what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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I slept, woke up, then slept some more. :D
I have an infected ear and possibly infected sinuses too. After 4 days of dealing with heavy duty sinus pressure and frequent nose blowing, I went to the clinic yesterday. The doc took one look in my ear, and prescribed 500 mg Amoxicillin, 2 horse pills 3x daily. Two nights ago I wanted to chop my head off, the ear pain was so intense.
I am having trouble chewing regular food, so I made myself some mashed potatoes. I have a orange glazed roast duck in the oven, but am not sure I will be able to eat it without chopping it into smaller pieces. I'm sure I'll manage. :)
I went outside [-]motivated my lazy b*tt[/-] for about 20 minutes to enjoy some sunshine and the most welcome 65F temperature. I saw tulips and crocus leaves just up, in my front garden. It is unusual to see both emerging at once.

Sorry you are felling poorly, best wishes for a speedy recovery.
I noted that I received the final instalment of the nice cash payment which a company gave me for some software which I wrote in my free time with no expectation of reward. I celebrated by moving it to my savings account. That, plus this week's excellent market, enabled me to update the headline figure in my signature. :D
Made three trips to the dentist to have a temporary crown re-glued.
He said it was a first for him (he's been in practice more than 20 years).
I suggested he write a case study.
Khan said:
Made three trips to the dentist to have a temporary crown re-glued.
He said it was a first for him (he's been in practice more than 20 years).
I suggested he write a case study.

That happened to me. It came out while eating lunch and I had to make an emergency appointment. But only one!
Made three trips to the dentist to have a temporary crown re-glued.
He said it was a first for him (he's been in practice more than 20 years).
I suggested he write a case study.

I swallowed one several years ago !
Moemg said:
I swallowed one several years ago !

Once I swallowed two dimes and a penny. When Lena called the doc to see how I was doing, he said "No change yet."
Well, it has not been a fun week. My right ear is still on the blink, but I can actually sleep without pain and my balance :dance: is back to normal. I can't remember the last time I had an earache like this. I'm still taking my horse pills (Amoxicillin) and Alleve only as needed versus constantly.

I have been in the house all week and have CABIN FEVER. And of course it is rainy and chilly today. :facepalm:
Mr B is studying, so I have to entertain myself. Hmmmm....:cool:

It feels like a good day to plant some tomato, pepper, and impatiens seeds and divide my over-wintered geraniums into individual hanging pots. :D

My federal tax refund is in the bank. :)
This post is not about what I did today, it's about what went on the past few days as I have been out of town...

...trying to put make-up on at 8:30 in the a.m., consigning a guitar, a dog falling asleep on my chest, tacos, laughing, gossiping, hugs, shed some tears, a diamond ring, a wad of cash, finding treasures, frying chicken, a .357 Magnum, pecans, cleaning out a shed, seeing a friend I haven't seen in 30 years, going thru photos, a thunderstorm, listening to trains, talking about the past and hoping for a pleasant future.

I'm tired. :p
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The Portal Rodeo St Pats Day parade is available for viewing. I am there doing my best Vana White arm wave in the fire truck.

St. Patrick's Day Parade - 2012 | Portal, AZ - Rodeo, NM

There is a photo of some of the young folks in the town, and an insert photo of the same kids in the same wagon in an earlier date.

Things never change here!
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Our college daughter has announced that, in the best interest of her dorm mates and Rice University's limited berthing space, it has become necessary for her to live off-campus next year. As in 1 May, just six weeks away.

At about the same time she made that announcement, I read the student newspaper article concerning two young men of her dorm whose vehicle had run out of gas that evening. They obtained more gas in a plastic container but for some reason had some gas left over when they returned to the college. Seeking a convenient hazmat disposal location, they poured a couple gallons into what they thought was a sewer drain but what was actually the dorm's ventilation intake plenum. (Clearly these guys are not engineering majors.) So the entire dorm had to evacuate at 1 AM Saturday morning.

Anyway this seems like a good opportunity for our daughter to figure out all the apartment-lifestyle tricks before she's an ensign. Of course one of those tricks is having sufficient rent money (and roommates) to avoid having to live next door to a meth lab. She's found a place and she's put in an application and it seems as if things will work out OK. Pricing seems not too far out of line with what Rice has been charging for room & board, although Rice also includes free student midwatch pranks with fire alarms and other dorm infrastructure. So maybe the apartment is really a bargain.

Now I'm composing an e-mail tentatively titled "Dad's guide to buying a good used car for less than $5000".

... a .357 Magnum, pecans,
Y'know, I've heard that most people use a nutcracker for this task... or are you implying that the pecans are somehow substituting as ammunition?
Our college daughter has announced that, in the best interest of her dorm mates and Rice University's limited berthing space, it has become necessary for her to live off-campus next year. As in 1 May, just six weeks away.

At about the same time she made that announcement, I read the student newspaper article concerning two young men of her dorm whose vehicle had run out of gas that evening. They obtained more gas in a plastic container but for some reason had some gas left over when they returned to the college. Seeking a convenient hazmat disposal location, they poured a couple gallons into what they thought was a sewer drain but what was actually the dorm's ventilation intake plenum. (Clearly these guys are not engineering majors.) So the entire dorm had to evacuate at 1 AM Saturday morning.

Anyway this seems like a good opportunity for our daughter to figure out all the apartment-lifestyle tricks before she's an ensign. Of course one of those tricks is having sufficient rent money (and roommates) to avoid having to live next door to a meth lab. She's found a place and she's put in an application and it seems as if things will work out OK. Pricing seems not too far out of line with what Rice has been charging for room & board, although Rice also includes free student midwatch pranks with fire alarms and other dorm infrastructure. So maybe the apartment is really a bargain.

Now I'm composing an e-mail tentatively titled "Dad's guide to buying a good used car for less than $5000".

Y'know, I've heard that most people use a nutcracker for this task... or are you implying that the pecans are somehow substituting as ammunition?
Living off campus is a real change for a dorm bound student. Getting to and from class, meal prep, getting utility service, just to name a few. You probably have experience in this, but just in case, signing a lease or a utility account when there are student roommates often ends badly.
Y'know, I've heard that most people use a nutcracker for this task... or are you implying that the pecans are somehow substituting as ammunition?

Nah...we just use our teef. .....but hey, pecans as ammo.....hmmmm.

At 79, my daddy has decided to hand down some of his prized possessions now instead of putting them in his will. He's able to see the joy in the faces of the recipients.

Recently, he gave me his .357 Magnum. I added my favorite teddy bear as to 'soften the blow' of the photo... It's a beautiful gun, and I will be taking it to a firing range soon.


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Remind me not to PO Mr Teddy. :(

Things are back to normal ear-wise. 2 more days of Amoxicillin and I can have a beer (or two or...) again. :dance:

This week has been a potpourri of minor indoor house chores. I got outside on a sunny day and used my powerwasher to clean the front PT wood steps. Next step is staining it, squeezing that task in between the rainy days.

I have all of my seeds planted in small containers indoors. I have figured out that between the wintered over geraniums and seeds, I'm saving at least $40 on the flowers and approx $20 on growing my own seeds. I am amazed at how expensive nursery seedlings have become. :blink:

Mr B is still plugging away at his college courses.

I'm getting more involved in the private club where I do my weekly volunteering. One of the officers asked me to serve on the kitchen committee to help address overall cleanliness issues and tasking. I will be putting together a matrix of duties and personnel currently assigned to those duties.
The funny thing is the employees (3 young men and the adult cook) and volunteers (waitresses, cashier, bussing, kitchen prep) all pitch in together and cover each other when it gets crazy. I want to be sure not to upset that apple cart.
I invited several of the Board members to simply come in the kitchen and dining areas on a Friday night and see for themselves how well we all w*rk together when push comes to shove. Or even better, put on an apron and pitch in. :D
I replaced the internal hard disk drive in my 2007 iMac. The old drive had almost 5 years of service, running constantly as the machine is both a constantly used desktop system during the day, as well as a media server and digital video recorder. (Most media content is in external drives. The internal drive has the operating system, applications, and swap space.)

Working on this things innards reminded me a lot of rebuilding carburators. I pretty much used the same approach, with a clean bench, and lots of double sided tape to lay out the screws and other bits in the order and pattern removed. The job took about an hour and a half, but if I did it again would be under an hour. For what it's worth, this online take-apart guide was really handy: http://octomac.com/tech/iMacHD/iMacHDUpgrade.html

At 79, my daddy has decided to hand down some of his prized possessions now instead of putting them in his will. He's able to see the joy in the faces of the recipients.

Recently, he gave me his .357 Magnum. I added my favorite teddy bear as to 'soften the blow' of the photo... It's a beautiful gun, and I will be taking it to a firing range soon.

So when you say You are packing you are not referring to a suitcase !:LOL:
Living off campus is a real change for a dorm bound student. Getting to and from class, meal prep, getting utility service, just to name a few. You probably have experience in this, but just in case, signing a lease or a utility account when there are student roommates often ends badly.
Yeah, I'm going to start a separate thread on the subject.

She used to be the girl who volunteered to rent a ZipCar for the day's errands and let her roomies ride for free. (She figured she was going to rent one anyway, whether her friends came along or not.) She turned that behavior around in a hurry and now breaks even on the "favor".

We use these teachable situations as examples of what it means to be a naval officer.
Remind me not to PO Mr Teddy. :(

Things are back to normal ear-wise. 2 more days of Amoxicillin and I can have a beer (or two or...) again. :dance:
Ahhh...no worries. Teddy for the most part is very laid-back. :)

Glad you're feeling better. :flowers:

So when you say You are packing you are not referring to a suitcase !:LOL:

Yep....my secret is slippin' out. Ooooo, and my gun has a gorgeous custom made leather holster. Matching gun and holster is essential don't ya know....
Went to the Farmers' Market today (started a month earlier than usual because of especially warm weather).
Only crop was spinach, should be some asparagus next week.
Local TV news guy was there, asked to do an interview, I ended up on local TV for my 15 seconds of fame.
Went to the Farmers' Market today (started a month earlier than usual because of especially warm weather).
Only crop was spinach, should be some asparagus next week.
Local TV news guy was there, asked to do an interview, I ended up on local TV for my 15 seconds of fame.

Woo-hoo! That's great. What did they ask you about? Did you get to see the footage?
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