What have you read recently? 2009 -2020

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I've read several of her books . I used to enjoy them but after awhile they all seem pretty similiar . I'm currently reading "My Life in France " by Julia Child and it is curing any insomnia I might have . The movie showed it sooo much better .

I recently saw the movie and have to say I enjoyed it immensely. I had never thought of Julia Child as being anything other than what was seen on her in the media. It really portrayed her as someone you would want to hang out with.
I'm reading the new Michael Connelly book "Nine Dragons " . A real page turner as most of his books are .
Started listening to "Speech-less: Tales of a White House Survivor" during our 2-hour drive to Thanksgiving dinner. Checked it out from our local library. On the third CD of 12. I'm finding it funny and entertaining. It's also scary since it describes politics from the inside.
Just finished Sue Grafton's U is for Undertow . It was a quick read that I could not put down . It was a little hard to follow since it kept of changing time periods but it certainly kept my attention and I would recommend it .
Moemg, I am reading the same book. I love the Kinsey Milhone series and had it pre-ordered on Amazon. Haven't finished yet, but it is living up to expectations.
Moemg, I am reading the same book. I love the Kinsey Milhone series and had it pre-ordered on Amazon. Haven't finished yet, but it is living up to expectations.

Her books are always a good read . I wonder what will happen at the end of the alphabet .
I really like the character of Grafton's Kensey. Will wait until the latest book is easily available in the library.

For November I read:
David Ignatius, The Increment -- CIA agent works with British MI6 agent + rich Lebonese business man to get Iran intelligence before US overreacts there

Daniel Silva, The Unlikely Spy -- German female deep cover agent in England tries to steal secrets of coming Allied invasion. British former professor now with MI5 works to stop the agents.

I liked Silva's book best. Hope I'm not giving away anything by letting you know that the Allies did win the war.
Thought that I would chime in on Julia Child's "My Life in France"

I just finished reading it and loved it (earlier poster mentioned it as a cure for insominia). The book made Julia Child seem like someone I would have liked if I had known her. My previous impressions of her had more to do with Dan Ackroyd than with anything she had done. It also motivated me to read "Julie and Julia" and while I didn't like it as well as "My Life in France" it was an interesting companion book. I plan to rent the DVD to see the movie.
Her books are always a good read . I wonder what will happen at the end of the alphabet .

I think once she gets thru the alphabet that will be it. I was reading an article a couple of weeks ago and it said that Sue Grafton is 69. So as she has another 5 letters to go and it seems to be at least 2 years between books, I'm just hoping she holds it together well enough to get thru to Z.
Thought that I would chime in on Julia Child's "My Life in France"

I just finished reading it and loved it (earlier poster mentioned it as a cure for insominia). The book made Julia Child seem like someone I would have liked if I had known her. My previous impressions of her had more to do with Dan Ackroyd than with anything she had done. It also motivated me to read "Julie and Julia" and while I didn't like it as well as "My Life in France" it was an interesting companion book. I plan to rent the DVD to see the movie.

I saw the movie first and then I read the book . The movie touched on a lot of aspects of the book but in a more fun way . I am usually disappointed if I see the movie first and then read the book whereas if I read the book and then see the movie I enjoy it better .
For December I read:

Deborah Crombie, A Finer End -- mysticism in Glastonbury is underlying theme. Kinkaid is asked by his cousin to investigate a case of lady vicar hurt by hit-and-run driver. Not sure I like the authors total embrace of mysticism but she is a good writer.

C. J. Sansom, Revelation -- a serial killer is loose and Shardlake is tasked by Archbishop Cranmer to find the killer. Henry VIII has designs on Catherine Parr to be queen #6. Good historical fiction, well researched I think! This is the 4th book in his Shardlake series with the first book being Dissolution.

P.S. Goal for 2010 is to read two fiction novels per month, as long as it's fun :). Happy New Year to all!
I just got "Digging to America " by Ann Tyler . Her boooks are usually quirky and I like that .I also got "THe Help" by Katherine stockett and for real light reading I have Plum Lucky by Janet Evanovich . Her books are a hoot especially if you ever spent time in New Jersey .
I am currently in the middle of a series of books by the author
Bernard Cornwell

These are very entertaining reads. I have already completed
The Archer's Tale (The Grail Quest, Book 1) and am currently in the middle of Vagabond (The Grail Quest, Book 2) The
Heretic will round out the series.
I just finished reading Shy Boy: The Horse That Came in from the Wild by Monty Roberts. A heartwarming and true story. For any of you that want a pony (like I do! :D), I think you'd enjoy the book. At least half of it is absolutely exquisite photography.
I'm reading Still Alice, by Lisa Genova... and I haven't been able to put it down all day. It has touched on one of my deep-seated fears, early onset Alzheimer's. The fictional story is about a Harvard professor (Alice) who is diagnosed at age 50. Note that on Amazon's reviews, the book gets a solid 5-star rating from 298 reviews! So far, it does not disappoint. Amazon.com: Still Alice (9781439102817): Lisa Genova: Books
Finished The Kite Runner yesterday, now reading:
- The Road - Cormac Mccarthy
- How the Mind Works - Steve Pinker
- The Battle for God - Karen Armstrong
- Dark Paradise - Tami Hoag (got to read fluff sometimes too)
I read 90 Minutes in Heaven, The Shack and the Twilight series. I just started Boom! Voices of the Sixties by Tom Brokaw.
I just finished Michael Connelly's The Brass Verdict. What a pleasure. I got two more Laura Lippman books out of the library.
I am just about finished with Robert Wilson's middle book of his Africa series with Bruce Medway as the protagonist, Blood Is Dirt. I like all his books, unfortunately I have only one more to read before he is tapped out, at least so far.

Yes, that was also good -- not that I remember what happened in it.
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