what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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As I had problem with sleeping last night, and in fact stayed up all night, I have been day sleeping today. Just woke up from a long nap, and still remember a vivid dream.

I was back to megacorp. I left my cubicle at quitting time, then realized that I forgot something. So, I went back and found two facility maintenance guys already hauling away my lateral file cabinet full of books. In lieu of that they put up some shelves, which were not enough for all my books. So they scratched their head on what to do.

I asked them why they switched my furniture like that. The reply was that the order from above was that old furniture had to be replaced, even though these were steel cabinets and lasted a lifetime. I told them not to throw away any of my books, and just piled them on the floor.

Next, I got lost in the parking lot and ended up in a Chinatown. I even thought to myself, I did not know it was within walking distance, and that I should do that the next time I wanted to go out for lunch from work. Then, I woke up.

All these crazy rules at megacorp were the reason I left to have my own business. No, they did not throw away furnitures, but made arbitrary rules like that all the time.

PS. My wife just called from the kitchen, saying dinner is ready. So, will see ya'll later.
Awe, come on bbbamI, we know it was a bag of ice in your tub, we just want to know how the soak was....:greetings10:
Donated 63 pounds of fresh produce that we grew in 2 community gardens to the food bank.
Went kayaking. It was partly sunny, about 72F flat calm water, not even a ripple. After an hour so scooted down, put my feet up on the deck, fell asleep. An hour or two later woke up.

During my snooze drifted a long way along the lake. About an hour of paddling got me back to the lauch site. Loaded up the kayak on top of the suburban. Drove to Windber near Johnstown, took the wrong exit. Found a Salvation Army store, wondered about for a while, bought two sweat pants for $4.-.

Dove off, next stop was $tarbuck$. Coffe and Oatmeal cookie leisurely consumed while [-]ogling[/-] watching the the young lasses come and go. Drove home.
Awe, come on bbbamI, we know it was a bag of ice in your tub, we just want to know how the soak was....:greetings10:
Heh...considering it was 104 degrees today, that doesn't sound too bad...


Donated 63 pounds of fresh produce that we grew in 2 community gardens to the food bank.
Wow....excellent! :flowers:
Started the day with 10 mi. bike ride at 6:15 AM. Puttered around yard awhile in morning while DW went into town to do some shopping and to visit her mother. After taking trash to the local dumpster, stopped in to visit some neighbors down the road in early afternoon for about an hour. Supper with DW after her return.

Overall, a pleasant day in ER!
DW's nephew stopped by with the grandnieces and we went to the pool for about an hour. Weather was perfect - dry, 80F - and the kids had fun.
A walk in the woods

Went for a walk in the woods along the creek behind the house with a camera, macro lens, and a few small strobe flashes (I knew it would be dark in there) figuring there has to be something in there interesting to photograph.

I came across some fungus (fungi?) growing out of a fallen tree trunk. Of course I have absolutely no idea what kind it is.

DW's reaction was "Eeewwww!"


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Looks like Chicken of the Woods. Edible, although don't take my word about it from pictures. I got curious about mushrooms once years ago, since everybody thinks they're all poisonous. Took a course in Mycology and learned that there are tons of edible fungi. But I'm still not comfortable enough to eat most of them just by sight, although there are some that I recognize pretty well.

Edit: I just looked it up, and read something I didn't know. There's a species of this mushroom that grows on conifers that can be poisonous. I doubt you were going to eat them given DWs reaction, but better safe than sorry.

In case you're feeling adventurous and the mushrooms are growing on a hardwood, here's a site with some information and a recipe. Eating the Chicken of the Woods | Cornell Mushroom Blog
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Went for a walk in the woods along the creek behind the house with a camera, macro lens, and a few small strobe flashes (I knew it would be dark in there) figuring there has to be something in there interesting to photograph.

I came across some fungus (fungi?) growing out of a fallen tree trunk. Of course I have absolutely no idea what kind it is.

DW's reaction was "Eeewwww!"

Even lowly fungi can become a work of art!

I shot the following picture this morning:

Taken from my high rise apartment, looking straight down 200 feet below into the bed of a pickup truck delivering fresh watermelons into the city. The punch of color caught my eye on this otherwise dreary San Francisco morning.
Driving home earlier today I came upon the aftermath of a traffic accident. An empty cement truck was apparently going a little too fast when turning right at an intersection and flipped on its side - landing on top of a pickup stopped at the intersection to turn left. Thankfully the cement truck landed primarily on the bed of the pickup and didn't do a lot of damage from the cab forward.

That said, no way the pickup driver walked away without an urgent need of a change of underwear...
Five years ago on 8/8 DH left work to join me in ER--and 35 years ago on the same day we closed on our first and only house. Double celebrating for us!
Helped hand out backpacks filled with school supplies to area needy children. Summer sure flew by!
A few minutes ago I heard a distinctive rumble and ran out onto the deck to see this flying over at ~ 3,000 ft. Didn't have time to grab my camera - had to rely on Google Image to find a photo.


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A few minutes ago I heard a distinctive rumble and ran out onto the deck to see this flying over at ~ 3,000 ft. Didn't have time to grab my camera - had to rely on Google Image to find a photo.

I had that happen ~1986-87.

Driving past the local airport with about a 4,700 foot runway I saw a B-17 flash by on final coming over the trees and thought I must have been hallucinating. Went into the airport and sure enough there it was! A CAF B-17 on the ramp. A 20-minute ride could be had for $100 but since I was saving hard for a house at the time I didn't do it.
Walt, I learned this was the "Texas Raider" , a CAF B-17 based out of Houston. It is in San Antonio this weekend for a reunion of the 381st Bomb Group. (Their ranks must be getting really thin by now.)

You should have taken that $100 ride when it was a relative bargain as prices have increased by substantially more than the inflation rate:

$425 per person or $625 per person for a confirmed seat in the nose section
If I'd had a camera with me I probably would have done it, but they were leaving before I could get home and back. And I really wanted to get out of Mom's house into my own so I was pretty much hanging onto every nickel I could at the time.
It started out as a short errand, but it was such a nice day I decided to "take the long way around" on the motorcycle. There's a road on the way that appeared to go straight up a mountain (out west you guys would call them hills but this is West Virginia) that I'd never been on before so I decided to follow it and see where it went.

The first few miles were great since the road had recently been repaved, and very smooth. That part ran out halfway up the mountain the rest of the road looked like it hadn't been repaved since the Ford administration. Bear in mind I'm on an 800 lb. touring bike (the one in my avatar) and this is no dirt bike. It does not play nice with gravel roads, as in "Don't even think about touching the front brake" so I'm hoping that the road stays at least paved, which it did. But the shock absorbers got a pretty good workout.

This turned out to be your stereotypical West Virginia back country road. Barely wide enough for two cars to pass, mostly tree-shaded, I think there was maybe a stretch of 50 yards that went in a straight line, and lots of hairpin turns, as in near-idle in 1st gear speed. Most of the ascent/decent was in 2nd.

This came out somewhere onto a wider road that meandered sort of northwest so I figured eventually I'd come across someplace I recognized and sure enough that road came out on Rt 522 south of Berkeley Springs, WV. So I head north and figure to take Rt 9 west toward Martinsburg and from there back home. But I'd forgotten something - it's Saturday, and on summer weekends Berkeley Springs is a place to avoid because of the tourist traffic so I ran into a mile-long backup at the traffic light. Now, I practice AGATT (All the Gear All The Time) which means I'm wearing a mesh suit made of a type of Kevlar material that is comfortable even in 90°+ temperatures when the bike is moving because so much air moves through it. Stopped, not so much as it adsorbs a lot of heat from sunlight. I am definitely getting hot. Wandering off on a series of side roads that cumulatively meander north I eventually come out on Rt. 9 and head on home.

Three hours for a 20 minute errand and a nice ride. That's a good way to spend a chunk of the day.
Went with the GK to a kite festival to see the Chicago Fire Kite Team. Those people are amazing.
Walt34, Sounds like a good way to spend the day. I also make it a point to ride AGATT. Summer riding around here can be pretty hot too so I generally wait until it starts to be a little more comfortable riding in the morning. I see too many folks around here riding without a helmet in a T-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops. I just don't heal as fast as I once did. I also like to avoid or at least be aware of sand/gravel on the roads. 700-800 pounds is a lot to have to pick up regardless of age or physical condition.

Took my 12 y.o. grandson to the go-cart track. They are only 6.5 HP, but are still peppy enough around the tight turns to be lots of fun. Poor guy saw a side of me that doesn't come out with my daily driver - heh. :angel:
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