What Holding R U Considering Giving Up On ?

What I sold

:cool:Back in January I sold all my Exxon and British Petroleum as it had clearly seen better days...I bought these when the crash occurred in 2007. Never had seen Exxon at $50 before!!
I sold all my pot stocks along with the oil stocks, MJ, Aphria and Canopy Growth. Should have done it sooner but I got greedy, what a human foible that is ;-)
During one of the bounces this month, I unloaded a water ETF, PHO, that never did anything.
OHI, the only health stock that has done terribly.
BAC and DIS went too.
Got rid of VPU, a utility ETF and VNG, real estate, also never did very well. I might rebuy those last two on the way up but I only had less than $10 k worth of them anyway.
My big funds like Growth Fund of America, Capital Income Builder and a lot of VG funds since I switched to VG last 15 years, you will have to pry out of my cold dead hands before I even THINK about getting out of them!!!
Yeah, been thinking about where to buy for the recovery too. While I think the US will fare better than most on the way down, it seems like keeping funds in the Asian and Far East markets may make sense as they may be the first to recover, yes?
I'm close to giving up on my international equity funds... they were always a question mark in my mind but have performed poorly during this crisis.

I was feeling the same way about international equity. On the other hand maybe international is a better bargain with the dollar at record highs, could be an opportunity to add a little. No way of knowing so I'm not going to give up on it.
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I can understand people souring on international because they've been behind for so long. But during a crisis, I usually throw all observations out the window if there are only a few 1's of points separating two different assets. With +/- 5-10% daily changes in most stock index funds, it's pretty tough to say definitively that something is underperforming something else vs. noise.

+1 The time, if ever, to give up on something is when the market is behaving somewhat more rationally, not during a crisis.
Not giving up on any holdings. Most I have held for so long that I would still be paying capital gains tax on them even at their current level.

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