What do you do all day after ER


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 9, 2010
We always have a reason to party down. :dance:

Cupcakes and Lemonade? I'm there!
During weekdays, I surf the net & trade until 1:00 pm Pacific time. I play or practice golf until 6. The rest is spent on many things - playing piano, learning French, gardening, reading, meditating, work around the house, ....

During weekends, I have no set pattern. I do whatever suits me.
As long as there's no muffin stumps.
Today - Early start on the golf course this morning then lunch at home. After lunch, an hour working on the landscaping in the side yard. I'll start some laundry in a minute and practice the harpsichord for an hour or so while I swap loads. Then it'll be time for exercises and dinner prep.

Not always this many activities, but when the golf round comes in under 3 hours it really opens up the day.
Today I started on the "re-invigorate the lawns" spring project.
It actually started several days ago, when I got all of my power equipment in order for the season, with oil changes, repairs, cleaning and sharpening, etc.
This morning at 9am (as early as I felt comfortable about firing up the edger), I cleaned up the borders on front and back lawns (probably 1200' of edging), then string trimmed all of the fence lines, borders, sidewalk edges, etc.
Then mowed for the first time this year, which led to a bit of weed pulling here and there.
Followed that up with blowing all of the paved areas, porch and steps, sidewalks, patio, etc., then hosing off the patio and porch.
Then I activated the sprinkler systems, tested all circuits, repaired and/or cut back overgrown grass on a bunch of pop-ups (probably 30 or more), and wet down all of the lawns.
Then I applied grub preventative to about 10,000 sq. ft. of grass, followed by weed & feed to same.
With all mowing, trimming, weeding and feeding and pest prevention done, I watered each circuit for an hour or more.
Then I got cleaned up, changed and ready for the Mon/Wed/Fri walking group that DW and I walk with two or three times a week.
We drove down to the riverside greenbelt and walked for an hour and a half or so, then DW and I walked into the nearby downtown for a fish & chips dinner at a favorite pub.
After dinner, we drove to the nursery to see if they had received a plant shipment yet.
Struck out on that, and drove home.
Now it is 7pm, and I am sitting down to rest for the first time today. It seems like I just got up and poured a cup of coffee a little while ago . . .

Tomorrow promises to deliver as much action, as do the rest of the days this week.
Then, Saturday, our daughter is flying in with our granddaughters, so we'll be extra busy for the following ten days.

I don't really know how I ever had time to work a 40+ hour job AND do the rest of what I need to do to be "living".
Glad to hear that I'm not alone doing "yard patrol"

Roundup, weed whacking and I'm going to try something new this year, salting the walkway. I roundup the weeds in front, but I don't want to sicken the dog in back and I read that salt will kill and prevent weeds from growing thru the bricks (cracks) in the walkways.

Which led to the new weed whacker after the old one sprayed gas all over me yesterday.

Tomorrow I hit it again!
Yes go for the cupcakes and lemonade. Stay for the great books warehousing an almost infinite collection of knowledge and ideas.
I'm not yet retired, but my daily plan would be

- meditate 30 min - 1 hour
- exercise for 1 hour in our clubhouse
- help DW cook if needed
- read some books
- watch my favorite TV show or take an afternoon nap
- take afternoon walks
- prepare dinner
- watch some more TV
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