (he had been a widower for a few years), one of his sons introduced him to a lady. They spent the afternoon together.

Daddy asked him how it went. Papa said, "It was fine. She's a nice enough lady, but I had to help her down the steps. Now, why would I want to marry a funeral expense?" :LOL:

My Papa told it like it wuzz.....
DW informed me last night that her hobby was going to cost $12k over the next 12 months. At first I was a bit shocked, but then when I got to thinking about it, our ER budget for personal hobbies is about a thousand a month each. So, no problem. Actually we don't budget it right now as I'm still bringing home a paycheck. The nice thing about this particular hobby, though, is that if she gets good at it, she can actually sell the stuff she makes, perhaps at cost, perhaps for a modest profit. Either way, it will keep her busy, mentally challenged, and happy, and the sales (if she sells them) will offset the cost. Her hobby, by the way, is covering and decorating tea boxes. I'll try to post a pic when I can, but her work is really nice.


This is a sample pic of one of DW's tea boxes. This is a small one, sitting on top of our shoe cabinet. Sorry, I can't figure out how to get it to upload and show in the post properly...rotating it and saving it with a new file name before uploading didn't work.



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Packing for a short trip. later today I'll be heading for Faribault Mn to a cousin's place, then to Minneapolis for the Minnesota Street Rod Association's Back to the 50s weekend. Should be about 12,000 old cars there. Going in my cousin's 1928 Pontiac.

Minnesota Street Rod Association
This is a sample pic of one of DW's tea boxes. This is a small one, sitting on top of our shoe cabinet. Sorry, I can't figure out how to get it to upload and show in the post properly...rotating it and saving it with a new file name before uploading didn't work.

Here ya go...


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Back from Guatemala...

Just a few lines about what we saw this time around.

We set up another clinic in one of the poorest parts of Guatemala. Three clinicians (including myself) saw a few hundred patients over 10 days. Many of them were children.

Patients waited to see us, in the cold, outside the clinic from 5am.

The poverty there is extreme, and hygiene non existent.

Some people, including children, eat grass in the fields (it is the rainy season now, which helps).

Many young girls are pregnant, and many of them will die while walking to the only regional hospital because they do not arrive on time for a C section. It is really tragic.

Words are failing me, I am so sorry.

It will take me a few days to get back to normal.

Take care everyone.
I only just saw this post. Your wonderful voluntary work reminds me of a documentary called "The English Surgeon" about an English brain surgeon who donates time and equipment to perform brain surgeries in the Ukraine. It sounds as if the health care system where you are volunteering (if it can be called a health care system) is in much worse shape than the one in the Ukraine.

It must be hard to see the difficulties of your patients. Hopefully you've recovered enough by now to be able to go on with your day to day life here.
So far...coffee, surfing, washed and hung up a load of laundry. I'm exhausted. :LOL:

Mr B is off to his AM Legion coffee session, then a medical appt (all is well), then home until his evening Legion board meeting. It is great to see him so involved in volunteer w*rk he enjoys. :D He is using his computer admin and accounting skills to help several veterans groups and many individuals.

I have a few minor projects to accomplish until he gets back. The back lawn needs mowing, so maybe I'll muster up some energy, throw on a skimpy top and bathing suit bottom so I get some tanning time in, and hop on the JD lawn tractor.
This is a sample pic of one of DW's tea boxes. This is a small one, sitting on top of our shoe cabinet. Sorry, I can't figure out how to get it to upload and show in the post properly...rotating it and saving it with a new file name before uploading didn't work.


Very nice box ! She could probably sell them on etsy .
I don't think any spouse needs the hint...

I'm just doing my share as part of the therapy group that's going to help prepare you for the trauma!

I did suggest she start thinking about a dress to wear to the wedding. Her response? "Well, I have the one I wore to (niece's) wedding last year so I can wear that one since I've only worn it once and (this group) has never seen it, and maybe buy another for the rehearsal dinner."

And if she spends a nickel over $150 it will be a first.

So this doesn't concern me at all. And if she did go wildly out of character and spend $500 on a dress I'd say "It's about time you treated yourself!"

As long as she didn't get used to that, of course.:)
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