what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Actually, that's what I did do. She's learned to ignore what I say sometimes and focus on what I actually do.:smitten:
Walt, then you were not being insensitive. You were being fabulous! :D

(Didn't do much yesterday. Didn't feel like doing much due to side effects of my two new medications, plus simultaneously beginning some serious weight loss measures that have involved a lot of exertion at the gym, have limited my "recreational eating", and left me a little lacking in energy. Frank had the day off, so we had lunch together (dry grilled chicken, green salad, and unsweetedened tea) and went shopping.)
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I have to say, it has been a very long time since I sat in a room with a bunch of techno-geeks where nobody argued, fought over money, or said rude things to make themselves look good. How refreshing! :D

Just for that, ER is worth the sacrifice. Enough of my co-workers are the "other" co-inventors of the USB who didn't make it into the Intel commercial. No, they are not, but they certainly act like they invented something important. The funny thing is that a more down-to-earth coworker once let me in on the background on some of these ego maniacs, and it's amazing how unqualified in experience and education background they are for the jobs they are doing. Perhaps this is the real reason for the big attitudes.
This is a much anticipated unscheduled day for me. I got caught up on laundry, grocery shopping, went to the gym and am now simmering a pot of chicken soup for the (w*rk) week ahead. Rainy days and chicken soup just go together. Throw in a good book and you have my idea of heaven. A cousin passed along a copy of Greg Mortenson's "Three Cups of Tea" and I am enjoying it greatly.
Rainy days and chicken soup just go together. Throw in a good book and you have my idea of heaven...
Parallel universes are in alignment :D
It is raining here, the all day soaking kind.
I made clear chicken soup with carrots and celery and onions, served over a pile of leftover yellow rice.
The smell was driving me nutz all day, so we ate early at 4 PM.
I'm almost ready to open a book (fire up the Kindle).
I'm priming 240 ft of 1" by 6" boards....fun...fun...:D


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Nothing as exciting as making a crate...I'd just "lime" 'em...;)

I'm painting the outside of the house and some fascia/trim boards need to be replaced. Prime, two coats of my lovely color, cut and nail up...that's all that has to be done...:p

Oooo yeah, I just remembered...I have to sand, putty and paint the front door....
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I am replacing about 70 feet of chain link fence with privacy fence today... dug the holes, planted the poles and set up the runners.... fencing will wait for another day...
First day home after 2 weeks in the desert - some of the places are still standing at least, only had 12 calls on the answering machine with tenants complaining about one another (normal would be 60 or so). Returned none of those calls - but checked with the guy who is being primed to be my replacement and got the rundown on stuff - snafu. Think he might just be ok - told him I thought he didn't love me no more since he hadn't called at all, but I think he knows I'm glad he managed without me. Sounds like he handled things pretty much as I would have, only one tenant gave notice this month - sounds like I should leave town more often. The cats were telling tales on the neighbor who was feeding and attending to them, but Blue at least is a notorious liar and bad-mouther, so that got discounted - notice nobody lost weight....
Reorganized the screened porch - it's getting darn near time to set up the wood cradle inside and start lugging the winter wood supply up. My muscles hurt just thinking about it. :nonono: A little at a time...
We're supposed to get some serious winds (up to 45 mph gusts) through here later so I battened down the hatches on stuff that is still outdoors.
Brought my 4 geranium plants inside to sit in the front sunny window. They are beautiful sitting all grouped together. I'll trim them back 1/3 once they stop blooming.
Started my winterizing a little early since it has been so cool lately. Stored my big flower pots and bird bath. Took some cuttings of some begonias to try keeping them alive until spring. Caulked the big crack between my garage and driveway. Let my doggy run free for awhile and played ball.
I'm afraid to meet our new neighbors. Three years ago, they bought the forested lot across the street, tore down all the trees, and put a big pile of dirt on the lot. Two years ago they started building, and put up a huge house right on the edge of the street. No one who's met them has anything good to say. They haven't quite moved in yet.
i think shooting them is out of the question so you may as well try to befriend them...
...oh and to stay on topic I worked today (only 124 mondays to go) but after I got home I was able to put up about 50 feet of privacy fence... time for a cold one.
I'm afraid to meet our new neighbors. Three years ago, they bought the forested lot across the street, tore down all the trees, and put a big pile of dirt on the lot. Two years ago they started building, and put up a huge house right on the edge of the street. No one who's met them has anything good to say. They haven't quite moved in yet.
Just smile :D and wave :greetings10: and leave it at that.

There is a young couple next door who have yet to act friendly to any of us neighbors, 5 years later. :cool: I always wave and get a minimal response. I suspect they have major money problems, i.e. one or both has recently lost a job, right after they did a ton of exterior home improvements. They do not seem to have full daytime w*rk hours from what I can tell by the cars sitting there.
Maybe your not-yet-new neighbors are in a similar pickle?
I finished installing the Tivo that I bought from a fellow forum member -- works great. Then DW and I moved firewood into the shed in prep for the winter rains that start tonight.





Unfortunately, the cart that I've been nursing along for 15 years was fatally wounded.


I've been looking for a replacement at a garage sale for over a year; I guess I'll just have to bite the bullet and buy a new one. I recommend these Rubbermaid carts. I bought one like this in 1992. After a few years it broke and I got a free replacement (the one in the photo). They do break eventually, but they're pretty tough and they don't rust.

P.S. New ones cost over $200! [Edit: Some models maybe, but see below]
Al - be advised that Rubbermaid trashcans of today are not the equal of those of 5 years ago. More brittle. Dunno if garden carts are the same....

Keep a sharp eye out for Orcs there in Middle Earth.
Right. I did buy a new rubbermaid cart for $49, but it doesn't seem as tough as the old one. Plastic is thinner for one thing. We'll see.

Right. I did buy a new rubbermaid cart for $49, but it doesn't seem as tough as the old one. Plastic is thinner for one thing. We'll see.

Pick any two: Price, Quality, Service. Wisdom from the great Harvey MacKay
I'm afraid to meet our new neighbors. Three years ago, they bought the forested lot across the street, tore down all the trees, and put a big pile of dirt on the lot. Two years ago they started building, and put up a huge house right on the edge of the street. No one who's met them has anything good to say. They haven't quite moved in yet.

Edible Dirt, by Matt Rosemier
Took the car in for oil change et al. Went to dentist last week. Next week: flu shot, cat to vet, inspection of heating system.
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