What did you do today? 2018 version

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We were treated to a battle of the bands this afternoon.

The LG clothes dryer and the Zojirushi rice cooker each play a tune when they finish their job, and they both went off at the same time today. It was rather pleasant, actually. :)
I went to the farmers market as usual, got 3 different types of mushrooms, shiitake, oyster, and brown. My husband prefers the brown type, so that’s why.
In the afternoon, we walked to the local Trader’s Joe and got a big bottle of balsamic vinegar for marination. The size of this bottle has shrunk significantly, more like half. Who says there’s no inflation.
At least I did some exercise and earn some rest time for now.
Further work to put the garden to bed for the winter. Planted garlic to be harvested next year. Collected a bunch of black walnuts and hulled them.
We were treated to a battle of the bands this afternoon.

The LG clothes dryer and the Zojirushi rice cooker each play a tune when they finish their job, and they both went off at the same time today. It was rather pleasant, actually. :)
I have an LG dryer and a Zojirushi rice cooker too, and yes, they are so pleasant! I also have a Zojirushi electric hot water kettle with a nice tune. Love the idea of replacing loud, annoying buzzers with pretty little tunes like that. Also love that they are different tunes, so I never wonder which one is done.

Today I ruthlessly sorted through all of my clothes, and bagged up probably half for Good Will. Many clothes I haven't worn since I retired and they simply have to go. F says he wants to make a Good Will run soon, and I want to be ready. I'll give them my iron and my old, heavy, but still functional vacuum cleaner too. I should probably sort through my linen closet too. For some reason I want to really pare down my belongings and hopefully lead a simpler existence. If that doesn't work out, then I'll at least have more room for nicer stuff if I see anything I want or need.
...For some reason I want to really pare down my belongings and hopefully lead a simpler existence. ...

I need to introduce you to DW and have you have a long talk with her to impart some of your wisdom to her.
I was at Home Depot yesterday. At the nut-and-bolt aisle, a customer was approached by an HD worker offering help, and both quickly got into how they shared the habit of saving anything that might prove useful later. They were both in their 70s. One said how he was taught by his father this frugal habit. The other nodded his head, not being able to agree more.

I thought of joining in, saying that I had the same trait, but I resisted.

When I left 5 minutes later, having found the screws that I needed, they were still going at it. :)
Good idea. Who knows how long it will take. My guess is that it takes longer on some machines than on others.

I asked if it needed an update at around 3 AM. By 4:30 AM it had downloaded but was still installing with quite a bit left to go, so I went to bed and let it finish by itself.

Then this morning it was at the point where it had to be rebooted to complete the installation (which took more time,I guess about 10-20 minutes, because it had more of the installation to do also).

After I retired, I liked to listen to the traffic reports and be reminded of how nice it was to have left that world behind.

Once you go Mac, you'll never go back.

Yes, Macs have updates too, but so far I've experienced none of the kinds of problems I'd had on Windows.
Still setting up my "dream PC" running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, with hosted virtual machines running Windows XP and Win 2000 if necessary. These 3 OS versions will run all the legacy engineering and math/scientific software I have.

Will take it off the Internet to protect it from malware. No need for stinkin' Microsoft updates, and they are going to stop "supporting" it anyway.
Pictures from last week's kayak fishing:



That's one of two steelhead trout that I caught.
We realized that Office Depot did not charge us for color ink for the printer yesterday.
So we went back today and paid the ~$65 and feel better about it.
While shopping at a well-known big box store - the one staring with a W - I heard the following over the PA system:

"Is anyone working in Sporting Goods? Is anyone working in Sporting Goods? I've been waiting here for half an hour and need someone to help me."

General laughter followed throughout the store.
I need to introduce you to DW and have you have a long talk with her to impart some of your wisdom to her.

Don't do it ! If your wife is anything like me she will clean her closet and then use it as an excuse to upgrade her wardrobe .
Today was a gym day, DW is at her grandniece's ninth birthday. After the gym, in a rare display of dietary decadence, I went to Burger King and got a Bacon King sandwich (two beef patties with cheese and ~ four strips of bacon on top) and large fries. Then went home and ate it after discarding the bun since I can't eat gluten.

I hadn't been in a fast food place for maybe five years and I was stunned at the prices! It'll be a while, if ever, before I go back.
Got my flu shot. Arm is more sore than usual. The snow birds are starting to return.
Took my M1A to the range today. It was sort of foggy/misty, but it was a decent temperature, there was no wind and I was shooting well, so I didn't mind. When I got home, one of our cats decided that she should be firearm feline and help me clean my rifle. I would have thought the smell would drive her off, but apparently she also likes Hoppes #9.
Went to the eye doctor for an exam & new contact lenses. Got a rebate form for a $50 rebate on the lenses.
I went out to eat Korean BBQ, then went to a nursery to get bulbs to plant for Spring. They didn’t have the color of hyacinth bulbs that I want but I walked out with nearly $20 worth of free bulbs. What’s not to like. Actually it means I paid boat loads of money at this nursery, that’s how I got the $25 credit.
First morning at the Albuquerque Balloon Festival. Although we were disappointed that last night’s session was cancelled due to nasty weather, today was spectacular. Looking forward to more tomorrow!IMG_0056.JPGIMG_0057.JPGIMG_0059.JPGIMG_0067.JPG
Pictures really don’t do it justice - so glad we’re experiencing it in person.
Worked out, did some clothes purging, and learned the bass line to Fleetwood Mac's "Go Your Own Way" for band practice tomorrow.
one of our cats decided that she should be firearm feline and help me clean my rifle. I would have thought the smell would drive her off, but apparently she also likes Hoppes #9.

Who doesn't?
First morning at the Albuquerque Balloon Festival. Although we were disappointed that last night’s session was cancelled due to nasty weather, today was spectacular. Looking forward to more tomorrow!
Pictures really don’t do it justice - so glad we’re experiencing it in person.
Nice photos. Must have been amazing in person
DW has mentioned the balloon fest occasionally, but now I'm interested too. Thanks for bringing it up.
Who doesn't?

And balloons. These were from last month.

I did AQ's in '94 and it was absolutely awesome.

Met with my new PCP yesterday and suprising we saw eye to eye. She said nothing negative about my supplementing T unlike my last 3 visits. Actually listened about my dizziness, bradycardia, tachycardia, and BP. She finally agreed to send me to a cardiologist! Yeah, maybe they'll say the same thing as last time, I shouldn't be on a beta blocker.

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MRG, your new PCP sounds awesome! So glad you found her.

MBAustin, what amazing photos of the balloons! Thank you. And I'll bet that was a thrilling and inspirational experience just to be there.

Compared with other posts above, my life has been outstandingly placid and uneventful. That's not necessarily a bad thing. I like my peaceful retired life. :)

Still keeping an eye on Hurricane Michael as we always do when there is a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico, but it looks like New Orleans is completely "out of the woods" for this late season hurricane. I am hoping for the best for forum members and other residents further east and possibly in harm's way.

Getting excited about the SS 2019 COLA, which will be officially announced on Thursday. Rumors are 2.7% or 2.8% maybe? But I can hardly wait to see it "written in stone", so to speak. Even though my retirement is a bit over-funded, still, who doesn't get excited about a raise? :D
Flu shot and pneumonia shot in the left arm, shingrx (#1) in the right arm.

I've never had any reaction to any shots before, but I've never had three at one time either. Watching carefully to see how I feel in the morning!
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