what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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I am up against a "we always do it this way" mentality.

That's always a tough barrier to crack/get around/go over. Good luck!

I ordered several books on Photoshop cs5. It's a fascinating software package and at first use deserving of it's reputation for capability and therefore complexity.

Lots of choices with it, with each choice comes additional options, which increases the complexity. I think some variation of the inverse square law comes into play here. It's gonna be a while before I can get my head wrapped around this one.

But when I stumble across the right combination the result is beautiful.
Mr B is doing his taxes, so....
I played with my indoor garden, trimming back the overgrown oregano and basil and setting it out to dry on the kitchen counter. I was pleased to see the russett potatoes I planted last week have emerging green leaves already. :D
I removed old registration stickers from 2 of our vehicles, cleaned the inside of the windshield and applied the new ones. It is 56F and sunny out today. :dance:
I made blueberry herbal tea.
I updated my portfolio share values at M*.
I'm sitting in the sunlight in the living room, listening to 1970s music on digital cable music station. No Partridge Family :sick: bubblegum songs have played so far...
Jumped out of bed at 9 AM because I thought I heard my lawn guy. Jumped in the shower, dressed, made coffee, and then figured out it was my next door neighbor's lawn guy. :facepalm:
At 10 AM my lawn guy came.
At 11 AM the lawn guy for the house on the other side of me came.
At 12 noon the lawn guy for the guy across the street came. :LOL:

I thought this was pretty comical. Apparently right now all of our lawn guys are "synched", coming on the same day. That is pretty cool.

We went to the gym as always, and both of us were able to increase our respective workouts nicely today so we felt pretty good about it. Ran into a couple of old friends there and said hi. Then we (just F. and I) went to a nearby restaurant for lunch, engaged in lots of pleasant conversation and then went on a pleasure drive during which he showed me a high, soaring new freeway onramp near his house that just opened. Kind of intimidating for me, since it is so high. It almost reminded me of the Sunshine Skyway in Tampa Bay, which scares me silly. This was much shorter and not as high, though. Since returning home I have been playing on my Wii and reading the forum, and soon a show that I like a lot (American Idol) will be on. I love retired life.
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At 10AM went to dentist. He spent 1.5 hours doing strange things to my teeth. Have temporary front incisors for 3 weeks. Still slightly sore.
Growing old is no fun at all.
I just got this link (senior gal and her beloved car) from my "adopted" brother. Please take note of the red/white bumper sticker at the beginning of the video. :LOL:

This lady is coooooool. :cool:

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source is NY Times video
.....I am up against a "we always do it this way" mentality.....

I once had an employee who had been with our company "forever" and was very entrenched in her ways and I was charged with bringing change to the organization. There was this particular process that was being done manually on index cards because that was the way they had always done it and I had an idea on how we could utilize our automated systems to do it without the manual process. She was hesitant but I ultimately convinced her to "try" the new approach for "a couple weeks" and see how it went and that we could always go back to the old way if it didn't work.

I got lucky - it worked so well that she actually later acknowledged that it was a good idea to make the change.
Went downhill skiing with DW for the day. It was beautiful - in the 50s - actually a bit too nice as it got a bit slow and "mashed potatoey" in the afternoon, but the ice and the bumps were nice and soft. Great day but I'm bushed.

DD was there when we got home - we didn't expect her until tomorrow afternoon but she has a cold coming on and decided to come home a day early for some R&R.
I just got this link (senior gal and her beloved car) from my "adopted" brother. Please take note of the red/white bumper sticker at the beginning of the video. :LOL:

This lady is coooooool. :cool:

Embed Player
source is NY Times video

Spectacular lady and spectacular car!
Yesterday I drove my son back to college in VT. Spending 4 hours together in the car driving through the mountains and valleys, shooting the breeze on a weekday...something I could never have done when under the grip of w*rkaholism. A perk of ER I treasure!
Drank coffee this morning. This afternoon, took a long, leisurely bath while the weather is blustery outside. Have some dough in the oven rising....hot, fresh bread for supper tonight.

Gonna give myself a mani and pedi...might take a few minutes to figure out what color to use.

Ahhhh...retired life. :)
Just flew back from Las Vegas, and boy are my arms tired. Spouse was there for a three-day convention and I was her luggage escort.

The Las Vegas [-]Hilton[/-] Hotel appears to be a fading flower. I was surprised at how dirty the carpets are in the main hallways and how uneven the (concrete?) floors are in corridor to the North Tower. They are not plowing cash flow back into the business.

Their casino is almost totally automated-- slots & video poker appear to be the perfect employees. They have 20 tables for dealer games but they're not really active until the evening/midwatch. As ClifP has pointed out, they're shaving as many basis points off the blackjack odds as they can fool their customers into accepting. Gimmicks like paying 6/5 for a blackjack instead of 3/2.

I had decided that I was not going to gamble. If I had wanted to gamble, I would have immediately been turned off by the dim lighting (for my presbyopian vision), the constant flashing lights of the machines next to the tables, the constant blaring of the large-screen TVs in the corners proclaiming the casino's coming attractions, and the sound track in the overhead speakers. I would've needed earplugs and a headlight to survive that environment for more than 20 minutes. I could barely handle walking through the casino.

The LVH elevators play classic rock tunes. My spouse and I were banging our heads in time to the sound track until the awful realization hit us between the demographic eyeballs: classic rock has become elevator music. Oy.

I would like to think that the LVH rents rooms equipped with mini-refrigerators and coffeemakers. Internet access was priced at $14/day. It's clear that you're not expected to find the room a warm & comforting cave in which to hole up. Instead you're supposed to be out & about seeking the action.

Maybe the Strip's casinos are doing a better job. We briefly watched the Bellagio's fountain show, which always impresses me with the pressure transients required to lift that much water that high that quickly. We didn't get over to Fremont or into any of the other casinos. We enjoyed one evening of shopping (spouse wanted new shoes) and another evening at REI buying supplies for our upcoming Haleakala hike.

I was surprised at how sparse the Strip crowds were on a Tuesday night. But hey, it's early in the season.

I was blown away (so to speak) by the National Atomic Testing Museum. Thanks for recommending it, ClifP! Seriously-- I spent over 2.5 hours there and could've gone back for more. The schmaltz and blind optimism of the 1940s and 1950s is unbelievable, as is the hubris of the 1960s-90s. I was also not amused to see one of "my" AN/PDR-27 radiacs in the display case along with other "dinosaur radiation detectors".

This was our second Vegas trip in eight years, but we'll probably wait longer before trying again. It seems like a good stop for gambling, shows*, and cheap real estate. It's probably great when seen from an RV or with casino comps. Otherwise it's not much better than a Nevada version of Waikiki... only with less surf.

* [With the possible exception of the ABBA tribute group "Abbacadabra" and the "Nunsense" singing nuns. I have no idea what they were [-]drinking[/-] thinking!]
Decided to take a hiatus from work to get a better feel for RE. Spent most of the first day just relaxing - playing on the computer, watching tv, and getting a haircut. Too busy to take a nap. That better change.
.Still learning Lightroom 3 photo workflow software. The underlying principle is that it does not alter the original image, instead applying all changes to a separate catalog which are then viewed with the image. In either Photoshop or Photoshop Elements, "destructive" changes such as cropping are not reversible once the file is saved. In Lightroom, cropping is an entry in the catalog that essentially says "only display or print this part of the image". But any editing is restricted to catalog entries and not changes to the original image file. And if you've got the image into a total mess just click "revert" and you've got your untouched original back.

I'm still using PS7, but changes are not destructive if you use the layering system and always save in PSD format. Then you can 'revert' by methodically deleting layers. If you want to apply changes to the original image, just make a copy layer. If you mess it up,delete the copy and you still have the original.

Never modify the original.
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I spent some of today sorting my "To Do" piles in the priority order in which I'm not doing them.

Then I decided to read the threads here.

Hawaii has had two episodes of hail in the last week. None of it has happened in my neighborhood, but a Kailua neighbor had a yard full of golf-ball hail this morning. (He says his dogs were traumatized by the experience.) Then the rain overflowed his backyard pool and flooded his yard, which melted the hail, so it all eventually worked out.

Decided to take a hiatus from work to get a better feel for RE. Spent most of the first day just relaxing - playing on the computer, watching tv, and getting a haircut. Too busy to take a nap. That better change.
Unfortunately in addition to being responsible for your own entertainment, you also have to be responsible for your own time management.

When you figure out how to do that, maybe you should teach the rest of us ERs how to emulate your example...
Went to a new Mexican restaurant with DW...watched harp videos on YouTube. Yes. It's true.
Hawaii has had two episodes of hail in the last week. None of it has happened in my neighborhood, but a Kailua neighbor had a yard full of golf-ball hail this morning. (He says his dogs were traumatized by the experience.) Then the rain overflowed his backyard pool and flooded his yard, which melted the hail, so it all eventually worked out.

Glad to hear you're okay, I thought about it when I saw the news photos this morning.

Going up to PA later today to see DW's grandnieces and hopefully get some photos. Little kids and dogs are great photo subjects because they don't care how their hair or makeup looks. They have a kitten now too.
Unfortunately in addition to being responsible for your own entertainment, you also have to be responsible for your own time management.

When you figure out how to do that, maybe you should teach the rest of us ERs how to emulate your example...

Nords- stay out of those golf- ball sized hail storms - One of the recent hailstorms in Indiana had real golf balls mixed in with the hail.

As for time management - I don't see myself being able to handle it any better than the rest of the RE's on this board. I'm going to fall into the "I don't know how I got anything done before I retired" category.
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Was going to go shopping for new furniture today, but it's raining. Don't want to be out in that mess on a Saturday.

Found a chart showing cat's years in human years. Our cat is 20 years old...in human years she's 96. :eek: Tootsie doesn't play as much as she did as a kitten, but she still spins like a top during play time.

She gets whatever she wants...such a pampered kitty. I think she deserves it. :)
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We had a good time yesterday despite the two-hour drive each way. Spent some time with DW's grandnieces at their grandparent's place in PA.

The playhouse was $10 at a yard sale. The seller said "his kids had a good time with it, they've outgrown it, pass it on". A good outlook.


  • PA visit-106March 10, 2012.jpg
    PA visit-106March 10, 2012.jpg
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This morning we got up about 7:00 and went for breakfast before heading out of Nashville to continue our trek home from Florida. When got back into southern Illinois, we took a short side trip to an old coal mining town where my great-aunt and great-uncle lived out there final happy years.

I hadn't been there in about 40 years, just a couple years prior to there passing away. I just wanted to look around town and check out their old home and the surrounding neighborhood.

They would be very pleased with the way the new owners have not only taken care of their old home, but also by the beautiful improvement that have been made!

The small downtown area had deteriorated a little, but there are many viable businesses still operating! Both of the depots for the two railroads that run through town have been torn down. And where the old miner's hospital used to be, there is now a new subdivision. Oh, and they still have a very nice Dairy Queen restaurant!!!! I always loved going there as a kid!

I took a few pix for my scrapbook, and then we headed back over to the Interstate to continue on to our hotel for our last night on the road!

It's been a very nice day, with a lot of great memories of days gone by!!!!
Not sure if this will be funny to you, but last night at a gig, we were getting ready to play, and someone in the audience (dark area), said "Hi, Al -- you called?" I thought he was talking to me, and started responding but he was on a cell phone.

I was recording the gig, so I have it:

CellPhoneCall.mp3 - File Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage

I can't count how many times I have responded to someone, with a blue tooth ear thingy talking on their hidden phone.
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