what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Helped dh2b pull weeds out of flower gardens and a pile of maple chips turned to mulch, got sprinkled on. :(
Mowed some of the lawn, got rained on. :mad:
Gave up the outdoor thing and had some killer super nachos for dinner. :D
Helped dh2b pull weeds out of flower gardens and a pile of maple chips turned to mulch, got sprinkled on. :(
Mowed some of the lawn, got rained on. :mad:
Gave up the outdoor thing and had some killer super nachos for dinner. :D

Oh man nachos...Arrggh nothing in the house to make em..
Got up at 4 a.m. to see the guys off on their trip to CO. Went back to bed 2 hours later, slept until 10:45 and rumbled around the house. Talked to a close friend, my parents and DH. DH and bud made the first leg of the trip without any close calls.

Realized I hadn't seen one of my cats in a while, so I started the search. Finally found her in the garage. Poor little kitten face. She's fine but not happy with yours truly.

Wondering if I'll get any sleep tonight. :blink:
IMG_0188.jpgWoke up at the ungodly hour of 0430. That was normal when eml*yed. Not much to do in the dark morning hours, so decided to apply for social security, since I'll be 62 in Nov. So spent about 45 minutes online filling in the form. In the end I still have to go to the branch office to present my Naturalization of Citizenship and birth certificate. Since it is in a foreign language spent a few minutes writing up a translation to English. And they wanted my military DD214.

Later I dug up stump. Using steel and wood wedges and sledgehammer to split it in two, then a 5' digging bar to lever them out and turn them upside down. Sure was pouring sweat workout.

In early afternoon spent time cooling my heels in the SSA waiting room for them to call my number I200. There was a real cutie with a glock on her belt doing security, after examining my pocket knife she decided it was not a threat, let me in.

"I" stands for applied via internet. Waited for them to examine and copy my Naturalization and birth certificate and DD214. An hour and a half wait, 10 minutes for the examination and copying, and I was done. So in December I'll be on the government dole.:ROFLMAO:

Rest of the day relax, DW made nice juicy steak for dinner.
Thanks and ouch! I'll bet that baby went "screeeeech" all the way down your pipes....

Well, now you have some idea how it feels to have a baby! :LOL:

Women suffer varying degrees of pain during delivery. But thank goodness, it does not last 2 weeks.

When my wife was delivering our 2nd child, she was in labor for 12 hours and was grateful to get an epidural to relieve the pain. While in the waiting room, we heard a young woman screaming and yelling in the next room. Our nurse, thinking that this was our 1st time and trying to reassure us, said that we should not be alarmed, and that it was OK to scream. Screaming and yelling is however not our "style".
Happy Birthday Khan :)

Went to the dentist to get a filling.
Meeting, errands, lunch, and a nice nap.
Need to finish final project for school sometime tonight.
Happy Birthday Khan! :flowers:

Ok...this must be dentist day...I've noticed three members have gone today as well as yours truly. Just had my teeth cleaned. Owie anyway. :(

Sat on the patio for a while and watched one dragonfly hitch a ride on another....
A most excellent day today...I had lunch at Wendy's with dh2b and his boss (great guy). Then I drove to a local farm outlet store and bought green peppers for my winter stash, horseradish sharp cheddar, and fresh NY apples. Oh those apples smell so niiiiiiiice. Shipped apples just cannot hold a candle to local apples. There could be a homemade apple pie in my future, if I can remember how to make pastry from scratch. Just like riding a bike...:LOL:
I got a letter, 1st meeting agenda, and campus map from my alma mater for me serving on their 3-2 Engineering Advisory Council. I can't wait. :clap:
I haven't had a real chance to w*rk with undergrad students and faculty since my College W*rkStudy days. This time around I'll be able to relax instead of worrying about my own coursew*rk to finish. The college is located about 1.5 hours drive away. ROAD TRIP!!!!!!
Damn and she hasn't got rid you yet...
Hey, I keep telling her she should have known our marriage was doomed when she had an appendectomy four days after our wedding. How many folks can say they spent most of their honeymoon in a hospital bed?

Oh yeah, and the church where we were married burned to the ground three months later. :cool:
Hey, I keep telling her she should have known our marriage was doomed when she had an appendectomy four days after our wedding. How many folks can say they spent most of their honeymoon in a hospital bed?

Oh yeah, and the church where we were married burned to the ground three months later. :cool:

If that aint love....Then what is.
Hey, I keep telling her she should have known our marriage was doomed when she had an appendectomy four days after our wedding. How many folks can say they spent most of their honeymoon in a hospital bed?

Oh yeah, and the church where we were married burned to the ground three months later. :cool:
Good grief...I hope no pea soup was involved...:p

Happy anniversary...:flowers:
Hey, I keep telling her she should have known our marriage was doomed when she had an appendectomy four days after our wedding. How many folks can say they spent most of their honeymoon in a hospital bed?

Oh yeah, and the church where we were married burned to the ground three months later. :cool:
Nothing like a little excitement from the get-go! :LOL:
Happy Aniiversary :flowers:
Recently I've been playing piano pretty much all day. Sometimes I just get into it like that.
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